
作者&投稿:攸瑞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

-welcome ,it is my honor to have you here -thank you -take a seat and do as the romens do-i'd appreciate it you know our coustomers have a big difference ,so if there is something you cannot adjust yourself to,you can turn it to me-okay-try this,it is really taste good-thanks..........i have to go now -do you really have to go ,i feel as it just began.-but we can get together next time -ok,donot leave anything behind,hopfully we can have another one,it really make me happy.-ok

Dear friend:
Thank you for inviting me to your home for dinner. I am very happy tonight. I think you have a good meal. If you are free, the next time you can come to our house, I will make a big dinner for you. Look forward to your visit.

Harvey: Now. I have a surprise. We’ve booked the Southern Tower restaurant to celebrate our partnership.
哈维: 我要给你们一个惊喜。为了庆祝我们之间的合作伙伴关系,我们预定了南塔餐厅。
Harvey: We’d like to invite you to dinner.
哈维: 我们邀请二位共进晚餐。
Lok: The Southern Tower? We tried to go there but it’s booked out for months.
洛克: 您是说南塔餐厅吗?我们曾经想去那里吃饭,但是那家餐厅的位子已经被提前预定出好几个月了。
Harvey: Ah yes… but Douglas has a lot of influence in Sydney! We’ve booked a table for 7 o’clock. Caroline and Douglas will be there too.
哈维: 是这样啊,但道格拉斯在悉尼可是一个颇具影响力的人物呢。我们预定了今天晚上七点的一张桌子。卡罗琳和道格拉斯也将出席。
Lian: How wonderful. We’d love to come.
丽安: 这真是太好了。我们很高兴如约前往。
Lok: Yes, thank you.
洛克: 是啊,谢谢你们了。
Harvey: We’d like to invite you to dinner.
哈维: 我们邀请二位共进晚餐。
Would you like to come to lunch?
We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner.
We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us.
We’d like to invite you to dinner.
Would you like to come to lunch?
We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner.
We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us.

Lian: How wonderful. We’d love to come.
丽安: 这真是太好了。我们很高兴如约前往。
Lok: Yes, thank you.
洛克: 是啊,谢谢你们了。
That’s very kind. Thank you.
Yes, I’d be pleased to accept.
How can I resist such a gracious invitation!
We’d love to come.
Yes, I’d be pleased to accept.
Yes, thank you.
How can I resist such a gracious invitation!
That’s very kind of you but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement.
I’m sorry, I have to decline. I have family commitments.
I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I have an important appointment that night.
Sorry, I can’t, I’m busy that night. But thanks anyway.
That’s very kind of you but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement.
I’m sorry, I have to decline. I have family commitments.
I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I have an important appointment that night.
Sorry, I can’t, I’m busy that night. But thanks anyway.

Douglas: This is the highest restaurant in the southern hemisphere.
道格拉斯: 这家餐馆是南半球最高的餐馆。
Lian: What a view. There’s the Opera House. We were there
丽安: 风景真好啊。那是悉尼歌剧院,我们昨天去那里参观的。
Waiter: Your menus.
服务员: 请您过目菜单。
Lian: Thank you.
丽安: 谢谢。
Waiter: Would you like to order drinks now?
服务员: 请问您要现在就点酒水吗?
Lian: I’ll just have a water to start, thanks.
丽安: 请先给我一杯水好吗,谢谢。

