
作者&投稿:彘项 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #英语资源# 导语】第16届夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会(Games of the XVI Paralympiad),即2020年东京残奥会,是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性残疾人奥林匹克赛事,于2021年8月24日开幕,9月5日闭幕。以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  On August 24, Beijing time, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games was successfully held. As another large-scale event after each Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games gave more people a new understanding of "higher, faster, stronger and more united". Compared with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games also has many highlights. Let's have a look!

  The opening ceremony started with a very lively short film, in which the feather element exactly corresponds to the theme of the Paralympic Games "we have wings". Then 100 dancers in blue danced happily, and the countdown picture with full acoustic and photoelectric effect was quite shocking.

  The theme venue of the opening ceremony is set at "Pala airport", and each performance is extended by this airport symbolizing the theme of the Paralympic Games. With the order, employees in blue uniforms began to work. After the complex start-up mode, actors dressed in "organ dolls" danced. An athlete wearing prosthetics runs in the center of the field, and the aperture formed by his running promotes the operation of various "organs".

  The short film introducing the competition also shows the bright characteristics. The rapid switching and fast-paced lens feeling caused by electronic music as the background is very representative of Japan. In the athletes' entrance ceremony, the electronic music played by the DJ was also used as the background, which made the atmosphere very relaxed and active. In the athletes' entrance ceremony, the large LED screen of each country's athletes' entrance ceremony will display the special effect of the color of the national flag, with a full sense of science and technology.

  After the athletes entered the stadium, Pala airport reappeared. Planes of different shapes represent all kinds of setbacks faced by athletes. From the perspective of a single wing small plane, this paper explains how to summon up the courage to fly in the face of adversity. This performance is very inspirational, just like a stage play, and the performance contributed by physically disabled actors makes this scene more moving.

  The performance was divided into two parts. Although the small plane faced a lot of encouragement, it failed to take a key step. After the oath session, the second half of the performance began, and the small plane still failed to fly. After that, a large truck entered and talked with the small plane. Dancers in different situations encouraged the small plane one after another. Finally, the small plane soared to the sky with everyone's applause“ "We have wings" is the theme of this performance!

  The final flame lighting ceremony is relatively simpler and follows the petal pattern of the Olympic Games, but it highlights the sacred sense of the flame lighting. The opening ceremony ended immediately after the flame was lit, which also means that the Tokyo Paralympic Games officially opened. In the next 12 days, we will witness the wonderful moments of Paralympic athletes attacking higher goals again and again. Let's look forward to the Tokyo Paralympic Games!


  The opening ceremony of the 2021 Tokyo Paralympic Games opened at 19:00 Beijing time. This opening ceremony is somewhat different from the past. The story begins with a short film.

  A feather appeared at the beginning of the short film, which echoed the concept of the opening ceremony, "we have wings", translated into Chinese meaning "we have wings". Not whether we are disabled or not, we all have the wings to pursue our dreams.

  There are 22 major events and 539 minor events in the Tokyo Paralympic Games, a total of 13 days.

  Compared with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games a month ago, this time there was not so hell, and there was a warm feeling.

  The color is rich, the theme and soundtrack are very happy, the atmosphere and on-site layout are very positive and sunny, and the bamboo dragonfly is too warm! So that netizens are not used to it.

  Under the cheerful and beautiful music, the red, green and blue balloons constitute the symbol agitos of the Paralympic Games.

  Although the program is a little simple, it still makes us feel the warmth from the "sunshine",

  This time, the athletes' admission method is slightly different from that before. No matter whether they come or not, their names are printed on the circular screen in the auditorium of the stadium. All of them deserve more attention and applause.

  Although the Afghan Paralympic Committee decided to give up participating in the Tokyo Paralympic Games, at the opening ceremony, a volunteer still entered the venue with the Afghan flag. Even if there was no athlete in Afghanistan, he still participated in the opening ceremony. I admit that I broke my defense again

  Seeing the delegations from various countries, maybe there are only three or two people in some countries, but they were deeply moved when they entered slowly.

  They entered the stadium on behalf of their country. The flag bearer brought the flag into the stadium in various ways. They are confident, optimistic and positive. This may be the Olympic spirit and the belief in their hearts. When they heard the host introduce their achievements over the years, their admiration came naturally.

  The opening ceremony of the Chinese Paralympic delegation came on the 98th. Zhou Jiamin and Wang Hao served as the flag bearer of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

  In this Paralympic Games, a total of 251 Chinese athletes will compete in the Tokyo Paralympic Games. They will participate in 20 major events: archery, track and field, hard bowling, badminton, kayaking, cycling, blind judo, weightlifting, rowing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair tennis, taekwondo, triathlon, blind football, wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball and blind gateball 341 events, which is also the most major event for China to participate in the overseas Paralympic Games.

