
作者&投稿:徭宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
化学与化工英语 翻译 急!!!!~



Lesson 2 Metallic Character 金属性
Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if supplied with energy: M→M++e. 金属具有电正性,即在具有足够能量的情况下,趋向于失去电子:M→M++e。
The stronger this tendency, the more electropositive and more metallic an element is. 失电子的趋势越强,元素的电正性与金属性就越强。
The tendency to loss electrons depends on the ionization energy.失电子能力与电离能紧密相关。电离能的大小决定了原子的失电子能力。
Since it is easier to remove an electron from a large atom than from a small one, metallic character increases as we descend the groups in the periodic table. 由于半径较大的原子比半径较小的原子更容易失去电子,因此周期表中同一族从上到下金属性依次增强。
Thus in Group lV, carbon is a nonmetal, gerrnanium shows some metallic properties, and tin and lead are metals. 如第IV主族,碳是非金属元素,锗只表现出一定的金属性,而锡与铅则是金属。
Similarly metallic character decreases from left to right across the periodic table because atomic size decreases and ionization energy increases. 与此类似,由于原子半径递减及电离能增加,同一周期从左至右元素金属性依次减弱。
Thus sodium and magnesium are more metallic than silicon, which in turn, is more metallic than chlorine. 比如,钠和镁的金属性比硅强,依此类推硅的金属性比氯强。
The most electropositive elements are found in the lower left of the periodic table and the most nonmetallic in the top right.电正性最强的元素出现在周期表的左下角,而非金属性最强的元素则出现在周期表的右上角。
Electropositivity is really the converse of electronegativity, but it is convenient to retain the concept of electropositivity when describing metals.电正性的概念与电负性正好相反,用电正性的概念来描述金属性质时更加方便。电正性的概念与电负性正好相反,电正性相对电负性而言,用来描述金属性质更加方便。
Strongly electropositive elements give ionic compounds. 电正性强的金属生成离子化合物。
Metallic oxides and hydroxides are basic since they ionize, and give hydroxyl ions: 由于金属氧化物与金属氢氧化物电离后会产生氢氧根,因此它们都呈碱性:NaOH→Na++OH- CaO +H2O→Ca++20H-
Oxides, which are insoluble in water, are regarded as basic if they react with acids to form salts. 由于不溶于水的金属氧化物可与酸反应生成盐,因此也呈碱性。不溶于水且能与酸反应生成盐的金属氧化物也呈碱性。由于金属氧化物与金属氢氧化物电离后会产生氢氧根,因此它们都呈碱性:
NaOH→Na++OH- CaO +H2O→Ca++20H-,不溶于水且能与酸反应生成盐的金属氧化物也呈碱性。
Thus in the main groups of the periodic table, basic properties increase on descending a group because the elements become more electropositive and more ionic. 周期表主族元素中从上到下,由于元素的电正性与离子化程度逐渐增加,因此碱性也随之递增。
However, this generalization does not hold for the d block, and particularly for the central groups of transition elements (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni) where basicity and the ability to form simple ions decreases on descending the group.不过这个规律不适用于d区元素,尤其不适用于中间族的过渡元素(Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni),因为它们的碱性与生成简单离子的能力在族中从上而下递减。
The degree of electropositivity is shown in a variety of ways. 电正性的强弱可用多种方法来表征。
Strongly electropositive elements react with water and acids. They form strongly basic oxides and hydroxides, and they react with oxyacids to give stable salts such as carbonates, nitrates and sulphates. 电正性强的元素可与水和酸反应。它们可生成碱性氧化物和氢氧化物,与含氧酸反应则生成碳酸盐、硝酸盐和硫酸盐等稳定盐。
Weakly electropositive elements are unaffected by water and are much less readily attacked by acids. Their oxides are frequently amphoteric, and react with both acids and alkalis. They are not basic enough to form stable carbonates.电正性弱的元素与水不发生反应,与酸的反应能力也不强,其氧化物通常是两性的,既可与酸反应也可与碱反应,其碱性较弱,无法生成稳定的碳酸盐。
The electropositive nature of a metal is also shown in the degree of hydration of the ions. 金属的电正性也可用金属离子的水合度来体现。
In the change: M+ to[(H2O)n→M] the positive charge becomes spread over the whole complex ion. 在M+ 生成[(H2O)n→M]的过程中,正电荷分布在整个络合离子中。
Since the charge is no longer localized on the metal, this is almost the same as the change M+→M. 由于正电荷不再是仅分布于金属离子中,因此这个变化过程与M+→M相似。
Strongly electropositive metals have a great tendency to the opposite change: M→M+, so that they are not readily hydrated. The less electropositive the metal, the weaker the tendency M→M+ and the stronger the degree of hydration. 电正性越强,元素发生逆方向反应(M→M+)的趋势越大,就越不容易水合。且电正性越弱,这种趋势就越小,因而水合程度就越强。
Thus the elements in Group II are more heavily hydrated than those in Group I , and the degree of hydration decreases down a group, e.g. MgCl2.6H20 and BaC12.2H2O. 因此第II族中元素的水合程度要比第I族中的强,且水合程度从上到下递减,如从MgCl2.6H20 到 BaC12.2H2O。
Salts of strongly electropositive metals have little tendency to hydrolyze and form oxysalts. Since the size of the metal ion is large it has little tendency to form complexes. 由于电正性强的金属其离子半径大,因此很难生成络合物,也基本上不会水解生成含氧酸盐。
On the other hand, salts of weakly electropositive elements hydrolyze and may form oxysalts. Because they are smaller, the metal ions have a greater tendency to form complexes相反,电正性弱的金属其离子半径小,金属离子容易生成络合物,因此此类金属易水解生成含氧酸盐。

热能作为一种能量形式,不能被创造也不能被消灭。 它可以从一个物质传导到另一个物质。


在一个化工厂, 以精炼厂为例, 热传递是很重要的。大部分工序的正常运转要依靠正确地应用热传递法则。我们处理一种热材料时,我们会将系统隔离, 以保持其热度. 在处理冷材料的情况下,我们会隔离系统, 远离热能。高效的机械用来充分发挥热能机理的作用, 几乎所有化工厂都在使用。

热传递有三种方式:传导、对流、辐射。热传导是指两个不同温度的物体接触而发生热的传递, 或者是物体的一部分向其另一部分传递热, 内部粒子没有发生移动或者混合。


热能作为一种能量,它不能被创造也不能被毁灭。 它可以从一个物体传导到另一物体。






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巧夏域大: 化工:technology of chemical; 化学:chemical;

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巧夏域大: Chemical Industry

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巧夏域大: 1. chemical industry; chemical engineering2. Nature's work; operations of Nature

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