
作者&投稿:乜剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
国际贸易实务,汇票句子翻译 ,英语看不懂~

这是一式两份汇票的第二联,其中At ______ sight 意思是:付款时间;this SECOND BILL of EXCHANGE ( first of the same tenor and date unpaid )意思是: 付二不付一;pay to the order of 是指:受款人,;he sum of是:汇票金额;Drawn under 是:出票条款;To是:付款人。

can be set to continuous or burstmode

1. Packing: goods should have moistureproof, corrosion, shockproof and suitable for packing of YuYuanYang transport goods due to improper packing, the goods caused by the seller shall be responsible and loss. The seller shall not fade in each package marked with the color measurement, gross weight, net weight, and "moisture", "handle with care".

2 for CFR terms: the sellers shall be stipulated in the contract, the goods within the time as by the port of loading to China port, shipping directly without consent of housing in the ship.

3 shipment advice of shipment: immediately after completion, the seller notifies the house with contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. Due to the seller does not give the advice of shipment cable to buy be unable to arrange insurance in time, the occurrence of the sellers shall be responsible for all the losses.

4 seller with the following documents to the negotiating bank payment payment:
Made out to order, blank endorsed in blank set of clean on board ocean bills of lading
Signed invoice, indicating contract number 5 shipment wharf.
Indicate the size of the packing list/weight sheet 2

5 commodities inspection: it is mutually agreed that the manufacturer of quality and quantity or weight inspection certificate as payment negotiation bank payment to the seller is one of the documents.

6: due to the force majeure generally recognized as force majeure causes not delay delivery or non-delivery of the goods, the seller liable. But the seller shall advise immediately, when the accident happened in the house.

7 all from the execution of this contract, both parties concerned dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations. If no settlement can be reached between, the dispute shall be submitted to the China council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration to the foreign trade arbitration commission.

1. Packing: goods should have moistureproof, corrosion, shockproof and suitable for packing of YuYuanYang transport goods due to improper packing, the goods caused by the seller shall responsible and loss. The seller shall not fade in each package marked with the color measurement, gross weight, net weight, and "moisture", "handle with care".

2 for CFR terms: the sellers shall be stipulated in the contract, the goods within the time as by the port of loading to China port, shipping directly without consent of housing in the ship.

3 shipment advice of shipment: immediately after completion, the seller notifies the house with contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. Due to the seller does not give the advice of shipment cable to buy be unable to arrange insurance in time, the occurrence of the sellers shall be responsible for all the losses.

4 seller with the following documents to the negotiating bank payment payment:
Made out to order, blank endorsed in blank set of clean on board ocean bills of lading
Signed invoice, indicating contract number 5 shipment wharf.
Indicate the size of the packing list/weight sheet 2

5 commodities inspection: it is mutually agreed that the manufacturer of quality and quantity or weight inspection certificate as payment negotiation bank payment to the seller is one of the documents.

6: due to the force majeure generally recognized as force majeure causes not delay delivery or non-delivery of the goods, the seller liable. But the seller shall advise immediately, when the accident happened in the house.

all from the execution of this contract, both parties concerned dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations. If no settlement can be reached between, the dispute shall be submitted to the China council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration to the foreign trade arbitration commission1. Packing1. Packing

us bury him if we pay you.4. Chinese nationals are pigs to us, ought to be killed.5. You are then a dumb pig.6. We wish that you will turn over a new leaf. Chinese nationals are not to be trifled with.(注:本人只是为救问答者而反译,不为任何人滥用负责。)...

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1. Hunan yueyang city yueyang LouOu new wins community agricultural groups 2. Yueyang city sun bridge hotel holiday work Yueyang city step supermarket promoters Hunan contemporary commercial daily interns Zhongnan university admissions point college enrollment work Yueyang city step electronic ...

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攸肃尔同:[答案] 1. we issues in your mail in March 10, I was already clear inform you, we cannot accept your form contract, sorry, we cannot return sign your form contract. 2.We already cooperated with other custome...

临河区13722518765: 翻译几个国际贸易方面的句子
攸肃尔同: 1. we issues in your mail in March 10, I was already clear inform you, we cannot accept your form contract, sorry, we cannot return sign your form contract. 2.We already cooperated with other customers many years, they from have not requested the ...

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攸肃尔同: 1 your countoffer does not go with the market price2 we are sorry that there is a big difference between our price and your countoffer.3 sorry that we can not...

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攸肃尔同: 1. You increase the sales, distribution of your success is evidence of my products. 2. Feasible approach might be to provide a low-grade but is still acceptable quality low-priced products. 3. Urgently needed by the user's machine orders, and in fact ...

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临河区13722518765: 几句关于国际贸易的英译中
攸肃尔同: 1在一位著名的评论mckenzie(1954年p.179)指出,“一会相信兰开夏,考虑一件不可能产生布如果棉花必须在英国. 2circadian模式,以下的假设: 1输入劳工是唯一主要的生产(劳动被认为是最有价值的). 2产品的边际劳动(mpl)(劳动生产力而工作是不断,不断返回规模、简单的技术.) 3有限的劳动在经济 4劳动是相当移动中的行业,但没有国际 5竞争(price-takers)circadian的措施.在short-run,因此与国际技术.这种支持的国家遵循其比较优势和的专业化.

临河区13722518765: 翻译一个外贸句子,英译汉的 -
攸肃尔同: 该产品以其独有的方式(销售)在一年内是有利可图的.pay 有…收益

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