英文的 5,6,7,8,边形怎么说?不要什么five-sided-shape,什么hexagon的才对~

作者&投稿:阎曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Tangram is an intellectual game, as its name implies, is a puzzle consisting of 7 board. This seven-piece graphics board can spell many (more than 1600 kinds), such as: triangle, parallelogram, irregular polygon, the player can also spell it all kinds of characters, images, animals, bridges, rooms, towers, etc. also some in English and Chinese letters.
Also called "Qiqiao plans," is a popular Chinese folk toys intelligence. It is from a few Yan Tang evolved, the original author of a room for games, after the civil into a puzzle toy. According to Lu Qing Tian "cold Cottage miscellaneous knowledge," said:: Song Huang Yan Chambers a few maps, a few side seven, coherent long, spread to 25 body into a 68. Ming Yanseveral butterfly diagram, the system is also flexible in order to shape thefor the triangular shape of the wrong, such as. Its three-, six of its system, the scores of three, the change of style, where more than 100. Near and Qiqiao map, its in five, the number seven, the change to multi-thousand. Xiao precursor form, readily changes, to build a game which ranked stuffy silence broke, it was secular hi all. "Tangram is a square cut by five smallits graphics together into various things, such as figures, animals and plants, room pavilion booths, car sedan bridge boat, one person can play, or more persons to engage in competition. puzzle can be explained using a number of important geometric relationship between the ancient principle of arithmetic is the "principle of access to complementary"
[Edit this paragraph] 【Structure】
Puzzle is composed of the following board 7, a complete design for a square: 5 isosceles right triangle (the two small triangular-shaped, triangular-shaped one in and two large triangle-shaped), a square and a parallelogram.
The nineteenth century, one of the most popular is the tangram puzzle. Is probably the popular puzzle because of its simple structure, simple, understandable reason. You can use the puzzle to spell can design your own pattern, but if you want to use spell-specific pattern puzzle, it will be faced with real challenges. It is where the fun puzzle.
The structure of simple puzzle that is easy to mistakenly believe that to solve the problem it is also very easy, in fact, this is one-sided. Puzzle can spell with more than 1600 kinds of patterns, some of which is easy to spell, and there are some quite sophisticated, some are full of contradictions and paradoxes.
"Puzzle" is China's ancient invention of the working people, its history can be traced back to at least the first century BC to the basic shape of the Ming Dynasty. Ming and Qing dynasties in widespread civil Qing Tian Lu "cold Cottage miscellaneous knowledge" in Volume I wrote "nearly there Qiqiao map, its in five, the number seven, the change to multi-thousand. Xiao precursor form, readily changes, to build a game which ranked stuffy silence broke, it was secular all-hi. "
"Qiqiao map" do not know when they spread abroad by their welcome and attention, Needham said that it is "the oldest pastime Oriental" in one of the University of Cambridge since the library has a collection of "new Qiqiao spectrum. " Special American writer Edgar Allan Poe has been refined with an ivory puzzle. Napoleon in exile in France have used lifepuzzle game. Who can imagine that would puzzle even with Napoleon Bonaparte, Adam, Dulay, Edgar Allan Poe, as well as Carroll and others special relationship? In fact they are the puzzle aficionados.
Puzzle played it? That simple 7 board, could spell a variety of graphics. Who would have thought then that this toy is an evolution of ancient furniture.
Huang called Chambers of the Song Dynasty, and of great deal of research in geometry, his hospitality, invented a table with 6 Zhang a "feast a few" - a small table to eat dinner.
Later it was to improve the composition of the seven feasts of several tables can be different according to the number of meals to the table spell different shapes, such as spell 3 triangle, square form themselves into the number 4, 6 spell of six square ... ... when all this convenience food, the atmosphere was better.
Later, it was the feast that only a few changes to narrow the 7 board, with its puzzles, turned into a toy. Fun because it is very clever, it is called the "puzzle."
By the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, the palace of the people often use it to celebrate the festivals and entertainment, and spell a variety of auspicious patterns and text, the National Palace Museum has also kept it at the time of the puzzle!
