
作者&投稿:竹咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1."Guangzhou in order to run 'green Games' have lot of problems to be solved, especially the air pollution!" During two sessions, members of the public in its reform proposals that create a National Environmental Protection Model City, the contractor of the green in 2015 Asian Games, Guangzhou will take to strengthen the air pollution control planning of a comPhensive treatment of air pollution. Members of the public in its reform proposals that, in recent years,Guangzhou, people can often feel that their own lives over the city at a "gray" are. "And November 12, 2015 -27 Day will be hosting the Asian Games in Guangzhou, we can not allow countries to participate on behalf of the Guangzhou Asian Games and the general public as a 'gray' imPssion." In this regard, members of the public reform proposal, as soon as possible and improve the weather in Guangzhou early warning mechanism.

At the same time, strictly control the pollution of motor vehicles. Accelerating the use of buses and taxi LPG, LNG Clean Energy Project. To environmental protection and energy consumption of the relevant data into the management system, increased urban and suburban areas of Guangzhou Automobile emissions monitoring, strengthening the high-emission cars and diesel vehicles of management, the formulation of measures to limit line. Proposal also recommended that relevant government departments should formulate laws and regulations,strengthening of road excavation, removal enclosed and management, and to improve street cleaning and watering of dust extinction, in order to reduce dustpollution. Expand City's green coverage, so that the urban green coverage rate reached more than 40% http://www.xiaobao8.com


2.2015 is the grand festival of our Guangzhou-The 16th Asian Games, let us come to Chang to think green Asian Games together!This will be another large comPhensive international athletics grand occasion which hold in our nation after 2008 Olympic game in Peking, is also an our country a time at capital city outside of the city hold Asian Games, currently, collect of the 16th Asian Games mascot activity already start, have already belong to in everybody's heart oneself of mascot, I the mascot in the heart be "five small sheep", the 1st sheep call"sheep sheep".On her Cape, flower in a Guangzhou City City-the kapok flower gleam fresh and gorgeous of red.A the sport dress which match a body along with her run to MOVE but flaunt, is that continues mountain peak in the dress, carry on the back top to print attractive"day south one Feng".A positive Ran's wearing flaming and very hot fire Asian Games lighted torch is used right hand Gao Gao by her to raise.In her left hand, a golden of the rice Sui flaunt with the breeze.The 2nd sheep call"the sheep become".The his whole body Yue play attire and the back put on 4 brocade ensign and lift one pole red Ying gun in hand.The 3rd sheep call"sheep joys".She wear in the shape of "flower Dan" in the Yue play, twos be long but big of the sleeves covered up a slender hand in"sheep joys".The 4th sheep call"sheep Ying".She wear 1 as if the flames general fire red sportswear, she take feather racket and come up back to chase badminton in the feather ground.The 5th sheep call"sheep Ni".The her dress student pack, kick a shuttlecock in the practice, seem at five sheep statue side kick the sheep city of shuttlecock people.Put together is the meaning of"the sheep city welcome you".Five small sheep symbol peace, good luck, peace and health, hope five small sheep can bring people good luck!





英语手抄报怎么画 三年级

1.首先画出一个大边框,边框内左上角写上【五年级下册 英语手抄报】,下面画出一个边框和基本重叠的书。2.然后在右边画出一个边框顶部写上【ABC】。3.最后涂上颜色就可以了。



为了制作一份简单而又漂亮的小学四年级英语手抄报,可以遵循以下步骤:1. 在手抄报的左上角书写作为标题的“English”,并设计一个有创意的字体样式。之后,画上一个围绕整个报面的外边框。2. 在手抄报的底部画上“ABC”字母表,考虑给每个字母添加有趣的表情,使其看起来更加生动。在右下角描绘一个...



英语手抄报教程 首先顺着手抄报的边缘画上花边,左上角写上主题,底部写上几个英文字母装饰。继续在左侧画上一个铅笔形状的边框,并在右上角画上彩虹边框。在彩虹下方画上方形边框,就可以涂色了,先给手抄报边缘涂红色,主题文字和英文字母涂彩色。再来给左侧铅笔边框涂黄色和红色,右上角彩虹涂彩色,...

英语手抄报边框~~~急! !!

港闸区19861469399: 求关于《迎亚运 学英语》为主题的手抄报,要全英文的,带缩放图. -
宗是派芬: 画标志和一点小花,小草什么的上去,和几个格子写一些内容上去,另外也可以在书上或杂志上剪些类似的图片上去,就ok了.到这个网去看下http://www.puiching.cn/DvNew/show.aspx?id=199&cid=5

港闸区19861469399: 4年级迎亚运的英语手抄报怎么做 -
宗是派芬: 先用中文起好草稿,然后再用“金山词霸”进行翻译

港闸区19861469399: 迎亚运英语手抄报资料(要翻译) -
宗是派芬: 16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the ...

港闸区19861469399: 迎新年,迎亚运英语手抄报,急求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
宗是派芬: HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two ...

港闸区19861469399: 初一英语手抄报设计方案 -
宗是派芬: 英语手抄报活动方案 一、活动目的:提高学生学习英语的兴趣,丰富学生的课余生活,扩大学生的英语文化知识,让学生通过收集资料,动手设计制作手抄报,发挥自己的想象力和创造力,学会用英语做事情,使英语学习变得更有乐趣.二、...

港闸区19861469399: 激情迎亚运手抄报 -
宗是派芬: 你可以分开一半画. 以画一面国旗、火炬、亚运中的五只吉祥羊.... 然后你可可以用剪贴方式来,让人眼前一亮!yes!!! 可以画亚运的吉祥物,

港闸区19861469399: 英语手抄报花边 -
宗是派芬: http://image.baidu.com/i?ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&tn=baiduimage&fr=&pv=&word=%BF%C9%B0%AE%BB%A8%B1%DF%B1%DF%BF%F2&z=0&fm=rs6http://image.baidu.com/i?ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&tn=baiduimage&fr=&pv=&word=%BF%A8%CD%A8%BB%A8%B1%DF%B1%DF%BF%F2&z=0&fm=rs6 给这两个地址,自己去选吧

港闸区19861469399: 手抄报的花边简单的 -
宗是派芬: 如图. 其实完全可以用word或者ppt来制作手抄报,这样就不用自己画边框了,直接百度边框,插入word或者ppt,再在边框里面打字就可以了.制作完毕直接彩打出来,简单省事又好看.

港闸区19861469399: 手抄报边缘怎么画好看? -
宗是派芬: 手抄报边框怎么画  第一次做手抄报的同学肯定还不太会玩吧,那么手抄报应该怎么画呢?请看下面. 工具材料: 白纸、铅笔、彩笔操作方法 01 首先准备一张白纸,一支铅笔和彩笔.02 首先我们在纸上用铅笔画一个双圈、边边角角...

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