
作者&投稿:长蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Jinan, also known as the spring city, is the capital of Shandong Province, a sub provincial city, a mega city and the core city of Jinan Metropolitan area. 

It is the central city in the south wing of the Bohai Rim region approved by the State Council. 

It is the political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, educational and financial center of Shandong Province and an important transportation hub.


一个城市怎么能拥有这么多惊人的地方?北京悠久而辉煌的历史始于50万年前。It is here that the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, Peking men, lived in caves.现代智人的祖先北京人就是在这里居住的。Records show that Beijing has been an inhabited city for more than three thousand years and ...

the main commecial road in the city. Millions of tourists and business people come to the city every day and enjoy Shanghai's food, scenery, and life.上海是中国最大的城市之一,它也是我国商业金融中心。黄浦江穿过这座城市。在浦东地区有很多新的建筑群和大楼,包括著名的东方之珠。南京...

这座城市也是联合国总部的所在地。来自世界各国的外交人员住在这里,在联合国上班。在联合国工作的译员必须会讲联合国五种正式语言中的一种。这五种语言是英语、法语、西班牙语、俄语和汉语。世界贸易中心是沿着哈得逊河的“商业联合国”。它的双塔高405米,每座塔有110层。两座塔共有48 600架窗户。...

首先,上海有着丰富的历史文化。这座城市曾经是一个小渔村,但多年来它已经发展成为一个现代化的大都市,同时仍然保留着其传统魅力。上海拥有许多著名地标,如标志性的东方明珠塔和历史悠久的外滩,这是一个展示各种建筑的滨水区 Firstly, Shanghai has a rich historical and cultural heritage. This ...

英语介绍一个城市的语法。比如说气候,建筑,旅游景点等的语法。谢谢了。必采纳 100 3个回答 #热议# 哪些癌症可能会遗传给下一代? 匿名用户 2014-10-27 展开全部 给你个例文:Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country. The ...

介绍城市 英语作文
It is difficult to be general about London. The city is made up of a "collection of villages", each area with its own character and community.要全面描述伦敦是很困难的。这个城市是一个“乡村集散地”,每个地方都有自己的特色和自己的社区。Put them all together, and you have London...

翻译:西雅图是太平洋西北地区的主要港市、港口。它是该地区主要经济、文化和教育中心。西雅图的特色很多,看你需要哪方面的。城市特色之一:咖啡文化 星巴克是在西雅图开起来的:Seattle has a reputation for heavy coffee consumption; coffee companies founded or based in Seattle include Starbucks, ...

在北京你可以做很多其他的事情,比如在大型购物中心购物,参观各种各样的公园,参观四合院,所以北京是中国第二大城市,仅次于上海。It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city.它是一个主要的交通枢纽,有几十条铁路、公路和高速公路穿过...


介绍一个城市 英语作文
在上海的城隍庙,聚集了上海本地和全国各地的丰富特产。上海的南翔小笼包非常美味,还有各种各样的糕点、小吃。南汇的桃子、崇明的毛蟹、漕泾的西瓜“早春红玉”……There are many delicious things in Shanghai.在上海这个城市,好吃的东西非常多。As one of the most developed cities in China, Shang...

沧浪区15713844245: 用英语介绍一个城市要一百二十个词的!谢谢了! -
闻储盐酸:[答案] Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China and it is also the business and financial center of our country.The Huangpu ... scenery,and life. 上海是中国最大的城市之一,它也是我国商业金融中心.黄浦江穿过这座城市.在浦东地区有很多新的建筑群和大...

沧浪区15713844245: 怎么用英语描写一坐城市 -
闻储盐酸: My favorite city is Wuhan. It sits by Yanzi River, and it is in the center of China. Wuhan has many natural beauty spots, such as East lake and Moshan Mountain. Its cultural relics are famous too. Yellow crane Tower is my favorite one. I like it not only ...

沧浪区15713844245: 用25个英文单词介绍一个城市 急 -
闻储盐酸: The City of Qingdao(青岛城市) The city of Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches. Qingdao is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the ...

沧浪区15713844245: 请用英语简单介绍一座熟悉的城市 -
闻储盐酸:[答案] shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world. it is huge and famous for its department stores.every year,many tourists visit... just like The Bund, Shanghai Museum ,The People Square and so are Shanghai is a wonderful city in china

沧浪区15713844245: 帮我写一篇英语作文..介绍一个城市..(不少于6句话)急.帮帮忙..谢谢.. -
闻储盐酸: Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Heyuan, now let me introduce our city — Heyuan to you. Heyuan is a city with a long history. It is in the northeast of Guangdong and 198 kilometres away from Guangzhou. It has a population of 3,240,000.There ...

沧浪区15713844245: 我要一篇介绍城市的英语作文,要简单的,容易记的,最好有中文简介,5句话, -
闻储盐酸: Great changes has been taken place in our hometown in the recent years.In the past,seldom great buidings were buit while more has been set up nowadays.What's more,the economy of our hometown has been developing smoothly.With it ,our life ...

沧浪区15713844245: 用英语介绍一个城市30字左右 -
闻储盐酸: Hello. I want to tell you something about SanYa city SanYa is a very Beautiful city. I very like SanYa , because there are beautiful Beach and Nice seafood. people in SanYa are very so friendly. In the beach,there are too many sexy girls and cool boys !...

沧浪区15713844245: 介绍一个城市,题目自拟60字左右,,英语作文 -
闻储盐酸: As we all know ,Paris is the capital of France. It is such a beautiful place that all the people would like to visit it some day.The weather is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.There are many places of interest in that city such as Notre-Dame de ...

沧浪区15713844245: 介绍一个城市 英语作文 -
闻储盐酸: 英文意思: Shanghai is a beautiful city. There are many tall buildings in Shanghai and the air in Shanghai is fresh and there are many green trees and flowers, birds are singing everywhere. Shanghai is a big international city, many people come ...

沧浪区15713844245: 英语介绍城市5句话,急啊 -
闻储盐酸: 珠海ZHUHAI Guangdong prov., on the Pearl River, N of Macao. Designated a special economic zone in 1979, the city has benefited greatly from its proximity to Macao. It has a variety of industries, including textiles, electronics, fishing, and tourism. ...

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