The 18th century, puzzle spread abroad, immediately aroused great interest, and some foreigners to play it all night and call it "Don map", which means "puzzle from China."
The name on the puzzle that many of the original:
1. From the abandoned English word "trangram": odd-shaped gadgets;
2. Words from the Tang (the Tang Dynasty in China) with the suffix-gram (the context for the works of Greece);
3. From the term "tanka", which means people on board along the coast. They ferry transportation in addition to the supply of food, clothing, but also to provide some entertainment for the hospitality. Including the composition of this board by 7 Chinese puzzle. About the word Tangram (Tangram) from tanka game (board game people) to the evolution.
More than these seems to have some truth.
The original puzzle is probably the strong interest and entertainment of its interpretation, inspired the famous American puzzle expert mountain Brimelow creative literary Aykroyd. In 1903, his 61-year-old, in the "eighth Paper Tea" wrote: "according to the Encyclopedia, the puzzle game is a very ancient origins. In China, as a pastime of the plaything, its history can be traced back to 4,000 years ago ... ... "
Tangram is an excellence of our ancestors to create. The early 19th century, puzzle spread to the West, was known as the "Oriental magic board."
[Edit this paragraph] 【】 China's development process
First, a few plans Yan Song Ming into→ → Furthermore several of the early Qing Dynasty to modern puzzle.
Yan several chart - features the original puzzle is "Yan few map" mean a few Yan greeted guests feast Zongbin the case with a few, lead to this idea are the Northern Song Huang Jinshi Chambers, who designed the first case of a few rectangular six in banquet, as guests can adjust the amount of the appropriate location, and then added to a small few, the case of seven with a few full-spelling, will become a big rectangle, can be separated from changes in infinite combinations. And modern puzzle has the same amount of money.
a few - then, in accordance with the Ming Ge Shanyou "Yan several map" of the principles of the design of the "few", from 13 different triangle and composed of a few cases, together with the wings of a butterfly shape, after the separation may spell out more than 100 kinds of graphics.
Puzzle - the puzzle that is modern, "several plans Yan" and "a few" be developed based on the out.
[Edit this paragraph] the benefits and use 【】
The benefits and usefulness of Tangram is numerous, the following is the puzzle part of the benefits and usefulness: the shape of the concept of visual resolution, recognize chi skills, visual memory, hand-eye coordination and encourage the opening up, the proliferation of thinking, creative opportunities.
Whether in modern or ancient times, to inspire children puzzle are good partners for intelligence. Able to care for the kind and form a bridge linking between the foster child's powers of observation, imagination, and creative forms of logic have a great space for development.
Now widely used by parents to help children learn basic concepts of logic and mathematics. Can help children understand a variety of geometric shapes, numbers, understanding the meaning of perimeter and area to understand the Pythagorean theorem.
Puzzle can also teach children to identify colors, graphics and guide children to understand the segmentation and synthesis, thus enhancing the child's hand intelligence, patience and observation. Can then be used to tell a story, will be dozens of picture puzzle pieces together into a coherent picture of the can when the comic as it is for the children to listen to that. First spell several cats and several dogs, a house, you can tell a wonderful story.
[Edit this paragraph]】 【production puzzle
Production puzzle is a very simple matter. Material is only an ordinary stationery: a pen, a ruler, a pair of scissors and a piece of cardboard / paper. Such as love, can be prepared a few crayons. Refer to production methods http://youxi.moonlightchest.com/tangram.asp
1. First of all, draw a square on a piece of paper, dividing it into 16 small squares. 2. From the top left corner to draw a line in the lower right corner. 3. In the middle of the above even a line to the middle of the right. 4. And then the upper right corner in the lower left-hand corner to draw a line, when the second line can be stopped.
5. And then the upper right corner in the lower left-hand corner to draw a line, when the second line can be stopped. 6. From the speeches of the end of that line to start a line drawn to the bottom three-quarters of the location of the beginning of the number from the left and touched the line can be stopped. 7. Finally, they painted a different color and cut along the black lines, you will have a new puzzle of the.

