
作者&投稿:后终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一行in去掉第三行what改为that him改为her 第四行seeing改为see第五行waiting改为wait第六行chances改为chance第七行late改为later最后thank改为thanks

第一行 anybody 改为everybody第二行 must后面加be or改为and第三行 feeling改为feel第四行 at去掉第五行 that改为which第七行 to改为with patient改为patiently第八行 much改为more第九行 his改为their共十处错误。提高的办法很简单,第一背短语,第二掌握语法。凡是让你放弃语法的学习方法都是在坑你,除非你只想学几句口语。

I'll never forget the story ∧happened on a bus the other

1. 正确。

day. It was a windy day. I got on a bus after school. A

2. 第一句中已经提到 bus. 此处转为特指, a bus 应该改为 the bus。

young lady was standing next to me. In a flash, the strong

3. strong wind 是第一次提到,属于泛指,改为 a strong wind。

wind blew inside the windows. The lady's false hair has

4. 文章开头已经把故事定格于过去,另外假发是被风吹掉的,has 应该改为过去时的被动语态 was。

blown away. To our surprises, she was hairless. While she was

5. surprises 改为 surprise;to one's surprise 意思是“使...感到震惊”,surprise 是抽象名词,不可数。

wondering what to do, when many passengers laughed loudly.

6. While 和 when 都引导时间状语从句,因此这里没有主句,把第二个when 删除掉。

She managed to hold back her tears. Saw this, I

7. Saw this 改为 现在分词 seeing this, 用作时间状语,等于 When I saw this.

picked up his false hair and said, "Don't be sad, Miss. I'm

8. lady 是女性,把 his 改为 her。

sure your hair will grow again." When I glanced to the

9. glance 后只能用介词 at,表示“扫视”,把 to 改为 at。

other passengers, they all quick bent their heads with shame.

10. quick 是形容词,改为副词 quickly 修饰动词 bent。

I'll never forget the story that happened on a bus the other 1
day. It was a windy day. I got on a bus after school. A 2
young lady was standing next to me. In a flash, a strong 3
wind blew into the window. The lady's false hair was 4
blown away. To our surprise, she was hairless. While she was 5
wondering what to do, many passengers laughed loudly. 6
She managed to hold back her tears. Seeing this, I 7
picked up her false hair and said, "Don't be sad, Miss. I'm 8
sure your hair will grow again." When I glanced at 9
other passengers, they all quickly bent their heads with shame. 10

1.but 改为 and\/so 2.a half改为 half a 3.put on it 改为 put it on 4.are 改为 is 5.play 改为 playing 6.likes 改为 like 7.are 改为 is 8.watch 改为 watching 9.by 改为 on 10.on 改为 in

1.have改为has. has a lige-long 2.called 3.a改为an。4.on the stage 1.在舞台上 2.当演员 in the stage 在...阶段,在...时期,这里的意思是在高中时期,所以原文是对的。5.lay 6.make the best use of,是make good use of(好好利用)的变形,拿掉插入语in the first place, ...

have estimated 改为一般现在时 estimate (不需要复合时态)computer 改为复数形式 computers replaced 改为一般将来时 will replace 2)Whether nature or nurture 【has played】 a more important role in children's development 【was】 heatedly discussed.has played 改为一般现在时 plays (简单时态...

4 (1) Once you master these rules, you will find it interesting to learn English.(2) Once the project is completed, the environmanet of the city will be greatly improved 5 你标的定语从句是正确的。是以(that)引导的;[(2)(3)(4)]的连词作主语,(1)中的连接词作宾语。(5)...

1 校长很荣幸?应该是很荣幸地,校长也参加 2 同学们一拥而上?应该是踊跃或者跃跃欲试 3 校长抛砖引玉?应该是校长身先士卒 4 全场一片哗然?应该是欣然或者喝彩 5 备感欣慰?应该是备感鼓舞 主要褒贬不分,敬语与谦语不分

急!语文改错题 速度帮忙!!!

外语改错题 高手帮忙! 急
我来回答!But even the heaviest frogs 【are】 not match for a watery tornado,or a waterspout,(as) it's called when a whirlwind picks up water 以上这句话中的are应该改成do。match在这里是动词,意为“与…匹敌、是…的对手”其否定形式应该借助其助动词do来实现。(as) it's ...

Hello, everyone(Ladies and gentleman)!My topic today is Lantern Festival. I hope you will enjoy it.The Lantern Festival is an important day after the Spring Festival. It is on the 15th of the first lunar month. People celebrate this day, because it is the end of the Spring ...

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太和县15134095080: 简单English改错题.急.English改错题.急.1.We eill go home when our teacher will come here.2.What I said is just for funny.3.Kon't forget anything in the taxi.4. - ... -
陟尝清瘟:[答案] 我写出正确的句子,你对应. 1.we will go home when our teacher come here 2.what I said was just for funny 3.don't forget anything left in the texi 4.will you come back 5.than she was 6.more serious (此题用法不地道,误人子弟) 7.I have 8.不知道什么...

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陟尝清瘟:[答案] does改为can 情态动词变一般问句不需要助动词

太和县15134095080: 英语改错 很简单 送分! -
陟尝清瘟: 1 when -> that2 interesting-> interested (be interested in )3 a greed-> agreed 4 before -> After5 travelling - > taking6 reached in the stop -> reached the st...

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陟尝清瘟: 为你解答.选词填空:1、why2、whose3、that4、was5、where 改错:1、is 移到 which之后2、where 改为 which3、which 改为 that4、was 改为 is5、can 改为 could

太和县15134095080: 英语改错,帮忙,简单. -
陟尝清瘟: I'll never forget the story ∧happened on a bus the other 1. 正确.day. It was a windy day. I got on a bus after school. A 2. 第一句中已经提到 bus. 此处转为特指, a bus 应该改为 the bus.young lady was standing next to me. In a flash, the strong...

太和县15134095080: 帮忙做一道英语短文改错题Quite a few of students visit net bars frequently.1._________They went there mainly to play games.Some of 2._________them ... -
陟尝清瘟:[答案] 1 去掉of 2 went→go 3 去掉第一个the(我不确定) 4 in→on 5 healthy→health 6 is后加not 7 us→we 8 work→working 9 knowledges→knowledge 10 √ 【仅供参考】

太和县15134095080: 英语改错,急求帮忙 :I greeted to them in English and then began to chat. -
陟尝清瘟:[答案] I greeted them in English and then began to chat.

太和县15134095080: 两道英语改错~帮忙看看~~ -
陟尝清瘟: 1 去掉the ,在网上应该用on internet ,所以.....2 that 改成it , it 作形式主语,无具体意义.真正的主语是to meet him

太和县15134095080: 英语短文改错 急!急! 急!英语高手帮帮忙!Here you will find some tip on how to improve your English conversation skills.The main goal is fluency .First of ... -
陟尝清瘟:[答案] Here you will find some 【tips】 on how to improve your English conversation skills.The main goal is fluency .First of all try to speak as 【fluently】 as possible (even making some grammar mistakes )...

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