The boy was ill last week.变否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句。画ill

作者&投稿:永莎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The boy had a fever last week.变一般疑问句~

Did have

否定句 I wasn't very much last week.
一般疑问句 Were you very busy last week?
提问 When did she get up very early?

否定:The boy wasn't ill last week?

否定句:The boy wasn't ill last week.
一般疑问句:Was the boy ill last week?
特殊疑问句:Why the boy was ill last week?

The boy wasn't ill last week.
Was the boy ill last week?
How was the boy yesterday.

The boy was not ill last week
Was the boy ill last week
What was the boy last week

扶沟县13762796996: The boy () ill and had to see a doctor.为什么 -
楚贪胸腺: was...因为后面是had所以就用was..The boy is ill and has to see a doctor.The boy was ill and had to see a doctor.

扶沟县13762796996: 用直接成分分析法分析下面句子:1.The boy was crying ....用直接成分分析法分析下面句子:1.The boy was crying .2.The pretty girl has been talking since she ... -
楚贪胸腺:[答案] 句子1是正在进行时be doing 结构其中the boy 是主语was crying 是谓语意思:这个男孩正在哭句子2是现在完成进行时has/have been diong意思为一直.表示动作的起点发生在过去一直持续到现在可能继续延续,其中the prett...

扶沟县13762796996: The boy was lost.(改为同义句)1.The boy ( ) ( ).2.The boy ( ) his ( ). -
楚贪胸腺:[答案] got lost lost way

扶沟县13762796996: the boy did not go to school,because he was ill 改为同义句 -
楚贪胸腺: Because of his.....或者 Despite of his...

扶沟县13762796996: The boy was lost.改为同义句 -
楚贪胸腺: 1.The boy lost himself 2.The boy lost his way 意思是这个男孩迷路了

扶沟县13762796996: The boy was lost (改同义句)1.The boy -- - - 2.The boy - -his - -
楚贪胸腺: 1.was missing2.lost way

扶沟县13762796996: The boy was loet .(改为同义句) The boy - _ - ___.The boy - _ - his - ___. -
楚贪胸腺:[答案] was missing lost way

扶沟县13762796996: 同义句转换the boy dropped out of school because he was -
楚贪胸腺: The boy dropped out of school beacause of illness.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

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