
作者&投稿:潜贴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Suite 3903, Block C, Chengshi Tiandi Square,
Jiabin Road,Luohu District, Shenzhen,
Guangdong Province, China.

Well, I know about to the United States, I was on the American movie culture comparison of interest. Especially those in science fiction movies like, they are very good. For example" variant steel"," the matrix"," Avatar", you read the other? ( Bean:" Spider-Man"," Superman" ) well, well. These within the world are subject to wide acclaim, these films are reflected in the United States is the world's highest level of film technology. Have you seen the film? ( D: no ) never mind, I'll bring you go and check. ( D: good ) but I have no money ( HA HA ) Oh, have you ever heard of this man Jackie Chan? ( P:: a Hongkong star? ) Well, what do you know about him? ( P: his nose is very big. ) Ha ha, he is a kung fu movie stars, like Bruce Lee, but Jackie Chan's action films are humorous and true, this is the reason he has a large number of fans. ( J: WOW, then he is MAN, is it right?? ) Sometimes, however, recently I read a classic old movies. ( J: what the movie first blood ( J ): I know that, the protagonist is Stallone ) is the! Young Stallone, a handsome appearance and strong body, a too ordinary skill and bravery. He really is too MAN. ( Bean: COOL! ) ( M: Mmm. I love" Titanic" some more, I hope I can be like ROSE, there is a death of Yu's love story ) I wish you good luck. Every jack has his Jill. Well, tell me about your knowledge of American culture.

Could you tell me the way to the train station,please?
Take Bus No.12
but where can I get on the Bus No.12?
turn right at the second traffic light.
You're welcome.



第二部分汉译英,1个对话约250—300词,共20分。第三部分英译汉,1篇短文300词左右,交替传译,共30分。第四部分是汉译英,1篇短文300词左右,交替传译,共30分,总计100分,时间为40分钟。 高级的第一部分是英译汉,1篇400词左右的短文,交替传译,共20分。第二部分是汉译英,1篇400字左右的短文,共20分。

初级笔译考试内容分英译汉和汉译英两种题型。各分两节,第一节为单句翻译,给出10个句子,要求考生将其译成汉(英)语。第二节给出1篇250字左右的英(汉)文章,要求考生将其译成汉(英)。题量各11道题,分值各50分,总计 100分,时间为3小时。中级笔译考试内容分英译汉和汉译英两种题型,各给出两篇英(汉)语文章...

劳拉!“对不起”也没有用,你应该四十分钟之前就到这的,你又晚了,跟平时一样!好的,好的,我已经来了。朋友之间差几分钟能怎样?不,你不明白。(读公告板 )哦,看啊!我得去试试!等等,等等,我们俩可是约好了的啊!和我一起来吗?没门!我不想和你购物。你见一件试一件,简直要气...


Good morning, everyone! It's my great honor to have this opportunity to attend this intervies. I hope that my performance will get your appreciation later and make a perfect end for my college life.首先我来自我介绍一下,我叫XX,XX岁,出生于XX省XX市。就读于XX大学XX专业。在过去...

人类和地球的未来在我们手中,也在今天的年轻人手中,他们会把火炬代代相 传。我们已经绘制好可持续发展的路线,以后要靠大家共同圆满地完成这一征程,一 起保证所取得的成果不会得而复失。以上就是小编今天给大家整理分享的关于“2021年翻译二级《英语笔译实务》英译汉练习”的相关内容,希望对正在...

(一场恶战)---(Leon打败Mendez,从墙上的大洞跳出来)Ashley: 你还好吗?Leon---(在桥的另一端村民围上来)Leon: 你去那边!Ashley: 好的。Leon: 你操作那个。Ashley: 好。(吊桥升起)Chapter 3-1---(Luis追上Leon和Ashley)Luis: Leon!Leon: Luis。Luis: 我拿到了。(上下摸索)哦 ***!该死,我一定是在...

