
作者&投稿:达奚寇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


An unforgettable thing I still remember the first day when I went to school .I was very shy .I sat beside my desk and did not say a word .Many boys and girls wanted me to play with them .But I was too afraid to move .Tears came to my eyes .Just then a beautiful woman came to me .She told me that she was my teacher Miss Yang .She talked with me quietly and told funny stories to me .We laughed happily and I did not feel afraid any more.She was so kind that I thought she was just like my mother .From then on ,I made up my mind to be a teacher like her when I grew up !

My first presentation in English

Two weeks ago, my professor told me there is a conference. If I am interested in it, I can prepare a presentation.
I feel happy about this very good chance to practise my English. I also feel nevers, because it is my first presentation in English. I can not speak English very well.Especially, I onloy have 10 days to prepare.
I got this news on Friday. But I started to write it on Monday. Because during the weekend, I invited Chinese friends for a dinner(Moon festervial). However, I was not really happy about that day. I spent very long time for cooking, but they only stay with me for 2 h eating. After that, I, andy and daniel and nikolas went to festervial party. Others just went home. That day I was so frustrated, I can not sleep very well. On Sunday, I called my parents. They told me, I should not care these small things too much. I shoud consentrat on my work. They also told me, I should try my best to help others. I think it is not good to have friends only for eating. In the future, I will not invite anybody. I will only concentrat on my work.
From Monday to Wednesday, I finished the writing part of presentation. In the evening,Daniel checked it for me. It is really bad. He gave me a lot of suggestions, I took another day to changed it. On Friday, I showed it to Pro.... He was happy about the content. He did not ask me to change anything.
I was very relas after that, so the whole weekend I did not do any work about my presentation.
On Monday, I have very big pressure.I must try to explain all the slides. In the evening, I just finish half, but it is hardest part. Daniel helped me to correct my English and also the content. We discussed it until 24:00. He really gave me very important help. After that, I am in even big pressure. Because I notice it is very hard work. I was really worried the results. I wrote down every sentance. That night I slept at 2:30, but I can not sleep. I just repeat the explaination in my mind. It is really good way to remember something.Before you sleep, just repeat everything with your brain. Next day, Daniel helped me finish the left part. He was also in big pressure about his work, his students,the time he used for me. I can understand him. I really appreciat his help. Without him I can not finish my work so good. That evening, again, I can not sleep very well. During those days, I all the time try to repeat the content of my presentation: when I was sleeping, walking to appartment or Uni, all the time.On Wednesday morning, I made practice in front of my group, I was really happy, my colleges asked me a lot question and gave a lot useful suggestion. I have to mention one thinge, one of my teacher, he is busy,he did not come. I do not know why. Because I really hope he can give me some suggestion. I also think he should not so busy. At begining, I nearly cry because his absence. But I quickly change my thoughts. Without him, I can still do it very well. It is OK.
In the afternoon, I made this presentation for Pro...., He said it is fine. He did not ask me change everything. Until now, I feel very relax. But I still did not stop practising. I hope I can make a very good presentation.
On Thursday, we went to conference together in the afternoon. First we went to wildplatz together with other professors and students. After that, we started conference. I was a little bit nevers. But later it was changed. I tried to get familien with other students. I thought they just normal people, when they first time made presentation, maybe also had a lot of mistakes. So I tried to make myself easy. My presentation was on Friday. I made some mistakes, but in general, I was not so bad. After that, some of my friends said it is good. But I just think it is normal. Later, Prof...come to me, said, That talk is very good. I was so happy about this. I know compare to others, I was not so good. But I did my best and I was just a PHD,so they will not ask me so much.
After this conference, I have some feeling.
(1) Carefully treat everything, you can do it very good.
(2)The success can incease your confidance.So you should be serious to every challenge.
(3)Be carm. Do not be to happy. Do not stop continue your progress.

my first speech
Since I see the movie that impresses so much, I want to cut my hair and make myself look like the girl in the movie. So I tell my mother, she asks me if I really want to do it, I say yes. So she takes me to the hair salon. When I see my long hair cut, I feel a little painful, but the new hairstyle is done, I like it.

难忘的“第一次”人生有许多第一次,第一次坐车,第一次看电影,第一次做菜,第一次玩游戏,第一次做手工,第一次受伤……我也有过许多第一次,但是,在众多的第一次之中,有一个却令我久久不能忘怀,时时萦绕于心…… 那是二三年级时候的一个周末,吃过晚饭后,妈妈要去办公室加班,我也跟她一起去了。在妈妈...