Douglas: We’ll have a bottle of this champagne please.
道格拉斯: 请给我们上一瓶这样的香槟酒。
Waiter: Fine. I’ll be back to take your dinner orders.
服务员: 好的。我过一会儿再来为您写点菜单。
Lian: Oh, there’s so much to choose from. What do you recommend?
丽安: 哦,这菜单真是太丰富了。你有什么特色菜肴可以推荐吗?
Douglas: Well if you like seafood, the roasted lobster here is delicious.
Lok: That sounds good to me.
洛克: 听起来很不错。
Lian: I’ll have the Peking Duck.
丽安: 那我就点北京烤鸭好了。
Lok: Where is the Opera House?
洛克: 请问悉尼歌剧院在哪个方向呢?
Harvey: This is a revolving restaurant, Lok. We’ll see it again soon.
哈维: 这是一家旋转餐厅,洛克。我们一会儿还会再看到悉尼歌剧院的。
Lok: Oh, marvellous!
洛克: 噢,这太好了。
对话进行到这里,不知道您是否注意到了,其实在餐馆中用英语点菜时最常用的一个句型就是“’ll have…” 意思是“我要点什么什么菜”。您只要在这个句型的后面加上菜肴的名称就可以了。例如:
I’ll have the duck.
I’ll have the chicken.
I’ll have the beef, thanks.
We’ll have a bottle of white wine, thank you.
I’ll have the duck.
I’ll have the chicken.
I’ll have the beef, thanks.
We’ll have a bottle of white wine, thank you.
Lian: Oh, there’s so much to choose from. What do you recommend?
丽安: 哦,这菜单真是太丰富了。你有什么特色菜肴可以推荐吗?
What do you suggest?
What’s good here?
What do you recommend?
What do you suggest?
What’s good here?

Excuse me, could you pass the sauce?
We’d like to invite you to dinner.
Would you like to come to lunch?
We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us.
We’d love to come.
Yes, I’d be pleased to accept.
That’s very kind of you but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement.
I’m sorry, I have to decline. I have family commitments.
I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it. I have an important appointment that night.
Sorry, I can’t, I’m busy that night. But thanks anyway.


A:Would you like to havfe dinner with us tonight?
B:Oh, really?It's my honor to be there.
A:Ok. I will see you at 6 o'clock tonight.
A:Hello!Welcome to my home. Come in, please!
B:Thank you.
A:Help yourself!
B:Emmm...It's delicious! Who cooked it?
A:It's my father.
B:I can't believe it. You said you father didn't know how to cook.
A:Haha, it's my mother. My mom cooked it.
B:Great! I'll have more.
A: Good.
B:Thank you for your dinner. I like it very much.
A:It's good you like it.If you like, you can come to my house more.
B:Thank you very much.
A:You're welcome.
B:Let me see...It's 8:15, and I have to go back home now.
A:OK. Good bye!

消逝的色彩 好好好厉害哦!!!

The moon is coming out,let's go outside.Everybody gather in a circle,keep quiet until the moon moves up in the sky.Okay,let me take you to our grand celebration.


Mike: Thanks a lot for your dinner. Great food!!Lucy: You're welcome. It's very nick talking with you.Mike: Me too. I think if you were available next weekend, we can go picnic and fly kites together.Lucy: Sounds lovely. Let's make a deal.Mike: Ok, I will prepare...

你是他唯一的主人。但你可以同时养两条狗。小戳: I am wondering what kind of woman are you?我纳闷你是怎样的女人啊?美国日常英语对话四 夫人: It is a heavy storm,right?好大的暴风雨啊,不是吗?仆人: Yeah,I haven’t seen such storm before.是啊,我从没见过这么大的暴风雨。夫人: ...

当别人请你吃饭时,心里满怀感谢的你要怎么用英语表达你对主人的感谢呢?下面是我给大家带来表达感谢的英语常用对话,供大家参阅!1 A: Thank you for your wonderful meal. 谢谢您的盛情款待。B: Oh, I’m glad you liked it.噢,您喜欢我很高兴。A: I really have enjoyed it. Thanks a ...

你好,帮我写一段关于: 问朋友喜欢看什么样的电视节目,,谁是他最喜爱的...
A:Hi, what is your favourite TV programme?\/What kind of TV programmes do you like best?B:Well, I Iike variety show very much.Such as, You are the one(非诚勿扰).A:And who is your favourite compere ?B:Well,LeJia and MengFei A:I see....