想知道大学公共四级各部分考试分配时间 具体细化一下 谢谢
也理解上下文的逻辑关系。阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。第四部分:翻译 (Part Ⅲ:Vocabulary and Structure):共1题,考试时间30分钟。段落汉译英,翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。长度为140~160个 汉字。


她增加了与朋友的交谈可使用中文根本不是有用的。她说。 6页3a我怎么学习英语的去年我英语成绩很糟,首先明白老师在说什么对我来说不容易,一开始,她说的很快,我不能明白每一个词,之后我意识到如果你不明白每一个词是没关系的,我还是害怕在班上说英语,因为我想我的同学会嘲笑我,我不能总是造出一个完整的句子...

浏阳市13152134422: 翻译语译英,一组对话填空,急用,谢谢
寸蚀尼立: Could you tell me the way to the train station,please? Take Bus No.12 but where can I get on the Bus No.12? turn right at the second traffic light. You're welcome.

浏阳市13152134422: 汉语译英语,谢谢了,急需.
寸蚀尼立: go to a school to see the disabled children hold an activity give presents perform shows and play games

浏阳市13152134422: 英语翻译根据汉语提示写一组对话,要求不少于8句.提示:星期六下午,Bob到Alice家玩.两人就铅笔盒的直尺的英文名称、拼写及颜色进行了一段对话. -
寸蚀尼立:[答案] 咳咳...A=Alice B=BobB:Hello,Alice!A:Hi.Bob!B:Oh,what's this in English?A:Pencil-case.B:How do you spell it?A:P-E-N-C-I-L-C-A-S-E.B:Oh,what color is it?A:It's blue.B:Uh...what's that in English?A:Ruler...

浏阳市13152134422: 我想要一段中文翻译成英语的对话,大四的,万分谢谢 -
寸蚀尼立: When he was 18 years old, he likes to light blue, cheerful and lively, with his class the classmate together for three years and a half, he was really satisfy, remember before entering the school first semester we everybody is in the field of school, he was ...

浏阳市13152134422: 英语翻译求一组两人的英语情景对话,关于生日宴请的每人不少于五句话,但也别多了,太麻烦,最好五句.要带翻译的,本人英语实在太烂.口语考试,急用. -
寸蚀尼立:[答案] A: next week is your birthday?A:下周是你的生日吧?B: yes, I want to have a party, you come with me.B:是啊,我要办一个派对,你一起来吧.A: well, what specific time?A:好啊,具体什么时间呢?B: on Tuesday eve...

浏阳市13152134422: 英语对话麻烦翻译一下(急用)
寸蚀尼立: A:Hi,what can i do for you? B:Hi,i am s who from Canada,this is my name card A:I am T,Please take your seat,what something would you like to drink? B:Tea,Thanks,I come to your compaay want to check some samples for the clothes,Because i ...

浏阳市13152134422: 英语三人对话翻译. -
寸蚀尼立: Nice to meet you,that a long time have not seen you!Nice to meet you,too.Ah,I am glad to see you,how are you?Fine.I am very fine.Come in,piease.Would you like coffee?Ok!That must be very interesting!I like RMB.What is main currency in national ...

浏阳市13152134422: 翻译一段英语小对话,谢谢 -
寸蚀尼立: 晕.你怎么翻译成这样啊.语句都不通顺么.我翻译的再次也比你强.你是不是用翻译软件了?答复怎么这么不负责那? 2.Well,a warp meal will be OK. 1.Don't be too polite to me,select other things to eat. 2.That's enough,really. 1.OK,I choose the ...

浏阳市13152134422: 初一英语,将下列汉语句子或对话翻译成英语.急~ -
寸蚀尼立: Where does your buddy work?he works at a shop.His brother want to be a police officer.what does jack's father do?he is a doctor do you have many friend in your class?yes i do what are those boys doing?they are swimming tom usually cleans the ...

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