
作者&投稿:湛俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 一般现在时主语为单数第三人称时(she, he, it, 人名/机构名称/国家名/书名等等),谓语动词为“动词原形末尾 + s”.
1、多数为动词原形 + s:例如 read --- reads;cut --- cuts;kill --- kills
2、动词原形以“o” 结尾时 + es:例如 do --- does; go --- goes
3、动词原形以“ch”、“sh” ,“x” 结尾时+es :例如 watch --- watches;wash --- washes;fix --- fixes;
4、动词原形以辅音字母+“y”结尾时,改“y” 为“i”,然后再加 es:例如 study --- studies.不过请注意,动词原形以元音字母加“y” 结尾时仍然只加“s”,例如 pay --- pays
5、某些动词的第三人称单数有固定形式,例如:be --- is; have --- has
另外,即使是“一般现在时”,情态动词是不区分人称和数的,例如:can,may 等用于一切人称的单数和复数.

1、I am swimming.我在游泳。2、He is watching TV、他在看电视。3、She is having lunch.她在吃午饭。4、They are reading books.他们在读书。5、He is practicing his guitar.他正在练习他的吉他。6、They are cleaning the classroom.他们在打扫教室。7、The monkey is climbing the tree.这...

现在进行时句子如下:1、They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。2、Listen! She is singing an English song.听!她正在唱英语歌。3、I am playing football.我正在踢足球。4、My mother is running to you.我妈妈正跑向你。5、A little girl is crying.一个小女孩正在哭。6、I ...

1、He is playing basketball.他正在打篮球。2、The bird is flying.那只小鸟在飞。3、The pigeon is flying.那只格子在飞。4、The dog is barking.那只狗在叫。5、A little girl is crying.一个小女孩正在哭。6、I am answering your question.我正在回属答你的问题。

35.What are you doing? 你正在做什么?36. We are eating dinner. 我们正在吃晚饭。37.We are not eating dinner. 我们没在吃晚饭。38.Are you eating dinner? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. 你们正在吃晚饭吗? 是的,我们在吃。 不,我们没吃。39.What are you doing? 你们正在做什...

4、We are making model planes these days.5、It's 6:30 now. I am getting up.6、Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.7、We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment?8、These days we are helping the farmers work on the farm.9、They're ...

现在进行时的否定句 句型 主语 + 相应be动词 + not + 现在分词 + ……eg. He isn't watching TV. 他没在看电视。I am not cooking. 我没有在做饭。We aren't haveing English calss. 我们没在上英语课。◆注意◆ is not和are not可缩写为isn't和aren't。现在进行时的一般疑问句 句型 ...

如何写五个一般现在进行时的英文句子?1、The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 2、He often wakes up at 7 every morning.他每天早上七点起床。 3、I am at home now.我现在在家。 4、We have six classes every day.我们每天上六节课。 5、We can see some pictures on the wall. 我们...

1.I am eating now.译文:我在吃饭。2.I am running now.译文:我正在跑步。3.I am sitting bihind you.译文:我正坐在你后面。4.He is sleeping now.译文:他正在睡觉。5.He is sitting in front of you.译文:他正坐在你前面。6.She is driving now.译文:她正在开车。7.My sister is...

在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况:(1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球.(2)以look,listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时.如:Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌....

现在进行时英语句子如下:1、I am eating now。我在吃饭。2、I am running now。我正在跑步。3、I am sitting bihind you。我正坐在你后面。4、He is sleeping now。他正在睡觉。5、He is sitting in front of you。他正坐在你前面。提高英语的方法:一、记单词 要想提高英语水平,记单词是...

顺城区17025757272: 现在进行时句子100个 -
虞茅泰力: 现在进行时: be动词(am/is/are)+动词的ing 重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母要双写再加ing

顺城区17025757272: 用"现在进行时"造7个句子 -
虞茅泰力: I am reading.She is singing.You are watching TV.My best friend is having English class.Is she dancing.Lucy is writing a letter.I am eating.

顺城区17025757272: 20个现在进行时的句子 -
虞茅泰力:[答案] I'm doing my homework. You're washing your coat. He's watching TV. They're waiting for the train. What's going on there? She's watering the flower. I'm playing the piano. You're having breakfast. He's working on a project. They're running. He's swimming...

顺城区17025757272: 15个现在进行时的句子 -
虞茅泰力:[答案] I'm playing basketball with my friend now. He is helping his mom do the housework. She is gong to school . They are drinking water now . Listen! She is singing. Rod is swimming now. Ann is dancing. David is taking photos. Emma is sleeping. My mum ...

顺城区17025757272: 编十个现在进行时的英语句子 -
虞茅泰力:[答案] 1、Sandy and Sue are going to school. 2、John is reading a book. 3、We are waiting for you outside the bookstore. 4、The boy is playing basketball. 5、The children are singing under the tree. 6、My sister is looking after the baby. 7、She is listening...

顺城区17025757272: 20个现在进行时的句子 -
虞茅泰力: I'm doing my homework. You're washing your coat. He's watching TV. They're waiting for the train. What's going on there? She's watering the flower. I'm playing the piano. You're having breakfast. He's working on a project. They're running. He's ...

顺城区17025757272: 5个现在进行时句子 -
虞茅泰力: I'm taking care of my dog called Lucy. He is looking for his bag. The girl is singing in the classroom. My uncle is eating with his parents The summer is coming,we are swimming happily. (sb. be(与人称相对应) V+ing sth. ......) I hope that they are useful to you.

顺城区17025757272: 现在进行时句子100个急用,快点! -
虞茅泰力:[答案] 现在进行时: be动词(am/is/are)+动词的ing 重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母要双写再加ing

顺城区17025757272: 现在进行时造句 -
虞茅泰力: 3x5=15句 he is playing basketball.他在打篮球 he is not playing basketball 他不是在打篮球 is he playing basketball ?他在打篮球吗?does he playing basketball?他是不是在打篮球?上面就是格式, 改一下动词就可以 She's singing.她在唱歌 he's sleeping 他在睡觉 he's dying 他快要死了 she's talking 她在讲话 the bird is flying 这鸟在飞行

顺城区17025757272: 写出 10 个 现在进行时 的 句子 -
虞茅泰力: 1.We are learning English now.2.Look ! They are playing football.3.Listen ! Someone is singing songs.4.What are you doing ? I am reading English.5.Is she cleaning the floor now ?6.Are they waiting for a bus ?7.What are you doing ?8.Is he listening to the radio ?9.He isn't running now .10.He is sleeping now .

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