What does“like” mean?

作者&投稿:王战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ If you, like, dislike "like", maybe, like, think again


Nobody seems to like "like" — or nobody with access to a printing press. Letters to newspapers and comment pieces often harrumph about this new, meaningless filler word. Can't it, they wonder, somehow be eliminated?

似乎没有人喜欢 like(这个口语填充词)——或者至少那些能够接触印刷机的人不喜欢。各大新闻报刊的读者来信和评论都经常对这个新潮却毫无意义的填充词表示抗议。他们感到困惑:难道这个词就不能以某种方式彻底消失吗?

But academic linguists, at least, have a soft spot for "like". Making a virtue of necessity, they have looked at the supposedly vacuous word in depth. Irritating or not, they have concluded, "like" is not new and is far from meaningless.***

但至少学术界的语言学家们对 like 还是十分喜爱的。他们趁此机会深入研究了这个据说空洞无物的词汇。不管结果是不是令人厌烦,他们都得出了结论:like 不是一个新词,而且也远非毫无意义。

One version is "quotative like": "She was like, 'You can't do that', and I'm like, 'Yes I can'." That was already identified in the early 1980s, associated with young women, particularly those in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. This usage won out against "she goes" ("She goes, 'You can't do that', and I go…") and is now ubiquitous, and uncomplicated.

(Like 的)一种使用版本是“引用式的 like”,比如:“她就,‘你不能那么做’,然后我就,‘我能,我就这么做’。”这种版本早在 1980 年代初就被确认使用了,且(这种版本的使用)和年轻女性有关,尤其是生活在洛杉矶圣费尔南多谷的年轻女性。这种版本的使用胜过“她 goes(说)”(“她说,‘你不能那么做’,然后我说……”),且如今似乎无处不在,简单不复杂。

The word "like" provides a valuable second channel of information, overlaying the basic proposition of a sentence. Speakers who use "like" are not generally stupid or thoughtless. Research suggests that they employ it more with friends and in settings where they feel comfortable, indicating that they hope this second channel will be picked up by a sympathetic audience. They reduce its use in more formal settings — perhaps well aware how older, more powerful adults feel about it.

Like 这个词提供了另一条珍贵的信息传递渠道,叠加在了句子的基本观点之上。总体上看,使用 like 的说话者并不愚蠢或者欠缺考虑。研究显示他们更常在和朋友(的对话中)使用 like,且会在令他们舒服自如的场景下使用。这表明他们希望第二条交流渠道可以被能理解他们的听众所领会到。他们会在更加正式的场景中减少 like 的使用——或许因为他们很清楚年长一些、有权力的成年人会如何看待这个词。

The better gripe is that some people really do use "like" every fourth word. No word or phrase — not "like", not "in terms of" — can bear that kind of repetition without annoying people. So if you're a "like" enthusiast, don't hang your head in shame. But, as with most things, variety is the spice of "like".

更恰当的抱怨是:有些人确实每说四个单词就会使用一个 like。没有哪个词或者短语能够承受那样的不断重复,同时还做到不惹人讨厌的——like 不行,in terms of 也不行。所以,如果你是一个 like 的使用爱好者,别垂头丧气、感到羞耻。但是,和大多数事情一样,(用词的)多样化能为 like 增加额外的趣味。





printing press


搭配短语:go to press

英文释义:to start to be printed

相关词汇:press(n. 压平器;压榨机;熨烫机)

搭配短语:a garlic press

搭配短语:a wine press



v. 发哼声(以表示异议或愤怒)

英文释义:to express anger or disapproval

补充:harrumph 是一个拟声词(imitative word)



v. 消除,清除;消灭(对手或敌人)

英文释义:to remove sth. completely

搭配短语:to eliminate fatty foods from our diet

搭配短语:to eliminate child poverty

have a soft spot for

钟情于……,十分喜爱… …

英文释义:to feel that you like someone very much

例句:She'd always had a soft spot for her younger nephew.

make a virtue of necessity


英文释义: to make a good thing (out) of sth. that one is forced to do, to benefit from sth. that one is forced to do

相关词汇:virtue(n. 优点,好处;美德)

英文释义:an advantage or good thing

相关词汇:necessity(n. 必要,需要)

英文释义:something that one is forced to do



adv. 据说(暗含说话者的怀疑)

英文释义:used to show that you do not believe that something you have been told is true

相关词汇: suppose(v. 推测,假设 )

搭配短语:a supposedly innocent remark



adj. 空洞的,无知的

搭配短语:vacuous comments

补充:vacuous 和表示真空的 vacuum 是同根词,它们的词根都是拉丁语中的形容词 vaccus,意思是“empty”。

近义词:empty(adj. 空洞的)

far from


例句:The situation is far from clear.

