
作者&投稿:拓府 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


whoever sticks to his work为一个指人的主语从句,即“任何一个对其工作坚持不懈的人”。
不过,楼主可以记住这样的变化规则:如果whoever/whomever/whatever引导名词性从句(含主语从句/宾语从句/表语从句/同位语从句)时,whoever = anybody who,whomever = anybody whom,而whatever = anything that.
这样的话,宾语从句的主语whoever sticks to his work则理解为:anybody (who sticks to his work).
此时就非常容易理解了,who sticks to his work为定语从句,修饰先行词anybody,即anybody who sticks to his work翻译为“任何一个对其工作坚持不懈的人”。
如果用anybody做宾语从句的主语,宾语从句主干为anybody will succeed one day的话,则sticks to his work就无法与该句主干连接,因为做定语从句主语的关系词who(who sticks to his work修饰anybody)是不能省略的。
如果直接把anybody sticks to his work视为宾语从句的主语(从句),则此主语从句不缺少任何成分,必须用that放在该主语从句句首,且that不可以省略。而且就算that可以省略,则anybody sticks to his work这样的主语从句指的是一件事情,而不是指人,总不能说“某事总有一天会成功的”吧?



1. 不定式:目的和结果状语,
2. 分词:时间、原因、条件和伴随方式状语

前置:To enable the students to return to their classrooms, the retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in yushu.
后置:The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in yushu to enable the students to return to their classrooms.


The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in yushu, enableing the students to return to their classrooms.



enabling在分词表原因,相当于原因状语从句,若用To enable 表目的,一般放在句首,我是这样理解的!呵呵


因为逗号把整个句子分成两个分句,而to enable如果要用在这句话中的话,则要把后面的分句提前,改成:To enable the students to return to their classrooms,the retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in yushu.

enabling在分词表原因,相当于原因状语从句,若用To enable 表目的。

如果不提前也行,可以改成:The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in yushu to enable the students return to their classrooms.因为原句在students之后有个to,相当于是把enable提前了,所以不能用to enable

本句容易出现选A.brave; in的错误,误以为 brave与前面的made并列做表语。理清句子的结构是解答本题的关键。5. A. with; to get along 本句较易。 “be generous with sth.”是个固定短语,“对某物很大方,慷慨”的意思。而后一个空选不定式 to get along 与前半句的“likes to get along...

C是错误的。首先,我们可以判断这是整个句子是一个复合句,本题考的是引导词的选择。A,B, D都可以用来引导从句,只有C不可以。或者说是不可以单独使用,但我们可以在no matter后加wh-词一起引导状语从句,如no matter what \/ which \/who \/ where\/ when \/how...= whatever \/ whichever\/ ...

C Passengers (who had been) injured in the traffic accident were ...在那次交通事故中受伤的乘客被匆匆送到附近的医院。此句中,were rushed才是谓语动词 injured是非谓语动词,是过去分词,表示被动和完成,作定语,可以改写成上面的定语从句。其余几个选项:injuring表示主动和正在进行,与句子意思...

Next to biology, I like physics ___ .A. better B. best C. the better D. very well 答: 参考答案有误,此题答案应为B 译:(在所有的课程中),我最喜欢物理,仅次于生物。析:这题比较少见。题句中确实只提及两门课程,但实际上并不是在两门课程中作比较。如果是两者相比,...

第2份 高中20道英语选择题 50分求助 拜谢
30 This book had five before it was actually published.A. revision B. revisions C. edition D. addition 此书出版前修订了5次。本题答案:B. revisions 31. She is very possessive mother.A. the B. \\ C. an D. a 本题答案:D. a 32. However, at times...

选C。what you are supposed to do是主语从句,而且引导词在从句中作宾语,that和when都不可以,所以A、B排除。is后面是表语,应该用to change不定式的,这里to省略了。具体用法是:当主语部分有动词do的某种形式时,用作表语的不定式可以省略to。如:What you first do is (to) mix the egg with...

