
作者&投稿:西琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Last March, my mother informed my father and me that my grandfather would be visiting in April. We were thrilled because my grandfather was an intriguing elderly man, and he hadn't paid us a visit since his trip to Hong Kong. On April 1st, my father and I purchased an array of groceries from the supermarket and brought home a vibrant bouquet of flowers. We then embarked on a cleaning spree around the house. As we eagerly awaited my grandfather's arrival that evening, the doorbell rang, and to our surprise, it was my mother. With a mischievous grin, she exclaimed, "April Fool's!"
My father and I were initially bewildered, then amused by the prank. We had fallen for the oldest trick in the book on the very day designed for such foolery. It was a humorous reminder that even the most anticipated events can sometimes be a clever ruse, especially on April Fools' Day.

1. 愚人节即将到来,我注意到父母似乎忘记了这一节日。2. 为了庆祝愚人节,我决定给父母一个惊喜。3. 在愚人节当天下午,我故意表现出不高兴的样子,让父母担忧。4. 我告诉父母我在语文考试中只得了76分,其实这是假的。5. 我本以为父母会为此生气,但他们却没有。6. 父亲安慰我说,每个人都会...

我被同学愚了 大家都知道4月1日是愚人节,在这个愚人的节日里,被愚当然是防不胜防,这不,我就被愚了几次……早晨,我像往常一样高高兴兴地来到包干区捡树叶,旁边一个同学怪怪地说:“徐星月,你的鞋带掉了,我当时在想:今天我并没有穿系有带子的鞋呀,但我还是忍不住低头看了一下,只见...

哈哈!我们班的愚人节可是灰常有趣哦!【篇三】愚人节的一天四年级作文400字 早上,我像往常一样背着书包高高兴兴地去上学。我一进门就觉得今天有点异常,这时正在走廊上擦窗台的邵忠泽同学皱着眉头对我说:“你忘记带红领巾了!”在我低头看红领巾的一瞬间,邵忠泽兴奋地喊道:“祝你愚人节快乐!




刹那间,热烈掌声齐刷刷地突然停止,台下一片安静,只见钟明来到台边,迅速脱下乞丐外衣,双手一根一根地拔掉嘴边的乞丐胡须,手捧鲜花,来到枚瑰心型前,面对小雅,单膝下跪,认真道:“宝贝,今天愚人节。” 愚人节作文8 今天是4月一日愚人节,一大早,我便早早盘算着怎么捉弄大家了。7点25分一过,我便抓起书包,带上我的...

哎!真不愧是姜还是老的辣。 到了学校,那愚人的趣事就更多了,老罗,你的篮球掉到楼底下去了!老段一本真经的说,老罗急忙跑了下去,可是没找到球,带着疑惑的神情走上来问:在哪里?我怎么没看见?这时老段说:愚人节快乐!老罗笑了起来,哎你的帽子上有什么东西?蔡佳很认真的对王静说。什么东西?

和他一起进教室的刘泳棋说:“也许你作文写得好,老师要表扬你呢。”於磊磊半信半疑。这时,许姜朋哈哈大笑:“愚人节快乐!”於磊磊和刘泳棋这才回过神来! 当然,愚人节的故事多着呢!这真是个充满快乐的节日! #愚人节五年级作文篇5# 今天是愚人节,它起源于西方。在这一天,骗人是不受批评的! 我从小就非常...

哈哈,愚人节终于来了,我可以逗逗别人,梦梦跟我关系不错,这次我就愚愚她吧···“梦梦,你妈妈在外面等你,说你忘带东西了。”我说 “什么!”“ 先别急你还记得你上次忘写数学作业了吗,老师发现了哦!你妈妈知道了很生气,走了。”“啊!”梦梦大呼小叫。我在一边偷笑···我们走近教...

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党谭宁得: Great first parent The First parent by Bill Cosby Whenever your kids are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to his kids. After creating Heaven and Earth, God created Adam and Eve. ...

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党谭宁得:[答案] April Fool(愚人节)Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us si...

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党谭宁得: April Fool's Day is the only day of the year when you can play tricks on people and needn't worry about them getting angry!Here we also introduce to you some moderate pranks.Just remember,play safe and have fun!Each country celebrates April ...

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党谭宁得: April Fools' Day 愚人节 April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year's Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—...

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党谭宁得: Great first parent The First parent by Bill Cosby Whenever your kids are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to his kids. After creating Heaven and Earth, God created Adam and Eve. ...

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党谭宁得: http://www.newenglishworld.com/detail.asp?newsid=3192 April Fools' Day 愚人节 April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France. In the 16 th century, people ...

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党谭宁得: Another reason is that it is the best way to express tourists' respect. Everyone state owns her behaviors and custom; history saw the development of this country. For example, when tourists go to visit host country, perhaps some of thin gs are so out ...

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党谭宁得: Recess, my classmate friend Wang Tao gave me some medicine to eat chocolate flake.He knew that I most like to eat chocolate, I do very much love to eat,Therefore, it ate the whole.However, eating only to find some tablets, rinse the mouth end, ...

昌图县17398616287: 写一篇有关愚人节我被人捉弄的英文作文 -
党谭宁得: April Fool Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong. On April 1 my father ...

昌图县17398616287: 愚人节英语作文50以上 -
党谭宁得: April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year's Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX ...

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