
作者&投稿:屈欢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 这句话有两个地方表达不准确。kind后面介词是to.help应该是第三人称单数。
Because he is kind to us and often helps me.

...ill, ___he looks so pale.A. since B. because C. as D. fo_百 ...
because because引导原因状语从句语气最强,表示直接原因,常用来回答由why提出的问题,所引导从句可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。例如:"Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to".We can't go to Julia's party because we're going away that weekend.Because he didn't catch the ...

加不加逗号都可以,没有任何区别。但一般写作最好不用逗号隔开,除非because放在句首,后面的句子要用逗号隔开。because从句可放在主句前或主句后,更常用于主句后。放在主句前时,通常要用逗号与主句分开;放在主句后时,则不需要逗号。例如:He was ill because he drank too much wine.=Because he ...

l believe ___,because he is ___ honest man. A.the words he says...
选B what he says 名词性从句,在这里相当于一个名词= his word。I believe his word= I believe what he says。what 引导的名词性从句,引导词what 不能省略,所以答案A错。因为what是引导词,只能在从句前。(记住引导词只能在引导的从句之前,否则就不叫引导了。)所以答案C错。D 不是陈述句...

引导原因状语从句的从属连词有 because, as, since;because 通常用来表示直接的原因,如 He can't come, because he is ill (= 他不能来,因为他生病了);as 表示明显的原因,如 Let's stay at home, as it is raining (= 我们不要出门吧,因为天在下雨);since 表示附带的原因,有补充...

because :英[bɪˈkɒz] 美[bɪˈkɔ:z]意思:因为 相关短语:just because正因为 merely because仅仅因为 simply because完全因为 例句:Many families break up because of a lack of money 许多家庭由于缺钱而破裂。Just because it has a good tune does ...

英语Because 在句子中起到什么作用?急需
because 表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前……2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如:A:Why can’t you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢?B:Because I’m too busy. 因为我太忙。3. 可引导从句作表语。如:It is because he is foolish. 那是因为...

含because的双语例句:1、I couldn't go to the concert because I had a doctor's appointment.我因为有个医生预约,所以无法去参加音乐会。2、She missed the meeting because she had to see her doctor about a persistent cough.她因为要去看医生治疗持续的咳嗽,所以错过了会议。3、He couldn...

because of 后面接从句,because能后接什么?_?
because是连词,其后接句子。例如:I didn't buy it because it was too expensive. 我没有买是因为它太贵了。because所引导的从句除用作原因状语外,还可用作表语。例如:It is because he loves you. 那是因为他爱你。because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what从句等。because of...

的直接原因.)前后两个分句间有一定的因果关系时(有时很难区分是直接原因,还是推测性原因),for与because可以互换使用.例如:(4)I could not go,for \/ because I was ill.我没能去,是因为我病了.(5)He felt no fear,for \/ because he was a brave boy.他没有害怕,因为他是个勇敢的男孩 ...

since引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之前表示已知的、 显然的理由(通常被翻译成“既然”= now that ), 较为正式, 语气比because弱。4、用法不同 because ① 【conj】因为  for the reason that I did it because he told me to.是他吩咐我才做的。②  因为;由于 If an ...

东至县17760566328: Because 后面什么时候需要+of,什么时候不用? -
葛解黄藤: because 是连词,其后接句子,类似because后加主谓宾; because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等. because后面接完整的句子,because of则不是.

东至县17760566328: because和because. of 有什么区别 -
葛解黄藤: because 词性是连接词,后面只能搭配句子,即原因状语从句:He didn't go to school yesterday because he was ill.///because of 词性的介词,后面搭配名词或者名词性短语,不能跟句子:He didn't go to school because of his sickness.

东至县17760566328: because 和so可以连用吗 -
葛解黄藤: 不能. because和so为并列连词,连接两个并列的分句,因为这两组词的形态和句法功能不同且相互抵触,所以because和so不能同时出现在同一个句子中. 汉语习惯上说“因为…所以…”,但在英语里却不能将so与because连用. 例如:因为...

东至县17760566328: because 不可以开头吗,在正规用法里,有什么规则? -
葛解黄藤: because可以用在开头. 规则: 1. because 除用于引导原因状语从句外,还可引出表语从句.如:It is because he is too foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了.It is because you're eating too much. 那是因为你吃得太多了. 2. 汉语可以说“因为……所以...

东至县17760566328: for、because、as、since用法辨析 -
葛解黄藤: 都选for 原因状语从句 一 because, since,as和for引导的原因状语从句1 because(因为):表示直接的原因或理由,着重点在从句,用于回答why,语气最强. He didn't go to school because he was ill. Why didn't he go to school? Because he was ...

东至县17760566328: because是不是引导并列句的连词,还是它仅仅引导原因状语从句? -
葛解黄藤: 引导原因状语从句的从属连词有 because, as, since;because 通常用来表示直接的原因,如 He can't come, because he is ill (= 他不能来,因为他生病了);as 表示明显的原因,如 Let's stay at home, as it is raining (= 我们不要出门吧,因为...

东至县17760566328: because前面加不加逗号?是 We all like him because he is kind.还是 We all like him,because he is kind. -
葛解黄藤:[答案] 不加,because是连词要连接两个句子

东至县17760566328: because of 和 because的区别 -
葛解黄藤:[答案] 1.because 是连词,其后接句子;because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等.如:I didn't buy it because it was too expensive.我没有买是因为它太贵了.He is here because of you (that).他为你正:He left the company because ...

东至县17760566328: because和because of的区别与用法 -
葛解黄藤: because后接一个句子,引导原因状语从句 eg:I didn't go to park yesterday because it rained.because 与so只能在句子中出现一个,上述句子可改为 It rained so i didn't go to park yesterday. because of接名词或名词短语或动名词短语(of为介词,后加doing) 上述句子可改为 I didn't go to park yesterday because of the rain.

东至县17760566328: because和so为什么不能连用? -
葛解黄藤: 按汉语习惯,我们说“因为...所以...”,但按英语习惯,我们却不能将because(因为)与so(所以)连用.这是为什么呢?这要从英语的句子类型说起.按照句子结构来分,英语句子可分为简单句(通常只有一个主谓结构)、并列句(通常是...

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