people often talk about how

作者&投稿:仪宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 人们总在讨论如何才是健康.但是我觉得我们最需要讨论的是食物.如果我们想变得更健康,我们需要摄取充足的食物.特别是干净的熟食.还要是正确的食物.
面包对我们来说是不好的东西.给与我们工作的能量.也在冷天里提供了足够的热量.但是如果我们不去吃其他种类的东西只仅仅摄食单一的食物, 身体会受不了甚至会生病.肉,鱼,蛋和牛奶都对我们很好.帮助我们生长和保持健康的身体.所以我们每天都必须要选择不同种类的食物来搭配.

蒸湘区13515239154: ...(不少于80个字)人们经常谈论计算机.它非常有用,并且成为许多人生活中最重要的部分之一,一些人认为.,另一些人认为.,你认为呢?people ,often,talk... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 人们经常谈论计算机.它非常有用,并且成为许多人生活中最重要的部分之一,一些人认为.,另一些人认为.,你认为呢? People often talk about the computer. It is very usefulness. It has been became a important part of many people's life. Some ...

蒸湘区13515239154: 英语翻译People often talk how to be healthy .But I think the most important thing we should talk about is food .If we want to be healthy,we must have eaough food.... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 人们总在讨论如何才是健康.但是我觉得我们最需要讨论的是食物.如果我们想变得更健康,我们需要摄取充足的食物.特别是干净的熟食.还要是正确的食物. 很多人都能够摄取足够的食物.我们都知道吃东西是为了填饱肚子.所以如果我们吃了一盘米饭,...

蒸湘区13515239154: 英语翻译(一) People often talk about healthy children.They want to know how to help children keep healthy.If you are healthy,you body works well,and you can ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] (一) People often talk about healthy children.They want to know how to help children keep healthy.If you are healthy,you body works well,and you can do all the things you want to do.Parents only ask the children to have healthy meals.But children can ...

蒸湘区13515239154: 根据首字母填空 速度People often talk about children's health. They want to know how to help children keep h___.If you are healthy ,your body works well,and you... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] healthy things fruit different nutritious often water best else

蒸湘区13515239154: 完形填空:people often plant tree in spring.___begins in june.the weather is very__..but sometimes it rains a - _.many people like swimming at the pool .... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] summer,hot ,lot ,after ,cold

蒸湘区13515239154: A.Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示)In Englandpeople often talk about the weather.They can have four seasons in one day.Inthe morning ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 【答案】 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟. -----------与君共勉-----------

蒸湘区13515239154: 英语翻译In England,people often talk about the weather because they can experience four seasons in one day.In the morning the weather is warm just like in ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 在英格兰,人们经常谈论天气,因为他们一天可能体验到四季的气候.早上天气温暖像春天.1小时后就会出现乌云,雨下得很大.天气开始有点冷.下午天气将变得晴朗,阳光会很强,这将是一天中夏季.在英格兰,人们还能在冬天中感受...

蒸湘区13515239154:,and you?” they often talk about the weather.The reason for this is not simply that their weather is interesting and changeable but that the English people ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 1-5 ACBBC

蒸湘区13515239154: In England people often talk about the ( A ) - ____ - because they can experience four seasons in one ( B ) - ____ - In the morning the weather is warm just like ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 1 . weather; day 2 . There; sun 3 . at this time of the day 4 . people ( in England ) 5 . notice: often ...

蒸湘区13515239154: 完形填空   In England people often talk about the - 1 - because you can experience( 经历 ) four seasons in - 2 - day. In the morning the weather is warm ... -
啜胡代芳:[答案] 1 . C 本题主要考查上下句理解 .根据下文 可知,在英国人们经常谈论的是 weather ,故选 C . 2 . D 本题主要考查冠词用法.首先去掉不合题意的 B 项.比较 A 、 D , a; one 均表示“一”, one 表示...

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