
作者&投稿:盖谭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. I think the story is (boring). 对括号里的内容提问
—What— —do— you —think— —of— the story?
这次考试持续了两小时。The exam lasted (for)two hours.
A red flag (flies ) in the wind.
Now —to— —buy— —things— online is more and more popular.
When the students meet,they must —say— hello —to— —each— —other—.

1.他决定放弃学钢琴He decided to giv up studying paino
2.抄写课文copying the text
3.它还是值得买的It's worth buying
4.忙于摘棉花is busy picking cotton
5.接着他继续写信 he went on to write his letter.
6.禁止在此停车mustn't stop cars here
7.如果你坚持说英语If you isist on speaking English
8.拒绝跳过石头墙refused to jump over the stone wall
9.他们不得不推迟举办运动会they had to put off having the sports meeting.
10.阻止那个男孩爬树prevent the boy climbing the tree

1.A work out:解决(问题\难题等)
2.D 现在分词做状语,否定词NOT放在现在分词前;what to do做knowing的宾语。
3.C 被动语态的用法
4.B 本题考查虚拟语气,对将来假设用would+do,此处又用了情态动词have to加强语气。
5.C be looking forward to (doing) sth:期望(做)某事,to为介词,所以后面要用名词类的词
6.C speed up:加速,固定搭配。
7.D 此处考查定语从句,因为从句my grandfather grew up in后面有介词
8.B modernize使现代化,为及物动词。
9.C 此处appreciate:感谢,thank for与之意思相同。
10.A concentrate:集中,focus与之同意。
12.C suggest做建议的意思来讲的时候,宾语从句中谓语部分为(should)+动词原形,should可以省略。
13.D whatever I said:无论我说什么。
14.C 此处found不是find的过去式或者过去分词,而是动词原形,意思为成立,建立,founded in 1636为过去分词短语,做Harvard University的定语。
15.C stronger and stronger:越来越强大,形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级,表示越来越......
16.A 将来完成时
17.D what you have written做宾语,为宾语从句。
18.C 虚拟语气,be用were
19.A followed by his son过去分词短语,表被动含义,做伴随状语。
20.C apply for:申请,请求





1. It took Jane a whole hour to ____A__ ____ this difficult problem.
A. work out B. work at C. work in D. work over
2. __D __ , he kept silent.
A. Knowing not what to do B. Not knowing to do what
C. Knowing not to do what D. Not knowing what to do
3. The government organizational reform ___C___ in 1998.
A. carried out B. carry out C. was carried out D. carries out
4. Without the customers, we ___B______ have to close our doors.
A. will B. would C. must D. could
5. My sisters are looking forward to ___C_____ a trip to the United States next month.
A. make B. be making C. making D. have made
6. Over the past few years, the postal enterprises have been speeded _C__.
A. on B. for C. up D. with
7. The village ____D_____ my grandfather grew up in is not far from the town.
A. what B. where C. wherever D. which
8. They want to ___B____ the factory.
A. modern B. modernize C. modernization D. model
9. Thank you for calling. I really appreciate it.*(C)
A. like B. enjoy C. thank for D. admire
10. We must concentrate our efforts on developing their reading skills.(A)
A. focus B. display C. insist D. cast
11. A: What’s your address?
B: _________D______
A. P. R. China B. Tiyu St. 318
Hebei, Shijiazhuang, 050021 Hebei, Shijiazhuang, 050021
Tiyu St. 318 P. R. China
C. 318, Tiyu St. D. 318, Tiyu St.
Hebei, Shijiazhuang, 050021 Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021
P. R. China P. R. China
12. The doctor suggested she _C__ a two-week rest before going back to work.
A. takes B. took C. take D. taking
13. He wouldn’t give up his attempt ______D_____ I said.
A. whichever B. wherever C. whoever D. whatever
14. Harvard University,____C___ in 1636, is one of the oldest universities in the United States.
A. find B. found C. founded D. founding
15. Our country is getting (C) .
A. strong and stronger B. stronger and strong
C. stronger and stronger D. strong and strong
16. By the end of this year, ______A______ a lot about English.
A. we’ll have learned B. we have learned
C. we are learning D. we’ll learn
17. Please show me ___D__ you have written.
A. that B. which C. as D. what
18. If I ( C ) you, I would not do it.
A. was B. am C. were D. be
19.The old man walked in the street, __A __.
A. followed by his son B. followed his son
C. and following his son D. following by his son
20. About 200 persons __C_____ for the job, but only one of them got it.
A. claimed B. requested C. applied D. demanded



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when用的范围要比while广 while的语义比较特殊,一般指前后动作同时进行(一般都是持续性动作),也就是常用进行时 而这里可以用上面的思维理解,也可以用下面的这个 be going to do when这是个固定句型,表示“刚要。。。就。。。”以上~

A.bring B.bringing C.brings D.have brought 答:C 析:本题考主谓一致。如果能找到主语,就一下子做出来了。此句简化一下就是sth. brings A and B together for C sth. = the traditional pattern of classroom teaching at the colleges and universities 为主语,其中the colleges...

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宗圣璧恩复: 仅供参考 一.填入下列对话中的所缺单词. Is he ___an____English boy? Yes.His sister is____a____Chinese girl. 二.根据例句,把下列句子变成复数. Example:This woman is very hard-working. These women are very hard-working. 1.is that coat ...

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宗圣璧恩复: 不好意思,不可以改为I don't have cooked the dinner.你听过有人跟你说“我没有还做饭”的吗?在cook 后面加ed,与前面have not 相接表示完成时.意思是,我还没有做饭.have 可以改为had 或did,但要结合具体语境,若改为had,则为“i had not cooked the dinner”,“我(过去的那个时候)还没有做饭”,若改为did,则为:“i did not cook the dinner”,意思是,我没有做饭.用have /had 含有将要去做的意思,而用did则是一般陈述.

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宗圣璧恩复: be different from on vacation Our sports meeing is coming soon. They have a good/wonderful/nice/great time at the party. 最后一个句子,也可以说成:They have fun at the party.

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宗圣璧恩复: 1.-I want to see a film.Would you like to go with me?-I'd love to,but i have ___B____ time.A.don't some B.no C.not2.she washes her face ___A____getting up in the morning...

蒙山县18812386245: 几道简单的英语题.
宗圣璧恩复: 1.The panda is from China. 2.Is your friend English? 3. I have no boxes here.望采纳,谢谢

蒙山县18812386245: 一些简单的英语题
宗圣璧恩复: ei: face,lace,day,late,awake 不发:arm,at,all,afternoon

蒙山县18812386245: 一些..很简单的英语题
宗圣璧恩复: does he have a long nose do they have big eyes no,they don't my brother doesn't have a bike yes she does

蒙山县18812386245: 简单的英语题~ -
宗圣璧恩复: 1. The students don't play the sports.2. My father has a white car.3. Well, let's play volleyball. 或者,Let's play volleyball well. 注:volleyball前应该有the4. Does Monica...

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