  Perhaps many people do not know that since the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games, China has defended its title for four consecutive times, ranking first in the gold medal list and medal list of the Paralympic Games.

  Won 63 gold medals in 2004 Athens Paralympic Games and won the first place;

  The 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games won 89 gold medals and won the first place;

  The 2012 London Paralympic Games won 95 gold medals and won the first place;

  The 2016 Rio Paralympic Games won 107 gold and won the first place.

  This year is also expected to hit No. 1 in the fifth consecutive list. Although they have physical disabilities, they tell us "nothing is impossible" with hard work and fight for the honor of the motherland.


  16 days ago, the Tokyo Olympic Games ended with applause. On the 24th, with the opening of the Paralympic Games, the eyes of the world returned to Tokyo“ The Olympic motto "faster, higher, stronger - more united" will be performed again by 4403 disabled athletes on the Bank of Tokyo Bay in the next 12 days.

  After 57 years, the Paralympic Games returned to Tokyo, which became the first city to host the summer Paralympic Games twice in the past. The night fell low and the breeze was gentle. At that time, when the needle passed eight o'clock, an opening ceremony on "wind" opened. A disabled athlete appeared on the big screen of the new national arena in Tokyo. With their sonorous and powerful dance, pieces of feathers were raised in the air, showing the tenacity of disabled athletes in the face of setbacks and courage in the face of difficulties.

  At this time, the arena turned into a "Pala airport", and 100 airport "staff" including 23 disabled people poured into the arena. The music sounded and the countdown began with their rhythmic dance. From ten to zero, gorgeous fireworks lit the night sky in Tokyo, and a carnival belonging to disabled athletes officially began.

  At the command of the "tower", the "Pala airport" became active, and the pumps, springs and levers began to operate. When everything is ready, the big doll dances. Soon, a column was erected in the center of the stage, and a boy with prosthetics came running face to face. The boy's running generated huge wind energy, which made the blue, green and red arc balloons float into the arena from different directions, and finally gathered into the logo of the International Paralympic Committee.

  In the dynamic music, the refugee team first entered the venue. Then, according to the Japanese pronunciation order, all delegations appeared in turn. France, the United States, the host of the next two Paralympic Games, and Japan, the host country of the Paralympic Games, entered the venue.

  What is unique is that, with the cooperation of projection, whenever a delegation appears, a wind band of different colors "blows" through the center of the stage. Regardless of gender, color and race, every athlete's face is filled with a warm smile. Looking around the stadium, the names of each contestant were printed on the rolling screen for the first time in the Olympic calendar.

  Under the leadership of two flag bearers, Zhou Jiamin, a female wheelchair Archer, and Wang Hao, a male crippled track and field athlete, the Chinese delegation dressed in uniform, wore the national emblem, waved a five-star red flag and sang "red flag fluttering", and entered the 98th place.

  At the end of the entrance ceremony, colorful wind bands came from all directions again, danced regularly on the stage and blew to every corner. Fireworks burst out, illuminating the dark sky of Tokyo again.

  Under the gaze of the athletes, the protagonist of the opening ceremony - a small single wing plane drove into the field. Under the interpretation of a girl, the crippled small plane often looked up at the blue sky and dreamed of flying freely in the air like the same kind, but she once lost her courage to fly because she had only one wing. But with the encouragement of her friends, she regained her confidence, put down her hesitation, and finally went up against the wind and straight into the sky. The theme of the story is also in line with the concept of the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games - we have wings.

  Life may make us lose our wings, but it doesn't prevent us from flying again for our dreams.

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石台县13538391806: 2021年东京奥运会开幕式时间(2021年东京奥运会开幕式时间是?
申岩欧瑞: 1、2020年东京奥运会开幕式:2021年7月23日晚7点至10点30分(北京时间).2、第32届夏季奥运会(英文:Games of XXXII Olympiad Games)也被称为2020年东京奥运会.3、2013年9月7日,雅克罗格宣布2020年奥运会主办城市为东京.申奥成功后,东京成为继巴黎(法国)、伦敦(英国)、洛杉矶(美国)、雅典(希腊)之后,世界上第五个至少举办过两次夏季奥运会的城市,也是亚洲第一个.4、2020年3月12日,东京奥运圣火在希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛的古奥林匹亚遗址成功采集,随后火炬开始在希腊传递.3月24日,国际奥委会和东京奥组委发表联合声明,确认2020年东京奥运会将延期至2021年举行.

石台县13538391806: 2020东京奥运会开幕时间(了解一下)
申岩欧瑞: 1、此外,2020年东京奥运会闭幕式将于2020年8月9日举行.2、也就是说,2020年东京奥运会将持续40多天.3、而且,2020年东京奥运会,小项将超过300个.4、在300多个项目中,射击女子10米空中踏步将是第一个夺金的项目.活动将于2020年7月25日举行.

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