B. 为正解 因为全句的意思是说: 当John 回来的时候,他发现他挂在椅子上的包不见了。He found the bag was gone. 是他要说的意思。在完成时态里had done sth 是个固定搭配,所以had 后面一定是left 而不能是to do 所以D 排除。而这里“hang”是用来修饰包的状态,the bag was hanging ...

选D,但楼上的瞎说。这句话的意思是:Tom的妈妈发现Tom很令人失望,应为他从来不做家庭作业 所以选D,disappointing是令人失望的

英语高中的一道选择题检举 | 16 分钟前提问者: nqr1109 | 悬赏分:10 | 浏览次数:22次 The magnetically levitated train has---public transportation between the urban area and the rural area\/ A made convenient B made it convenient C made it easy D been made easy 为什么选A不选B,...

答案是B,怎么不是A呢? (好像D也蛮通的)remain有保持的意思啊,e.g:remain your goal保持你的目标,remain exactly the same保持完全一样?答:本题考词的用法。你不要只记别人为你准备好的词的中文意思,要注意其词性和用法。最好有双解词词典。如:remain 有不及物用法表示“留下来”,...

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语选择题 An exhibition of paintings - __ - at the museum next week. -
闾沫奥万:[选项] A. are to be held B. is to be held C. are holding D. will hold 请详细说出做题根据,谢谢!

沙县15888396157: 看一道高中英语选择题 -
闾沫奥万: 答案:D.解释:1. 答句为含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句.根据状语从句时态的“主将从现”原则,主句应该使用一般将来时,排除AB;2. 但是楼主要注意if从句中的had,表明其使用了虚拟语气.所以根据相关语法,主句的谓语构成应该是“would do sth”.所以答案为D.3. 即:so would you if you had a high fever= you would (also) look hot and dry if you had a big fever so would you表示不同的主语有着相同的(肯定的)情况,即“你和Ann一样,也会看起来口干舌燥的样子”.

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语选择题 - ---I'm going to the post office.Do you have any letters - ___ - ? - ---Please help me send this letter. -
闾沫奥万:[选项] A. post B. to post C. to be posted D. posting 选哪个?为什么?

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语选择题 ——I hope you don'tmind me asking,()where did you buy these shoes? ——Online. -
闾沫奥万:[选项] A. so B. but C. and D. yet 简单说下理由.

沙县15888396157: 高中英语:看一道选择题 -
闾沫奥万: D为正确答案1.第一空为虚拟语气,意为“我希望我能去”而实际上去不了2.第二空考察动词的时态.“按照规矩,每周的那一天都要去乡下看母亲”所以要用一般现在时

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语单选题 请给出答案并解析 Have you seen the opera ( ) in the People's Theatre? - -Not yet,but I have bought a ticket for tomorrow. -
闾沫奥万:[选项] A. perform B. to be performed C. performing D. being ferformed

沙县15888396157: 看下这道高中英语单选题After being turned down several times,the young man felt - ___ - at the thought of looking any further for jobs.A) embarrassed B) ... -
闾沫奥万:[答案] B) disappointed 是对的 feel/be disappointed at 对.失望,是固定搭配,而英语中其它选项都没有这个用法.

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语选择题(The parents are) The parents are forced to - __ - the money to pay a huge ransom for their kidnapped daughter's freedom -
闾沫奥万:[选项] A. devote B. throw away C. dish out D. offer 为什么?

沙县15888396157: 一道高中英语选择题(Silk from China)Silk from China found its way over land along Silk Road to India ,the Middle East and Rome ,___ - spices and glassA.in ... -
闾沫奥万:[答案] B in trade for做生意而交换

沙县15888396157: 看一道高中英语单选题 -
闾沫奥万: 1. 此句为一般现在时,而且主语为一个动名词短语Choosing a major in university,所以其谓语动词必须使用第三人称单数形式.2. 而probably只是一个副词,此时表明decide为该句谓语,其三单形式为decides,所以错误;3. 而用perhaps not to的话,perhaps也是一个副词,而后面直接是不定式的否定结构not to decide,它也不能做句子的谓语.4. 所以只有答案does not decide可以做此句的谓语,且为否定句.

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