result in和result from有什么区别?

作者&投稿:杭婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析result in 和result from的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Result in":表示导致、造成某种结果或后果。

- "Result from":表示某种结果或后果来源于特定的原因或事件。


- The heavy rain resulted in flooding in the area. (大雨导致该地区发生洪水。)

- The economic crisis resulted in job losses. (经济危机导致失业。)

- His success resulted from years of hard work. (他的成功来源于多年的努力。)

- The accident resulted from a mechanical failure. (事故是由机械故障引起的。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Result in":通常用于描述某种行动或事件的结果或影响。

- "Result from":通常用于描述某种结果的起因或来源。


- His reckless driving resulted in a car crash. (他的鲁莽驾驶导致了一场车祸。)

- The delay in shipment resulted in customer dissatisfaction. (运输延误导致顾客不满。)

- The team's victory resulted from their dedication and teamwork. (团队的胜利来源于他们的奉献和团队合作。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Result in":常用于描述某个行动或事件的结果,特别是负面结果。

- "Result from":常用于描述某种结果或后果的原因或来源。


- His careless behavior resulted in a loss of trust. (他的粗心行为导致了信任的丧失。)

- The improvement in sales resulted from a successful marketing campaign. (销售业绩的改善源于一次成功的营销活动。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Result in":意味着产生某种效果、结果或影响。

- "Result from":着重强调结果或后果的原因或起因。


- The new policies resulted in increased productivity. (新政策导致生产力提高。)

- The damage to the building resulted from a powerful earthquake. (建筑物的损坏源于一次强烈的地震。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Result in":强调事件、行为或决策导致某种结果或后果,范围较广泛。

- "Result from":强调某种结果或后果源自特定的原因或事件,范围较狭窄。


- The company's negligence resulted in a decrease in profits. (公司的疏忽导致利润下滑。)

- The success of the project resulted from careful planning and execution. (项目的成功来自于周密的计划和执行。)

罗平县15028869858: result in & result from..区别&造句~ -
麻融嘉立:[答案] result in 引起 导致 产生, 侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果. 如:The accident resulted in three people being killed. result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果, 更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因. Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

罗平县15028869858: result in,result from的意思分别是什么,有什么用法如果意思相近又有什么区别 -
麻融嘉立:[答案] result in 引起 导致 产生,侧重于结果,即in后面接导致的结果.如:The accident resulted in three people being killed. result from 起因于 由……产生 是……的结果,更侧重于强调起因,即from后面接事情的起因.Nothing has resulted from his efforts.

罗平县15028869858: result in和result of的用法 -
麻融嘉立: result in ……导致……,前后都是名词,前面的名词导致后面的结果,例如: False statements could result in the invalidation of the contract.虚假资料会导致合同失效 result of ……的结果,后面是名词,后面的名词的结果是前面的主语,例如 this is result of the our conversation.这是我们谈话的结果. 一个是前因后果,一个是前果后因

罗平县15028869858: result in 和result to 以及result from的区别 -
麻融嘉立: 1)result to不是词组. 2)result in和result from的区别 【result from】意指“是……的结果,由于……而发生”,即主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的. 【result in】意指“结果是,导致;结果造成”...

罗平县15028869858: Result from 和 Result in 这两个短语如何区分, -
麻融嘉立:[答案] Thedamageresultedfromthefire.这损害由火灾造成.Theireffortsresultedinfailure.他们的努力归于失败result from 由于...原因Soil damage can result from flooding,the effects of chemicals,or the removal of nut...

罗平县15028869858: 谁能介绍一下result in 和result to 、result from的区别? -
麻融嘉立: result in 后面加的是导致的结果 result from 后面加的是导致的原因 eg:They result in poor capital allocation. 它们会导致资本配置不当 Losses in honey bee populations can result from a number of causes. 蜜蜂群体的损失是由很多原因造成的,一个大的问题. The bad weather result in traffic jam.坏天气导致了交通阻塞.

罗平县15028869858: result in和result from是什么意思 -
麻融嘉立: result in 导致 result from 由..引起

罗平县15028869858: 请各位大神帮我区分一下result in和result from,提供快速记忆的方法,我总是搞混,谢谢. -
麻融嘉立:[答案] result in意思是导致=lead to result from意思是由.......造成(from有从----而来的意思)

罗平县15028869858: 请教英语高手 result from 与 result in 的区别是什么,最好详细讲一下?求大神帮助 -
麻融嘉立:[答案] 注意result in和result from之区别:前者表示"结果";后者表示"原因".The damage resulted from the fire.这损害由火灾造成.Their efforts resulted in failure.他们的努力归于失败

罗平县15028869858: result in 和 with the result that在用法上的区别 -
麻融嘉立: 1. 首先,result in是动词短语,意为 导致,引起,,以…为结局.前边是主语,后接事或物.例:Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.(紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中.) 2. with the result that 是with的复合结构,意为 结...

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