
作者&投稿:陟盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ take sb. time 花费某人时间,后面常常接做某事。例句如下:
It took me three hours to finish the difficult work. 完成这项困难的工作花了我三个小时。

we will t ake the pants什么意思

ake the lead in rolling out for all pillar in entire brewery 什么...
take the lead in rolling out 意思是在市场上推出某物上领先 take the lead 是领先的意思 roll out 意思是 在市场上推出某物

in the front 在前面 in the front row在前排 in the front of… 在……前部(范围之内)near the window 靠近窗户 on the right-hand \/ left-hand side 在右\/左手边 at the end of…在……尽头 指路常用短语有:right there 就在那儿 that way 那边 ake the first turning on the left 第...

ake the place of ; instead of 英 [ɪnˈsted] 美 [ɪnˈsted]adv. 代替,顶替,反而 短语:rather-instead 相反 Instead instead of 相反 ; 而非 instead of doing 代替做某事 ; 而不是干某事 ; 而不是做 ; 而不是做某事 词语用法:instead可位于句首,连接上下...

take的常用短语归纳:ake a rest 、take a look、take after、take for 、take on 、take care、take action、take into、take effect 、take the bus。take,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)”,作不及物动词...

has same name 怎么连读
ake the necessary compromises.

There is a lake in the village.村庄里有一个小湖。

other---(m)other---( a)( n)other---( b)(r )other make---( l)ake---( f)ake---( c)ake---( b)(l )ake rain---( b)rain---( a)rain( s)( t)duck---( f)uck---( l)uck---( c)(h )uck twin---( b)in---( p)in---(m )in( u)( t)( e)end...

He is always awake at midnight.他常常到了午夜还醒着。I was barely able to stay awake.我几乎无法保持清醒。Bake until the crust is golden.把糕饼烤至外皮呈金黄色。How did you learn to bake cakes?你是怎么学会烤蛋糕的?Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp.把油酥糕点烤至金黄...

老师说的是snakehead吧,就是蛇头 两个意思:1. the head of a snake 蛇的头部 2. facilitator, people trafficker, people smuggler 组织非法偷渡的人 (snakehead 这里是英文的直译.)

西宁市18964795413: 用It takes/took/will take+sb+time to do sth各造两个句子 -
富侄小儿: It takes me 20 minutes to go to the office. 去上班需要花费我20分钟的时间. It takes him 1 hour to finish his homework everyday. 他每天需要花费1个小时做家庭作业. It took me 3 hours to work out the question. 回答这个问题花费了我3个小时. It ...

西宁市18964795413: 造10个句子it take sb some time to do sth -
富侄小儿: it take me some time to have lunch it take me 15 minute to go to school it take me 30 minute to take shower it take me some time to do my homework

西宁市18964795413: IT TAKE SB SOME TIME TO DO造句 -
富侄小儿: it will take me an hour to get to work It took me an hour to finished the work it takes me an hour to go to school... 这是三种形式.....都可以的 will take 没有必要加s的、、

西宁市18964795413: 四个表示花费的单词中,it take sb后只加时间还是时间,钱都可以加 -
富侄小儿: 四个表示“花费”的词具体用法如下: somebody spends time/money in doing sth/on sth somebody pays money for sth Something costs sb some money It takes someboday some time to do sth. 也就是说起对应关系如下: spend---时间和钱 pay---钱 cost---钱 take---时间

西宁市18964795413: take one's time 是什么意思?怎么造句? -
富侄小儿: 基本解释 take time v. 从容进行 例句  Take one's time 不着急,不着慌 3.Take your time. 3.慢慢来. Just take your time. 您不要着急. Please take your time. 请慢用. Take your time, please. 不要着急. 基本解释 take your time vi.从容做,不慌...

西宁市18964795413: It takes sb+时间+to do sth什么意思 -
富侄小儿: 为你解答. It takes sb+时间+to do sth.意思是:某事花费某人多久时间去做. 如It takes me an hour to get to school. 我到校要一个小时.

西宁市18964795413: take the time各个意思及用法 -
富侄小儿: 别着急,花时间 例句与用法 Take the time and do what makes you feel alive.尽管花时间去做让你感觉真实存在的事情. Resist time pressure, and take the time to listen when other people explain their ideas.顶住时间压力,在其他人解释他们的想法时要耐心听取. Mistakes are crucial to success — if we take the time to analyze them and learn from them.错误是成功的关键——如果我们花些时间去分析它们并从中学习的话.

西宁市18964795413: lt takes +人+时间+to动原的句型 -
富侄小儿: It takes sb+时间+to do sth.意思是:某事花费某人多久时间去做.如:It takes me an hour to get to school.我到校要一个小时.

西宁市18964795413: It take sb some time to do sth.讲解,用法 -
富侄小儿: 这个句型是表示“做某事花费某人多少时间”主语是物.这里的“it"是形式主语,“to do"才是真正的主语,take后面要加一段时间,直接套用公式就行.如:It take me 20 minutes to read the book. 和它意思相同的还有spend(花费,包括花钱或花时间),主语是人,句型有Sb spend some time in doing和Sb spend some time on Sth.两者都表示花时间;Sb spend some money on sth.(花钱)

西宁市18964795413: It takes sb sth to do 造句+解释.8句. -
富侄小儿: It takes me 3 hours to prepare the dinner. 做饭花了我三个小时.普通句 It takes me a long time. 我花了好长时间.次级高手句 It takes me quite a long time. 我花了相当长的时间.高手句 It takes me quite a long time to understand. 我花了相当长...

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