France is a country whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe and that also comprises various overseas islands and territories located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. French people often refer to Metropolitan France as L'Hexagone (The "Hexagon") because of the geometric shape of its territory. France is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. In some of its overseas departments, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles. France is also linked to the United Kingdom via the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel. The French Republic is a democracy that is organised as a unitary semi-presidential republic. It is a developed country with the sixth-largest economy in the world. Its main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. France is one of the founding members of the European Union, and has the largest land area of all members. France is also a founding member of the United Nations, and a member of the Francophonie, the G8, and the Latin Union. It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also an acknowledged nuclear power. It is considered as one of the post World War II great powers. France is the most popular international tourist destination in the world, receiving over 75 million foreign tourists annually. The name France originates from the Franks, a Germanic tribe that occupied the northern Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. More precisely, the region around Paris, called le-de-France, was the original French royal demesne.



发音:英 ['pentəɡ(ə)n]  美 ['pɛntəɡɑn] 

含义:n. 五角形。


Pentagon: The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system". 



发音:英 ['heksəg(ə)n]  美 ['hɛksəɡɑn] 

含义:n. 六角形,六边形。

adj. 成六角的;成六边的。


Explanation: If you can find Orion, you might be able to find the Winter Hexagon. 



发音:英 ['heptəg(ə)n]  美 ['hɛptəɡɑn] 

含义:n. 七角形;[数] 七边形。


They found a heptagon.



发音:英 ['ɒktəg(ə)n]  美 ['ɑktəɡɑn] 

含义:n. 八边形,八角形。


Come on, let's go find an octagon. 




PENTAGON是韩国Cube Entertainment于2016年10月10日推出的10人男子演唱组合,现以赵珍虎、李会泽、梁洪硕、高信源、吕畅九、闫桉、安达祐人、姜炯求、郑禹奭9位成员的形式展开活动。

2016年4月26日,PENTAGON公开首支出道预告《PENTAGON Trailer ~come into the world~》,首次正式公开亮相。

5月2日,PENTAGON组合出道真人秀节目《Pentagon Maker》正式播出;10月10日,发行首张迷你专辑《PENTAGON》,正式出道。

12月2日,入围MAMA亚洲音乐大赏最佳男子新人奖;6日,举办首场迷你演唱会; 7日,发行第二张迷你专辑《Five Senses》。

2019年7月5日,PENTAGON的经纪公司表示,闫桉出现健康方面的问题,今后一段时间将暂停所有演艺活动 。


1、entagon    英[ˈpentəɡən]    美[ˈpentəɡɑːn]    

n.    五边形; 五角形; 五角大楼(指美国国防部);    

[例句]The Pentagon says bad weather is hampering the allied air raids


2、hexagon    英[ˈheksəɡən]    美[ˈheksəɡɑːn]    

n.    六边形; 六角形;    

[例句]Knew the area of hexagon, can change cipher out a.


3、heptagon    英[ˈheptəɡən]    美[ˈheptəɡɑːn]    

n.    七边形; 七角形;    

[例句]These results show that the different arranges of pentagon and heptagon along the axi have obvious difference on electrical properties of carbon Nanotube.


4、octagon    英[ˈɒktəɡən]    美[ˈɑːktəɡɑːn]    

n.    八边形; 八角形;    

[例句]They are related to billiards on tables that are not rectangular but still polygonal, like the regular octagon.


5、nonagon    英[ˈnɒnəɡən]    美[ˈnɑːnəɡɑːn]    

n.    九边形; 九角形



平定县17641333469: 英文的5,6,7,8,边形怎么说 -
雕钧妙纳: 5边形,pentagon 6边形,hexagon 7边形,septangle 8边形,octagon

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雕钧妙纳: 5 pentagon 6 sexangle 7 heptagon 8 octagon

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雕钧妙纳: Heptadecagon 多边形的后缀为-gon, 前缀为拉丁数字,如: 5边形为pentagon 6边形为Hexagon

平定县17641333469: 英文表示“1 - 10”怎么写,说“one,two"的靠边!例如:5,用”V“表示~!谢谢~! -
雕钧妙纳: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,

平定县17641333469:的英语怎么说 -
雕钧妙纳:[答案] 1:one 6:six 2:two 7:seven 3:three 8:eight 4:four 9:nine 5:five 10:ten

平定县17641333469: “十三边形”用英语怎么说? -
雕钧妙纳: 有个专有名词的triskaidecagon 或是 tridecagon. 这些全给你了:) 3 triangle or trigon 4 quadrilateral or tetragon 5 pentagon 6 hexagon 7 heptagon 8 octagon 9 enneagon 10 decagon 11 hendecagon 12 dodecagon 13 triskaidecagon or ...

平定县17641333469: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,的英语咋写 -
雕钧妙纳:[答案] one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 注意40的写法就可以了

平定县17641333469: 英语5,6,7,8求详解! -
雕钧妙纳: 5. when (while 常常用在进行时里)when 在这句话里是惯用的连词,表达:正当 我要做什么时, 什么事/人抢先我做什么了.6. As 用as引导的介词短语,在英文了很普遍.比如:as could be shown, as will be illustrated later, etc.7. early 1990s 表达过去的特定时间,所以要用一般过去时,即: began8. to do sth, not to do sth. 不定式前后保持一致.所以, 应选择B, not to make

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