
作者&投稿:冷弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
物美价廉的英文怎么说? (急!急!~~~)~

物美价廉 [wù měi jià lián] high quality and inexpensive; excellent quality and reasonable price

high quality with the most favorable price.
或者The best quality with the most reasonable price.

物美价廉[wù měi jià lián][词典]high quality and inexpensive; cheap and fine; excellent quality and reasonable price; first-rate, attractive and reasonable price;[例句]他们提供的确实是物美价廉的产品。What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.


美孟姜也。――《诗·墉风·桑中》美孟弋矣。我孰与城北徐公美?――《战国策·齐策》梅以曲为美,直则无姿。――龚 美měi 好,善:~好。~丽。味~。价廉物~。称赞:赞~。〈方〉高兴,得意:~滋滋的。[美洲]全称"亚美利加洲"。以巴拿马运河为界,分为南美洲和北美洲。物 读音 wù:物 <...

翻译如下:价廉物美 cheap and fine.例句:这种类型的洗衣机真是价廉物美。The washing machine of this type is indeed cheap and fine.

物美价廉、一钱不值、无价之宝、价值连城、明码实价。1、明码实价[míng mǎ shí jià]释义:指公开标明的真实价格或处事不折不扣。出处:王朔《许爷》:“好在日本是个明码实价的国家,只要你肯卖,任何东西都可以标出一个价格,一律用日元付酬,不至于最后给你奖状或荣誉称号了事。”2、 价值...




物美价廉[wù měi jià lián][解释]廉:便宜。东西价钱便宜,质量又好。[出自]清·郑观应《盛世危言·禁烟下》:“本年所收之浆必待隔年出售,气味乃厚。如派人学制,复储一年,则物美价廉,争先乐购。”

物美价廉 [ wù měi jià lián ]廉:便宜。东西价钱便宜,质量又好。出 处 清·郑观应《盛世危言·禁烟下》:“本年所收之浆必待隔年出售,气味乃厚。如派人学制,复储一年,则物美价廉,争先乐购。”近反义词 近义词 价廉物美 反义词 米珠薪桂 ...

便宜的英文是cheap和inexpensive。一、cheap 英 [tʃiːp],美 [tʃiːp]adj. 便宜的;廉价的 短语:1、cheap books 特价书 2、cheap car ticket 便宜车票 3、cheap chair 劣质的椅子 二、inexpensive 英 [ˌɪnɪk'spensɪv],美 [ˌ&#...

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉英文缩写字母 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 物美价廉[wù měi jià lián][词典]high quality and inexpensive; cheap and fine; excellent quality and reasonable price; first-rate, attractive and reasonable price;[例句]他们提供的确实是物美价廉的产品.What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.

宁津县13733937160: 请问“物美价廉”用英语怎么说,是high quality but low price吗 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 物美价廉 wu mei jia lian 1.cheap and fine 2.excellent quality and reasonable price 以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉英语怎么说 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 最地道的英语应该是,excellent quality and reasonable price,纯手打,望采纳

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉的英文怎么说? (急!急!~~~)
爱新觉罗天清热: high quality with the most favorable price. 或者The best quality with the most reasonable price.

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉用英语怎么说 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 物美价廉用英语怎么说 high quality and inexpensive 简单说:fine and cheap

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉的英文怎么说? (急!急!~~~) -
爱新觉罗天清热: 物美价廉 [wù měi jià lián] high quality and inexpensive; excellent quality and reasonable price

宁津县13733937160: 价廉物美用英语来写 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 1.cheap and fine 2.excellent quality and reasonable price3.inexpensive in price while excellent in quality 不用cheap,因为它表示廉价货,没有品质

宁津县13733937160: 买到的东西”物美价廉”用英语怎么说 -
爱新觉罗天清热: 翻译如下 物美价廉 翻译方法很多 high quality and inexpensive; cheap and fine; excellent quality and reasonable price; first-rate, attractive and reasonable price都可以

宁津县13733937160: 物美价廉翻译成英文 -
爱新觉罗天清热: excellent quality and reasonable price; high quality and low price 这是比较常见的

宁津县13733937160: 老婆网looopooo英文是什么意思? -
爱新觉罗天清热: looopooo是英文love popular 的缩写,意思是 热爱流行 热爱高尚 热爱高质量 热爱物美价廉的意思,中文音译成是老婆网,意思是 网站将为这些家庭的财政大臣提供最好的购物平台,老婆网...

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