看海伦凯勒电影的观后感要英文的 急急急

作者&投稿:黎常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Helen Keller" this article is a touching story, when I finished reading this article, and benefited a lot. This story tells the story of America's blind LongNv writers, educator Helen. Keller cry of a bumpy. When Helen one and a half when a mischief hasft wings made her lost instinct, ever since then, the small Helen and hai world, but she doesn't have to fate and yield. In the teacher's careful guidance, she learned with finger "talk", and also mastered five languages. 24 years old when she again graduate with excellent results so famous harvard college qualicoat good college... From then on, she put all your energies throw to world blind and acquired many government and colleges praise and reward. A blind man have made so great achievement is how amazing! If Helen succumb to unfortunate fate, then she will become a poor and foolish dodger. However, she has no head to fate, she with amazing explosive force, indomitable spirit, walked the road of life, for human made great contributions, become a knowledgeable, make whole of respect. Helen's life was extraordinary, she gave people a great encouragement, so that those who idling people very regret. Remember Helen had put forward so problem: "if your eyes are going to tomorrow blindness, you today to see?" It makes me understand a reason: we healthy people, not hesitate, not idle away our time, we should treasure the good times, cherish this wonderful life.



Watching the Helen Keller movie, I surging, I be Helen made such a big achievement, that kind of toughness, be Helen shocked by his spirit bumpy moved.

The film tells the story of Helen Keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost valuable listening and vision, so she became a deaf, dumb, and blind severe disabled. She doesn't like normal person study, the life, but Helen Keller in teacher Anne's help, her overcome her sick. Learn to use hand "talk", and mastered English, French, German, Latin, Greece five kinds of words, In her 24 years old, she graduate with excellent results in the famous Harvard University, it completely changed keller life.

See the film, gave me great comprehend: a deaf and dumb people can have made so great achievement, how surprising. If Helen Keller had succumbed to unfortunate fate, then it will become a poor YuWei "parasites". But she didn't head to fate, she with amazing perseverance, indomitable spirit, carvered wonderful life path.

Helen is a disabled, but her mind is key just and free, longing for the future, she himwith a single indomitable heart, created a miracle in human history, and with lovingkindness hands holding the world of the disabled. She is our pride, our example. Helen's life, are tough, will give to us great encouragement, so that those who idling people very regret. Helen unyielding life, not only gives us a lot of enlightenment: we these healthy people, not away your youth, we should treasure this beautiful life, cherish the happiness of life. Don't wait for lost regret it, then already too late.

From Helen Keller body, I realized profoundly: a person will achieve, is not the condition quality, but in any struggle and progressive spirit. Had a target, just have the power, for this goal, will certainly encounter all sorts of difficulties, but as long as we march forward courageously, we will overcome all the difficulties and achieving brilliant achievements.



海伦自幼就有一个伟大的愿望,那就要建立一个盲人基金会。考取大学后,她就一直在为创造基金会奔波,在她的生命里最美好就是助人。和海伦凯勒相比,我是渺小的。我没有她惊人的意志,没有她那美好的憧憬。在我身上,更多的是独生子女的缺点:脆弱,怕累, 碰到困难总想躲避。 读了《海伦凯勒自传》我完全进入了她的世...

电影 海伦凯勒 精彩片段

海伦凯勒的励志电影是《奇迹的缔造者》。《奇迹的缔造者》是2000年上映的美国剧情电影,由娜迪亚·泰斯导演。卢卡斯·布莱克,海莉·凯特·爱森伯格主演。该片讲述了既聋又哑的盲童海伦·凯勒的成长故事。海伦(海莉·凯特·爱森伯格 Hallie Kate Eisenberg 饰)自幼便没有视力和听力,自然也不通 语言,...

但西方历史教科书往往褒扬海伦·凯勒早年与疾病抗争的故事,而其成年后作为一名社会主义者的事实被故意忽略了。在《老师告诉我的那些谎言-美国历史教科书犯下的错误》[3]一书中曾提到这一点。 海伦·凯勒的主要作品有《假如给我三天光明》[4]、《我的生活》、《我的老师》等。海伦·凯勒一生一共写了14部著作。

我倒完水便又摸索着回到了座位,摘下 蒙在眼睛上的布,顿时眼前很亮,这种感觉很像刚看完一场电影从 电影厅出来时的感觉。体会完了盲人,我很敬佩海伦凯勒的精神,她虽然是个残疾人,却有这样不屈不挠的精神,写出了很多优秀的 文章。这种不屈不挠的奋斗精神值得我们每个人学习。

2000年也拍过一部,与1962年同名。都叫《The Mirical Worker》。也译作:奇迹缔造者\/海伦凯勒\/热泪心声 我试着在网上找下载地点,(因为英语课需要),可是只找到了62年版的……后来老师在课上给我们放了2000年彩色的那个版本,色彩鲜明,小女孩非常可爱~》《~"很想再看一次,只是遍寻不着啊,bt...


影片根据真实事件改编而成,美国南北战争中,有一支由白人率领的黑人兵团“麻州第五十四兵团”,在南方的查尔斯坦战役中写下了光辉的一页。 3、海伦凯勒 本片讲述一个坚持就是胜利的经典励志故事。本片是以身受三层痛苦,成长后为社会福利做出巨大贡献的海伦·凯勒少女时代的真实故事。很感人,但并非赏心悦目的题材。两...

南开区17015636157: 看海伦凯勒电影的观后感要英文的 急急急 -
照念重组: Watching the Helen Keller movie, I surging, I be Helen made such a big achievement, that kind of toughness, be Helen shocked by his spirit bumpy moved.The film tells the story of Helen Keller in her birth nineteen months time, because of illness, lost...

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照念重组: "Helen Keller" this article is a touching story, when I finished reading this article, and benefited a lot. This story tells the story of America's blind LongNv writers, educator Helen. Keller cry of a bumpy. When Helen one and a half when a mischief ...

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南开区17015636157: 看了海伦凯勒的观后感 -
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南开区17015636157: 《假如给我三天光明》 英语读后感 300字左右初级大学英语文章.《假如给我三天光明》海伦凯勒只有一个要求,要网上搜索不到的. 谢谢了!只要达到要... -
照念重组:[答案] 《假如给我三天光明》英语读后感: three days to see Recently,I read Helen Keller's autobiography "If I give a bright day," I am emotionally. "If I give a bright day," a book in between the lines,all filled with Helen.Qin Kai's passion for life,she's warm ...

南开区17015636157: 急求海伦凯勒的假如给我3天光明读后感,英文的! -
照念重组: Helen Keller was badly ill after she was born. She lost her beautiful voice, and she couldn't see or hear at all. To her, to own a world like other people was a dream that could never come true

南开区17015636157: 找英语作文,关于海伦凯勒! -
照念重组: Helen Keller Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can't see and she can't hear." Her mother and father were very sad . ...

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