现在你们两个平安开车回到这里。真无法形容我有多喜欢你们住在这里的那段时间。你们真是完美的房客。B And you're the perfect hostess, Mrs Van Helsing. Thanks for everything you did for us. You really made us feel right at home.而你也是完美的女主人,凡赫尔辛太太。谢谢你为我们所做的...


Let me introduce myself.让我介绍一下自己。 疯狂秘笈 要想全面突破对话,重要的不是囫囵吞枣地将一篇篇对话背下来,而是要睁大眼睛,将那些关键的句子、精彩的句子一一搜罗出来,反复操练直至脱口而出。这叫做“学一句顶十句” 2、 It’s My Pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 A: Linda,it’s really late. Let’...

够老子打多少圈麻将,你……我……主人:唉!这也不能证明我弱智呀?智:好!同学们上课了!主人:上课了?智:请听题,亚洲四小龙是哪四小龙?成龙,李小龙,史太龙,梁小龙 主人:唉!错了 齐:当时你就是这么答的 主人:啊……智:请用英语对话 How are you ?

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 求一段英语对话:主人邀请朋友去家里吃饭,邀请前,就餐中,就餐后的情景都要描述出来. -
祢姚瑞佳:[答案] 没找到邀请到家庭就餐的,这个是商务餐的对话,不过也包括了邀请和聚餐中的对话,希望对你有帮助: 这段对话的背景是这样的.在洛克夫妇接受了“哈尔及哈迪公司”代表提出的有关外包装颜色议题的建议之后,主人方面决定要好好地庆祝一下....

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 英语写对话,邀请朋友来家里做客,妈妈问大家喜欢吃什么,怎么写? -
祢姚瑞佳: 英语写对话,邀请朋友来家里做客,妈妈问大家喜欢吃什么,好好学习才能做好

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 急,请求一英语对话.邀请你朋友来你家吃饭内容(要有预约的时间,只需要两个人)invite your friend to have dinner in your house10句内.不要太过于简单. -
祢姚瑞佳:[答案] A:Hey B!Are you free next Sunday?B:I think so.What's the occassion?A:Well,I would like to invite you over for dinner.There is so much that we have to catch up on.B:Yea,for sure.Who else is coming?A:(p...

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 谁能帮我找几句邀请朋友来家聚餐的英文对话 -
祢姚瑞佳:[答案] I'd like to invite you to my home for a dinner party. Would you please come to my home for tea on Friday evening? We will have a dinner party in my home,it will be appreciated if you would come.

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 急求英语对话 (30+)求一个关于邀请刚认识的朋友来家里做客的对话 大约2分钟左右PS.有互相认识过程 -
祢姚瑞佳:[答案] A 是你 B 是你刚认识要邀请的 A:hi,do you want to come to my home? B:for what? A:well,you know this weekend we going to have a party I wonder if you are interested in it. B:I would love to but I really do not know if I could have time to come. A:Just let ...

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 谁能帮我找几句邀请朋友来家聚餐的英文对话 -
祢姚瑞佳: I'd like to invite you to my home for a dinner party.Would you please come to my home for tea on Friday evening?We will have a dinner party in my home,it will be appreciated if you would come.

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 求英语高手,帮我组织一段请好朋友到我家过节的对话 -
祢姚瑞佳: How do you do! I come to your house for a feast! Ha ha, welcome ah, sit down, I will give you a cup of tea Well, thank you Come, tea! Thank you! Merry Christmas! The same to you!

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 朋友到你家做客的英语对话
祢姚瑞佳: A: hello tom, It's a sunny day, right? 汤姆,今天天气真好,是吗 B: yes, lily what are ... 是啊,莉莉,你打算去哪里呢,你看天气这么好呆在家里太可惜了 A. i agree with you...

澜沧拉祜族自治县14732321868: 一篇邀请朋友来家里住的英文邀请函....在线急等 -
祢姚瑞佳: Dear Jones, How are you lately? Fine I hope. I have not seen or written to you for a long time and I miss you very much. What is your plan for the winter vacation? I intend to stay at home and perhaps skiing on one of the weekend. Would you like to ...

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