
作者&投稿:张严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Hello Mrs.xxx, on behalf of the school of yyy I sincerely apologize for our negligence that has resulted in the damage of your daugher/son's health. As recompense, we are prepared to offer hua straight As as final grades. Please contact us to further discuss the severity of the situation, preferredly by phone rather than email or letters as the latter ones are hugely slow and inconvenient. Thank you and have a great day.
the dean

Ladies and gentlemen,
Will you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?A recent survey from our class meeting shows that eighty percent of the students think they are sure to help the old fallen down on the street because saving life is first things first. Fifteen percent of the students say whether they help or not depends on the circumstances. However, five percent hold the view that the old shouldn’t be helped. Why not? First, they lack the knowledge of first aid, not knowing how to deal with the situation. Second, they are afraid of getting into trouble.
In my opinion, we should help each other, especially the old people. Please remember “respect the old” is one of our best traditions. Everyone will become old, and if such a case occurs to us one day when we’re old, I will say I do need your help. Thank you!



如果你扶起一位摔倒的老人,送他去医院,并受到了别人的称赞,这时就会产生一种良好的道德体验感,今后还会不断地做好事。培养孩子的孝顺之心同样如此。所以,父母平时要试着让孩子为家里做点事,并及时称赞孩子,这其实也是在培养孩子的感恩之心。行为7:自己不孝顺 父母生你养你,为你的成长付出了...

《扶不扶》的幽默搞笑直入人心,真情流露拨动心弦,触动这我幼小的心灵。 路上看见摔倒的老人你扶不扶?看完这个小品后我曾问过身边几乎同龄的朋友,或许是看过太多的案例,到头来不仅好人惹上了官司,可能也会落得个不道德名号,很多人斩钉截铁地说"不扶"。在没有充足的证据前提下,冒然扶起一位摔倒的老人,其结果...


问题三:老年人摔倒扶不扶起的思想评论作文 老人摔倒不被扶起事件,在我们 身边发生的已经不是一件两件了,为 什么面对摔倒的老人公众会如此冷漠 的视而不见,不肯出手相助呢?这其 中存在着深层的道德原因。 老人摔倒没人扶与摔倒的的老人 不无关系。被扶起的老人里,有些道 德水平低下。之前发生的讹人事件 里...



为什么老人摔倒之后被人扶起,喜欢讹人呢?与家庭和自身修养有关系。如果在一个儿女不是很孝顺的环境中,他会担心子女的责怪和医疗费用问题。如果子女给他一个安稳的生活,他是不会这样做的。老人为什么要讹人 你好 老人摔倒讹人的直接原因——道德底线被冲击 1、看病就需要钱,如果像你说的老人看得开...


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