
作者&投稿:东方盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The wayside plant pagoda in Beijing than when pagoda tree hung, drifts through, summer is hot and NongLu with people coming from.
In the morning, on the bike, join the "flow" work. Eyes flashing is XiaFu colors. In August the midsummer, 37, when the temperature reached, many girls wear degrees within dew shoulder, low bosom, sleeveless jacket, some guy on the vest le belly. There was no air conditioning of ordinary people, the universal attention listen to radio and check the weather forecast, occasionally calendar shout: "it's so hot today!" Sigh, alarm, in midsummer seems to go slow.


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it is necessary and important for a senior three student to take a good noon break, as long as they can keep adequate enegy that they could concentrate on classes in the afternoon, and make it more effective

Yesterday my mom had a headache, so I made lunch for her, and fed her medicine.

书面说法可以这样:Kindly noticed that I need 1 day off next Tue.(Sep.7) because I was just informed that I need to take the exam (that day). Thank you!参考资料:绝不用翻译机

翻译成英文谢谢 急!!!
个人介绍:Personal introduction 大家好!我是一名动车乘务员!Hi everyone! I am a rail car attendant!作为离首都很近的动车乘务员是我的骄傲!It is my honour to be a rail car attendant who is so near the capital.短短的时间,在各个方面的服务就要求更高,我要提高自己的服务质量,提高...

Help me,please!

1.Li Ming is used to swimming in this river.2.Mom don't feeling well these days and have to stay at home.3.What surprised me is that many foreigners are studying Chinese very hard.4.The students of Class 5 have decided to go and help grandma Wang once a week.5.Our ...

the Chinese textbook.5.上海热烈欢迎来自世界各地的游客们Shanghai warmly welcomes tourists from all over the world.6.上周他们在北京玩得很开心They had a great time in Beijing last week.7.我弟弟希望得到更多有关音乐方面的知识My younger brother hopes to get more knowledge about music....

翻译成英文~ 谢谢~~~急!!!
After looking at this introduction, I thought that as soon as this cafe is worth going very much. I very much like the peaceful place originally, when I saw when this cafe occupies a very peaceful position, I wanted to go. I thought that this design is very attractive, is ...

翻译为:See attached sample file of the latest report, to date we have sent out most of the samples, all the shipping information and the bill of lading numbers are written in the above, please note that tracking and check; thank you!The one pair of send usa office;The 0.5...

有二个style新增加的color也没有寄,等做sales sample的时候一起做 Also we have not sent you the color sample of two newly-added stlye.They will be provided together with the sales sample when we make.以上出货信息请看附档的详细资料,谢谢!Attached please find the delivery details. ...

longer life, so prices are more expensive. You may have been purchased before the drill bit inserts, so you'll have this question. We are the largest manufacturer in this regard, I believe you have to understand other ways, not in the price fool you, I hope you believe....

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 英文翻译急谢谢了I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you. Each one a line or two, "I'm fine, baby. How are you? -
子车金桂附:[答案] Each one a line or two.. 每封只有寥寥数语 Each one a line or two,..虽然只有简短的两三行 Each one a line or two,..虽然只有简短的两三行 Each one a line or two, 虽然只有简短的两三行 ... That I wrote to you,/都好好的保存著 Each one a line or ...

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子啊,很急!谢谢啦.1,我担心你不能及时完成任务2,那个科学家宣称已经找到治疗癌症的方法3,以便于多挣钱养活她的孩子4,就... -
子车金桂附:[答案] 1, I'm afraid you can finish the task in time 2, the scientists claim to have found method for the treatment of cancer 3 in order to earn more money to support her children 4, as far as I'm concerned 5, absolutely don't play games with the feelings of others ...

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 翻译英语!谢谢啦!!急急急!
子车金桂附: 1.我和我最好的朋友为了一点小事吵架了. I had a quarrel with my best friend for a little thing. 2.我和她吵架后不知道该怎么办. I did not know what should I do after the quarrel. 3.我非常后悔. I feel very regretful. 4.如果我当时冷静一点的话,也许...

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 急.翻译成英语,谢谢了哈
子车金桂附: He was very interested in what I said at that time, and till now I still remember.

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 我现在好纠结 . 翻译成英文 很急的 谢谢啦! -
子车金桂附: I'm really in a dilema.I'm on the fence now!I'm extremely torn.I do dwell on something.I just can't get over the moment right now.I'm entangled.供参

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 急~帮忙翻译成英语,谢啦
子车金桂附: China is also a very interesting country, of course, when there are many dining etiquette, dinner Do not speak loudly ... I hope you play happy.

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 各位高手们,帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢!急! -
子车金桂附: I have already told the firm about this information and they will improve and resolve this problem.thank you .

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 面试英语自我介绍 中文翻译成英文,急! !谢谢啦~~~ -
子车金桂附: 首先,我很荣幸能有这个机会参加贵公司的面试.Firstly, it's my great honor to attend the interview of the company.或 I have the great honor to be here for an interview. 我先做下自我介绍,我的名字是xxx ,现在的工作性质是文件控制和行政管理,...

宁蒗彝族自治县19498473058: 帮翻译成英文急谢谢
子车金桂附: I suggest you all pay attention to food safety.Several days ago,I bought some food from the market for my classmates.(似乎不完整啊)

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