只有几个班上了报纸,真是来之不易啊!人生中的第一次太多了,我锻炼了自己,我战胜了自己,我超越了自己!这一件小小的事也为我现在的自信打下了很好的基础,我学会了放松与自然,珍惜每一个第一次吧,让它时时激励着你,鞭策着你,使你做得更好!作文供您参考 望采纳 谢谢 ...

六年级作文我的第一次 一: 在我的记忆中,有过许许多多的“第一次”,一个个第一次就像一步,印在我成长的道路上。然而最令我难忘的还是第一次做饭。 在我8岁的那年暑假里,一天中午,爸爸妈妈干活去了,直到太阳下山还没回来。我的肚子饿得咕咕叫,我在家里的食品柜里翻个遍,没有找到什么可供食用的东西。实...

雪白的水仙花瓣护着中间黄色的蕊,娇小玲珑,似乎托起了一盏明灯。 我当时尚不知“静观庭前花开花谢,云卷云舒”“淡看世间纷繁”之类的人生哲理,只为凋谢的花惋惜——为它们的含羞待放,为它们的娇中藏笑;为它们的风华绝代,为它们的无语消逝。也曾第一次看云,第一次品咖啡,第一次迈步前行,...


无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我收集整理的写我的第一次的满分作文200字,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。写我的第一次的满分作文200字1 我第一次自己睡觉时...


我的第一次经历 每个人都有第一次,就像婴儿迈过楼梯的第一步一样,比如像:“我第一次炒了菜!”“我第一次独自去上学!”、“我第一次自己去煮面!”……但是,最令我感到开心的事是我独自坐车去东营。这个建议是我妈妈提出来的。因为我姐姐不久就要回北京了,我又想早点回去和她玩,但是爸爸...

3. 三年级第一次作文该怎么讲 三年级的学生刚刚学习对作文的练写!作文奠定在二年级的看图写话的基础上,但作文与写话有很大的区别,因此如何引导学生有效地掌握作文的写作方法是三年级语文老师的首要任务.思虑再三,我总结了以下教学思路.推崇自由作文,让同学们写自己身边最熟悉的人,最了解的.真正做到“我手写我心”...


宿城区13651604982: 关于“一次英语演讲比赛”的英语作文,至少六句话! -
尹详心痛:[答案] I am very happy to stand here .I love english very much.Because i think english is very important in our life .If we can speak english good ,we can kown the foreign cultures .I hope all of us can have a lot of knowledge .Then we will have a better future and ...

宿城区13651604982: 关于“一次英语演讲比赛”的英语作文, 至少六句话!!!急急急!!六年级的水准 -
尹详心痛: I am very happy to stand here . I love english very much. Because i think english is very important in our life . If we can speak english good ,we can kown the foreign cultures . I hope all of us can have a lot of knowledge .Then we will have a better future and lefe.

宿城区13651604982: 在线翻译英文:这是我第一次参加英语演讲比赛,请多多指教. -
尹详心痛:[答案] it is my first time to have this opportunity to give you my english speech,I will honorely appraciate your comments.

宿城区13651604982: 谁懂英语,请用英语翻译一下! -
尹详心痛: This is my first speech of english. You know i prepared a lot,but I'm still so nervous. However, I think it's a very important experience for me. So, I hope I will be successfultoday. I like english so much,but it's difficult for me to learn it well.For example, the...

宿城区13651604982: 翻译英文 这是我第一次上台演讲,我感到一点紧张 -
尹详心痛:[答案] This is the first time I give a speech on the stage.I feel a bit nervous.

宿城区13651604982: An English Speech Contest (以一次英语演讲比赛为题,写一篇至少六句话的英语小作文)
尹详心痛: Notice April 25 Boys and girls,your attention please!We are telling you something important.It's time to show you now.An English Speech Contest will be held in our school on June 22nd.Those who are good at speaking English can take part in it.If you want to ,please contact you headteacher.

宿城区13651604982: 这是我第一次用英语演讲用英语怎么说 -
尹详心痛: This is my first time to give a talk/ speech in English.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

宿城区13651604982: 帮我将一段文字翻译成英文 写成演讲稿形式
尹详心痛: hello dear all ! This is my frist time to make such an English speech. My English is not so good but as u know, English is universally used with more and more people's recognition of its importance .As a modern university student, it must be admitted ...

宿城区13651604982: 英语作文 我的第一次成功 -
尹详心痛: MY FIRST EXPERIENCE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Public speaking was a challenge.When asked to give a twenty-minute speech by my mentor,I was so worried.In the evening before,I repeated those words to get ready.Finally I could not get sleep. ...

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