
作者&投稿:经肺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is the Saturday day . Everybody is amazed at the foreign teacher. They have white skin, yellow hair, blue eyes„„But no one is very beautiful or handsome.Foreigners are very tall or fat. I don’t like them. White skin with them is a little ugly. All day around I found that two thirds of the day time I was sleepy. I think tomorrow will be better.

For breakfast,I like bread and milk,but I don\\'t like orange juice.
For lunch,I like rice and vegetables,but I don\\'t like pork.
And for dinner,I like noodles,but I don\\'t like ice-cream.
For breakfast,Tom likes noodles,but he doesn\\'t like rice dumplings.
For lunch,Tom likes rice and beef,but he doesn\\'t like vegetables.
And for dinner,Tom likes fish,but he doesn\\'t like pork.饭,我喜欢面包和牛奶,但我不喜欢橙汁。 午饭,我喜欢吃米饭和蔬菜,但我不喜欢猪肉。 晚饭我喜欢面,但我不喜欢冰激凌。 早饭,汤姆喜欢面,但他不喜欢粽子。 午饭,汤姆喜欢米饭和牛肉,但他不喜欢蔬菜。 晚饭,汤姆喜欢鱼,但他不喜欢猪肉。

There are three people in my family:My father,my mother and I.My
father likes eggs,noodles and apples for breakfast. My mother likes
eggs,soup and milk. I Iike eating bread,milk and fruit! We usually have
French fries,chicken,tomatoes,rice and porridge for lunch.We have dinner
at 18:00. I like eating potapoes,soup,rice and vegetables.But my father
doesn't like. He likes broccoli,rice and fruit!We don't have dessert.
We eat lots of food,because My mother think it is good for us to keep healthy

减肥食谱一周瘦10斤科学减肥 减脂餐食谱一周七天一日三餐

减肥食谱一周瘦10斤科学减肥 减脂餐食谱一周七天一日三餐
星期四:早餐:南瓜枸杞大米粥+黑木耳1份+水果1份 10点橘子一个 午餐:蔬菜2份+鱼+土豆泥1份 3点左右火龙果半个 晚餐:土豆泥 星期五:早餐:地瓜或南瓜一份+煎鸡蛋+牛奶或豆浆 10点左右可以吃一个猕猴桃 午餐:稀饭一碗+鸡胸肉+2份蔬菜 3点左右蛋白一个 晚餐:五谷杂粮 星期六:早餐:红豆...

一日三餐中,蔬菜水果真的很重要。大家要多吃点蔬菜水果。对于每天应该怎么进行营养的进食,吃些什么可以保证营养,达到身体健康,那么大家要合理的进行每顿饭的安排哦!希望大家都可以有一个健康的身体! 一周营养食谱推荐 星期一 早餐:馒头,牛奶(或豆奶)、煮荷包蛋1个、酱黄瓜。 中餐:米饭、香菇菜心、糖醋带鱼、...

午餐、晚餐食谱 星期一:凉拌黄瓜 清炒冬瓜 番茄炒蛋 稀饭一小碗 星期二:鲫鱼汤一碗 清炒凤尾 芹菜猪肝 米饭一小碗 星期三:三鲜汤一份 青椒玉米粒 猪肉炒胡萝卜 米饭一小碗 星期四:八宝粥一份 清蒸鱼一条 西红柿炒鸡蛋 馒头2两 星期五:萝卜丸子汤 炒青菜一份 冬瓜炒肉 米饭一小碗 星期六:炒...

快速瘦身的减肥餐食谱 减肥食谱一日三餐如何安排

减脂一日三餐食谱,在这个看脸的时代,不光要有颜值,完美的身材自然也是也是很多人所追求的。除了坚持运动之外,想要拥有完美的身材还要靠健康的饮食吃出来。下面看看减脂一日三餐食谱及相关资料。 减脂一日三餐食谱1 星期一: 早餐:腿蛋包1个、乳酪1杯 午餐:鱼蛋汤米、油菜(走油)、茶\/水 下午茶:水果1份 晚餐:豉...

2)保证吃好早餐,吃饱午餐,吃少晚餐,三餐比为3:4:3。3)少吃零食,少饮用含糖及碳酸类饮料,控制食糖的摄入。4)每日饮奶和喝6-8杯水。3、全天用油均建议用色拉油25克。以下按一周为单位,【尚蛙会员联盟】为您推荐几套一日三餐健康食谱 第一套一日三餐健康食谱:星期一 早餐:馒头,牛奶(...

每天一日三餐必不可少,吃得好才能有力气面对一天,有没有简单又营养的食谱做法呢?下面我准备了简单一日三餐 健康食谱 ,希望对您有帮助! 一日三餐一周健康食谱 星期一 早餐:馒头和草莓酱、牛奶(或豆奶)、煮荷包蛋1个、酱黄瓜。 水果:西红柿或白萝卜1个。 中餐:荞麦大米饭、香菇菜心、糖醋带鱼、豆腐血旺、丝瓜...

早餐 星期一、 1022 星期二、 1023 星期三、 1024 星期四、 1025 星期五、 1026 星期六、 1027 星期日、 1028 蛋炒饭、馒头 米饭、馒头 面条、馒头 米饭、馒头 蛋炒饭、馒头 米饭、馒头 面条、馒头 辣炒榨菜丝\\蒸鸡蛋 疙瘩丝\\茶叶蛋 ...

星期三:三鲜汤一份青椒玉米粒猪肉炒胡萝卜米饭一小碗 星期四:八宝粥一份清蒸鱼一条西红柿炒鸡蛋馒头2两 星期五:萝卜丸子汤炒青菜一份冬瓜炒肉米饭一小碗 星期六:炒胡萝卜丝番茄蛋汤香菇肉片米饭一小碗 星期天:青椒牛肉丝虾或鱼一份凉拌三丝红苕稀饭馒头或面包 四、注意事项 晚餐前后最好都不要吃...

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绪奖加味: Today is Saturday, my mother got up early to make breakfast. We have noodles for breakfast. At noon, my mother said that I did not go home for a long time, they do a lot of delicious. There are fish, pork, Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs meat soup, etc.. ...

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绪奖加味: Today is the Saturday day . Everybody is amazed at the foreign teacher. They have white skin, yellow hair, blue eyes„„But no one is very beautiful or handsome.Foreigners are very tall or fat. I don't like them. White skin with them is a little ugly. All ...

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绪奖加味: My favorite food is yoghourt. Youghourt is not only dilicious but also healthy for my body.In the morning, I usually have some pieces of bread and milk as my breakfast. And I always eat some rice, meat and vegetable穿辅扁恍壮喝憋桶铂垃s in lunch. ...

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绪奖加味: 英语作文: I had some milk and bread for breakfast. What about my lunch? For lunch,I had chicken and rice. Chicken was my favourite food. In the evening, I had dumplings and soup for dinner.

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绪奖加味: every morning when i wake up ,i had to wash my drowsiness away with d cup of black coffee.breakfast i usually take a fried egg sometime with bacon or salami in two french toast ,and cereal mean with milk is always my favorite. lunchtime,i eat ...

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绪奖加味: everyone watches TV, rents videos, or goes to the movies. The most popular reading material is comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides. City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic that car washes have. But how do you explain this? An ...

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