
作者&投稿:塞汤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The existence of accounting and development, in addition to the socio-economic environment by the impact, but also by the information processing technology constraints. The advent of the computer and its accounting has revealed that the application of information technology to deal with the enormous impact of accounting. However, the current computerized accounting information system is also the main stay in the traditional accounting model is solved by hand to deal with the poor cumbersome, as well as timeliness. Humanity is now entering the era of knowledge economy, more and more of the emerging high-tech has been or will be on socio-economic aspects of life have an enormous impact

all the students of Class 10,Grade 2, please pay attention!at 7:30p.m.there will be a meeting about the final examination on the second floor of the meeting room.every student should take a piece of papaer and a pen to take down notes. no one is allowed to be absent.


答: 这段话在生活中还是非常常用的,当我们想要为别人指路的时候,我们都可以学习这个表达。下面我们来逐个分析。比如说2号线地铁,就可以说 Metro line to.往某个方向就可以说 to place。下车下地铁等可以用短语 Get off表示。所以整个翻译结果可以是Take Metro Line 2 to Chiwan and get off at ...

A:hi,judy,现在有时间吗,我们讨论一下下周安排10位英国人来北京旅行的事情怎么样?A: hi, Judy, have time now? And we discuss next week to arrange 10 British travel Beijing of things?B:好的,我正想找你一起来讨论呢。B: good, I'm just looking for you to discuss together?A:...

[手工翻译]您好!首先,非常感谢您百忙之中抽出宝贵时间与我进行交流。就在与您交流的过程中,您就为我打开了一扇成功与希望之门,希望我是能够助您在激烈的市场竞争与知识经济的大潮中所需的综合型跨世纪人才。Dear Sire,First of all, I feel great appreciate that you can spare your time to ...

I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.我喜欢过简单的每一天,但是有时我却感觉到..I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.我希望找到一个属于我的小地方,我现在要去知道这个地方.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what ar...

有没有好心人帮我翻译一下下面的这段 话啊 万分感谢! 中国人是很重视...
我想,这大概是出于一种生存需要吧。As far as I'm concerned, may be it is the result of physiological needs.如果一种文化把吃看成首要的事,那么就会出现两种现象:If there is a culture which regard eating as the most important thing, then there will produce two phenomena:一方面会把...

翻译失当之处,还请不吝指出!1、Be responsible for checking and confirming the daily receiving and paying business and register journals.2、Draw up and review the accounting vouchers, check the authenticity of the original vouchers and the completeness or adequateness of the procedure.3...

这段话用英语翻译:On the new journey of your life, I feel it necessary to remind everyone that entering the university is the result of your efforts yesterday. In the next four years, I hope you can make full use of the rich resources needed for the success of the ...

Nice to meet everybody。My name is luo min yi ,English name is show。I am 12 years old. And my hobby is dance. I am study at the experiment school,class nine grade five. Today,I standing here ,thank for my teacher of cc give me a change .I want to use the great ...


您好 翻译为:It's my pleasure to recommend you a book I like. My favorite book is biography of famous people by Roman Rowland. Here are my reasons for recommending this book.First of all, this book tells about three famous people in the world: Beethoven, Michelangelo, Tolstoy,...

南昌市17065954767: 下面这段话怎么翻译 -
匡悦牛磺: 有个国度叫“遂明国”,没有四时之分,更没有昼夜之别,在它的国度里有种火树,名为“遂木”,树冠屈盘,广覆万顷.

南昌市17065954767: 怎么翻译下面这段话? -
匡悦牛磺: 没有执照,表达或暗示, 由禁止反言或其它的,到任何的知识产权被这一份文件允许

南昌市17065954767: 英语翻译下面这段话,用英文怎么说呀?:"想象有两个世界,一个世界中有你,一个世界中没有你,让两者的difference最大,这就是你一生的意义." -
匡悦牛磺:[答案] Imaging there are two worlds,one world with you but another not.letting the two worlds have biggest difference and this is your lives valueable.

南昌市17065954767: 翻译下面这段话 -
匡悦牛磺: 按照事情的发展顺序来划分段落 开端 发展 高潮 结尾

南昌市17065954767: 英语翻译下面的一段话用英语怎么翻译?[其实,曾经我和你有相同的感受,但是,我们必须明白,知道是创造财富的捷径,所以,我希望你能静下心来,现... -
匡悦牛磺:[答案] Actually, you and I once had the same feeling. But we should understand that knowledge is the shortcut to creating wealth.

南昌市17065954767: 怎么用英语翻译下面这段话:(请不要用翻译软件)在各方都有损失的现在,我们希望各方都能共同努力,共渡难关,希望通过这件事,我们将在市场环境好... -
匡悦牛磺:[答案] Since both of your company and mine have suffer some lost,we hope everybody can overcome the embarrasment together.And we hope we can cooperate more closely in the future when market environment is be...

南昌市17065954767: 下面这段话怎么翻译啊?
匡悦牛磺: leave not your weeping as it were but a rose that fades and dies,but sow a smile to remember her in the garden where she lies!

南昌市17065954767: 急:怎么把下面一段话翻译成英文 -
匡悦牛磺: 翻译如下:As a industry of service, commercial banks have played a more and more important role in the economical society. As a result, improving the service quality and servicing the public have become the crucial factors in the development of ...

南昌市17065954767: 英语翻译下面这段话,阳光透过窗户,照在红色的花瓣上,把房间映得红红的.在英文中怎么表达.英文中有这样的表达手法么. -
匡悦牛磺:[答案] The sunshine passes the window, shining on the red petals of flowers, reflectting the room with bright red light.

南昌市17065954767: 如何翻译下面这段话? -
匡悦牛磺: 由于 ARA 约束,有有限制的空间关于对分享比训练,因此我们不能够保证一个地方. 然而计划适当地是让来自预科而资深的学校的学生一整年有品酒师会议.

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