相关短语:far from it

例句:He's not handsome — far from it.



adj. 引用的,印证的

相关词汇:quotation(n. 引用)

相关词汇:quote(v. 引用)

win out


搭配短语:win out against / over

例句:Greengrocers have won out against supermarkets by selling local products.



adj. 普遍存在的,似乎无处不在的

英文释义:seeming to be everywhere

例句:Bubble tea shops are now ubiquitous in cities.



v. 叠加,覆盖; 在……上面盖一层东西

相关短语:lay over sth.

搭配短语:Wood overlaid with gold.

例句:The place was overlaid with memories of my childhood.



n. 观点

相关词汇:propose(v. 提出,提议)

英文释义:an idea or opinion



adj. 欠考虑的,不为他人着想的

相关词汇:thought(n. 想法)




v. 使用,雇用

相关词汇:use(v. 使用)

搭配短语:to employ me as a teacher(雇用)

相关词汇:employer(v. 雇主)

相关词汇:employee(v. 员工)

英文释义:make use of

搭配短语:to employ force to open the door(使用)

pick up


搭配短语:pick up a pen(捡)

搭配短语:pick up a bad habit(养成)

搭配短语:pick up sb.(接)

近义词:understand(v. 理解)

近义词:catch(v. 领会)

例句:I didn't pick up the hint.



n. 抱怨,牢骚

词性拓展:gripe(v. 抱怨)

例句:The students griped that they had too much homework.

hang one's head


相关短语:hold up one's head(感到骄傲,不气馁)

例句:Even though they lost the game, they can still hold up their heads because they tried their best.

杭锦后旗17253037533: what is she like.和what does she like 的区别 -
爰冯丹香: 它们的区别为:what does she look like她看起来像什么,指外貌.what is she like她像什么样的,指性格.how is she她怎么样,询问近况.what is she look like没有这种形式,语法错误. 英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中...

杭锦后旗17253037533: What does she like?和 What's she like? 分别什么意思? -
爰冯丹香: 1:What does she like?中文意思是:她喜欢什么? 解析:这里like是使役动词 喜欢到意思.所以提问应该用助动词do,且she是第三人称,所以用单数does.回答时,比如,She likes swimming .她喜欢游泳. 2:What's she like?中文意思是:她像什么? 解析:这里like作为介词,意思是像……的意思.和be动词或者系动词连接连接.回答:She looks like her mother.

杭锦后旗17253037533: how does it like 和 what does it like 有什么语法上的区别 -
爰冯丹香: 这两个句子都有问题.应该是 ''How does he like it?'' 和 ''What is it like?'' 前者的 how 指动词 like 的程度,意思是 “他对它喜欢到哪种地步”.后者的 what 是介词 like 的宾语,意思是 “它是什么样子的” 或 “它怎么样呢”.

杭锦后旗17253037533: what does sam like doing是什么意思 -
爰冯丹香: What does Sam like doing?意思是:“ 萨姆喜欢做什么?” 分析:1、这是一个特殊疑问句.2、回答时用:He likes ....如:1). --What does Sam like doing ? 萨姆喜欢做什么? -- He likes playing basketball . 他喜欢打篮球.2).-- What does your...

杭锦后旗17253037533: what does he like 和what is he like和how is he like -
爰冯丹香: 1、What does he like?正确表达.汉语意思:他喜欢什么? 其中,like 是动词,意思是【喜欢】. 回答可以用: He likes taking exercise to keep healthy. 他喜欢运动来保健. 2、What is like? 正确表达,汉语意思: 他长什么样子?/他这个人...

杭锦后旗17253037533: what does she like和 what does she like doing区别? -
爰冯丹香: what does she like 是she likes what 的疑问形式,表示她喜欢什么的意思; what does she like doing 是she likes doing what 的疑问形式,表示她喜欢做什么意思…… 这个主要是注意like 的搭配……

杭锦后旗17253037533: What does she like to do和what does she like doing有什么区别 -
爰冯丹香: 一般区别不大,也可以互换:like to do sth:喜欢做某事,强调某一特定时间的、短暂动作 like doing sth:突出长期性、习惯性的爱好或喜好.例如:I like playing basketball,but I don't like to play it now in class.祝你开心如意!

杭锦后旗17253037533: What does Tim like.和what Tim looks like什么区别 -
爰冯丹香:[答案] What does Tim like.翻译为 Tim 喜欢什么What Tim looks like 翻译为 Tim 看起来像什么 或 Tim看起来怎么样

杭锦后旗17253037533: what does ... do和what's... like的用法? -
爰冯丹香: what does ...do 意思是 那人什么工作? 那个东西干什么用的?what's ... like 意思是 这像什么? 但是这两句在不同情况下也有不同解释

杭锦后旗17253037533: What is he like和What does he like有什么不同 -
爰冯丹香: What does sb. look like? 用于提问人的长相、外貌,意为“他长得什么样?” “What's sb. like? ”用于提问人的性格、品质等,意为“他是个什么样的人?”. 试体会: —What does Cathy look like? 卡西长得什么样? —She's tall, and she has black hair.她个子很高,一头黑发. —What's Ruth like? 鲁思是个什么样的人呢? —She's quiet and a little shy. 她很文静,有点害羞.

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