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~ 比起什么更喜欢什么用英语怎么说
prefer sth1 to sth2

prefer sth. to sth.

prefer d互ing sth.to doing sth.

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.


i prefer water to tea.

i prefer doing homework to watching TV.

i prefer to do homework rather than watch TV.
wo丁ld rather do sth than sth prefer A to B
prefer ...to...I much prefer jazz to rock music.我喜欢爵士乐胜过摇滚乐。
更喜欢的英文是:prefer to.

分别有两个句式:1.prefer to +动词原形 2.prefer +动词ing

prefer sth. to sth.

prefer doing sth.to doing sth.

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

pared with before

“奇迹”的英文翻译有miracle、wonder和marvel三个词汇。1、miracle 英 [ˈmɪrəkl] 美 [ˈmɪrəkəl]n.奇迹,圣迹,神迹;令人惊奇的人(或事)相关例句:It is a miracle no one was killed.出人意料的是,没有人死亡。2、wonder 英 [ˈw...

亲爱的早上好翻译成英文是Good morning dear。morning的英式读法是['mɔːnɪŋ];美式读法是['mɔːrnɪŋ]。作名词意思是早晨;上午;开端。dear的英式读法是[dɪə(r)];美式读法是[dɪr]。作形容词意思是亲爱的;宝贵的;昂贵的...

30的英文翻译是thirty 音标英 #712θ#604ti,美#712θ#604rti n 三十adj 三十的,三十个的num 三十,三十个。20twenty 30thirty,40forty50fifty谐音分别读作 团体 涩体 佛体 非福体。1到30的英文单词你们知道它怎么写以后,是否也知道它们的读音呢?下面是我给大家带来1到30的英文单词读音,供...

伴侣的英文单词拼写为——partner。partner 核心词汇 【读音】英 ['pɑːtnə(r)]美 ['pɑːrtnər]【释义】n. 伙伴;搭档;伴侣;合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作;做 ... 的搭档 【双语例句】用作名词 (n.)1.He has a competent partner who always organizes everything...

单词的英语:word  英 [wɜːd]     美 [wɜːrd]释义:n. 单词;消息;话语;诺言 ;v. 用词语表达 双解释义:一、n.(名词)[1、字,词 the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone 2、(说的)话,话语,言语 anything said; ...

单词指语法学用语。即词。与"片语"相对。那么,你知道单词的英文怎么写吗?单词的英文释义:word 单词的英文例句:你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.老师在黑板上写出新单词。The teacher wrote down the new words on ...

30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100的英文分别为:thirty、forty、fifty、sixty、seventy、eighty、ninety、hundred。1、从 21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。 表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式...

1–100的写法是有规律的:1–20每个单词都是不一样的,后面每个整十数也都不一样,但是从几十一到几十九,都是用表示十的单词–表示一至九的单词。如21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-...

校长的英文:headmaster;学院院长的英文:principal;系主任的英文:dean principal 读法 英 [ˈprɪnsəpl] 美 [ˈprɪnsəpl]1、adj.最重要的;主要的 2、n.大学校长;学院院长;本金;资本;主要演员;主角 短语:1、principal product 主产物 2、principal ...

如下:中国人的姓名译成英语时,用汉语拼音书写,但不加声调。它可以保持汉语的特点,即姓在前,名在后。姓和名必须分开写,并且大写姓和名的第一个字母。如果名字是两个字组成的,要连在一起拼写,并大写第一个字母。如:Li Xiaowen。又如:Zhang Lihua(张立华)。如果名字部分的第二个字是以元音...

兖州市18817835777: 对比起用英语怎么说?
市怕适今: very sorry

兖州市18817835777: 比起忽冷忽热,还是孤独更适合我.这句话用英文怎么说? -
市怕适今: —— 比起忽冷忽热,还是孤独更适合我.英文:Lonely is better for me than cold and hot 或 It's better for me to be lonely than to be hot and cold 或是 It's better for me than to be cold and hot.

兖州市18817835777: 比起在饭店吃饭,我妈妈更喜欢在家吃饭.用英语怎么说 -
市怕适今: My mother prefer having meals at home to having in the restaurant.prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起zhidao什么...更喜欢...这是固定句型 也可以套用would rather do A than do B 这也是固定句型 意思是:宁愿做A也不做B

兖州市18817835777: 比起画画我更喜欢唱歌 用英语怎么说 -
市怕适今: 比起画画我更喜欢唱歌 I prefer singing to painting. 比起画画我更喜欢唱歌 I prefer singing to painting.

兖州市18817835777: 比起法律我更喜欢英语英文怎么说 -
市怕适今: Compare with law, I would rather enjoying English.I prefer English rather than Law

兖州市18817835777: 比起A更喜欢B英语怎么说?两种KKKKK -
市怕适今:[答案] prefer b to a like b better than a

兖州市18817835777: 比起...,我更喜欢.这个句型用英文怎么说? -
市怕适今:[答案] prefer A to B, 比起B我更喜欢A ---------------------- 重庆森博国际外语学校 Cathy

兖州市18817835777: 英语比起什么更喜欢什么怎么说? -
市怕适今:[答案] would rather do sth than sth prefer A to B

兖州市18817835777: 比起在饭店吃饭,我妈妈更喜欢在家吃饭.用英语怎么说 -
市怕适今:[答案] I have a very loving mother.She always eats at home,and saves all the money she could've spent on dining out to buy things for me.I will love her and respect her for as long as I live.

兖州市18817835777: 比起法律我更喜欢英语英文怎么说 -
市怕适今:[答案] Compare with law, I would rather enjoying English. I prefer English rather than Law

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