
作者&投稿:守品 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The kingdom of Netherlands, or Netherlands for short, is best known for its provinces in the North and South Netherlands.
So it is also called the Netherlands, which is a constitutional monarchy composed of four constituent states, namely, Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao and Netherlands Saint Martin.
It is a sovereign state with Netherlands as its core. The powers of the Dutch government are limited to national defense, diplomacy, nationality and extradition. In addition to the above powers, all the constituent countries have complete autonomy and autonomy.
The Netherlands was ruled by the Habsburg Dynasty, the Holy Roman Empire and Spain before 1648. The Republic of Netherlands was founded in 1581.
Spain officially recognized its independence in 1648 and reached its peak in the 17th century. It became the world's most powerful maritime hegemony at that time.
It was once known as the sea coachman. Kingdom was founded in 1815 and constitutional monarchy was established in 1848.


  The Dutch (The Netherlands), The Kingdom of The Kingdom is located in north-west Europe, is a country, land for 41864 square kilometers, The total, and endangered sea borders Germany, Belgium. As seawall, windmills and tolerance of the social atmosphere. The capital in Amsterdam, the central government in the Hague.

  The name definitions.

  The Dutch whole called "the kingdom" (Koninkrijk der, Dutch Nederlanden), "Netherlands" in the german-speaking called ", the virtuous orchid ", meaning ", "the kingdom of lowlands, the virtuous orchid kingdom is the biggest provinces (Holland, south, north Holland Dutch province province), so the ancient Chinese called it" the Dutch ", this call used today.
  Holland is referred to as "NED NED is Dutch", the abbreviation of "name" Nederland.

  The national flag.
  The Dutch flag is rectangle, long and wide ratio is 3:2. Top-down by red, white and blue, three equal horizontal rectangles connected in parallel. Blue ocean, facing our country people's happiness symbol, White signifies freedom, equality, democracy, and also represent simple character, Red representative revolution victory.

  The windmill.
  Rotterdam windmill group had pioneered the Dutch windmills, adapt to the use and the mill hydraulic industrial needs. Nowadays, though still for Dutch ", "national trademarks are not practical application.
  People often put Holland windmill called "the kingdom."
  Located in the Netherlands in the west, the cloud filled blow. It is typical of the Atlantic ocean, the climate, LiuFeng years. This lack of hydraulic power, the Netherlands, resources provided by the favourable wind.
  The Dutch windmills, first introduced from Germany. Beginning, such as windmills only for grinding. By the 16th century, the economy of Holland windmill, has special significance. : paper-marking effect, known as the "kingdom of windmills. In Holland windmill. And the more windmills child dike fang "is".
  When you read the story? A little boy saw the dam fang cracks, briny infiltration, he worry village will be flooded with finger, plug dike, saved the...
  Now, in this place will remain a windmill, 19 (also can see the Dutch women wearing traditional costume.

  The tulips.
  Why can tulips tulips is famous for? One very big factor is because the Netherlands. The national flower of the Dutch tulip is, the Dutchman also very love tulips in their life, tulips are indispensable, on the market, the flower, he seems to be always can act as protagonist.

  The cheese.
  The Dutch hao da city cheese trading center if someone asks what is good, and the people will think nine out of ten of cheese. The Dutchman has a variety of cheese, can let you can imagine. Cheese as wine as separate level, is the most expensive will let you gaping. Can you accept this kind of food might buy some, when buying, still can taste, slightly acid and sweet perfect unifies in together, very pure.

  Holland windmill, clogs clogs, cheese, tulips claims, and the treasures of the treasures, and located in clogs the position. The Dutch clogs become specialties, and light and low-lying concerned. Year-round sunny weather, making it less than 70 days Dutch love sunshine as loved their painter van DE gao's "sunflowers", also make them to wear stocky clogs against the wet ground, fields and gardens and indoor cleaning all work in different style of poplars clogs. Later, shrewd Dutch people to develop into a door made clogs mechanical operation process, and will become the product features clogs and tourist monument. Holland is a kind of handicraft clogs, actually, for the Dutch clogs has important practical value, at least in history. Because of the dampness, clogs the land, and can prevent moisture, so don't wear became Dutch favorites.

  The Netherlands is famous snacks herring, is one of the marks on colonial robbery. In the 14th century, a name, into the Dutchman bo Kerr pickled herring, invented by fishing so prosperous. The Dutch force to the Baltic sea coast to the seizure, southern Sweden is herring, Netherlands, became the first hoen island, a colony. So somebody put Holland called "architecture in the country" bone herring.

  Netherlands (The Kingdom of the Netherlands), full name is the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a country in northwestern Europe, total land area is 41,864 square kilometers, near the North Sea, Germany and Belgium border. The State seawall, windmills and tolerant society is known for. Capital in Amsterdam, the central government in The Hague.

  】 【Name Interpretation

  The Netherlands is called "Kingdom of the Netherlands", Dutch: (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden), "Dutch" in the Germanic languages is called "Netherlands", meaning "low country", the Kingdom of the Netherlands is the largest province of the Netherlands ( Holland, current South Holland, North Holland), the ancient Chinese called it "the Netherlands", the term still in use.
  The Netherlands is called "NED", NED is a Dutch name of country "Nederland" in the abbreviation.

  】 【Flag
  Dutch flag was rectangular, the length and width ratio of 3:2. Top-down by the red, white and blue parallel three equal horizontal rectangles linked from. Blue said the country faces the sea, a symbol of happiness of the people; white symbol of freedom, equality, democracy, and also on behalf of the people of the simplicity of the character traits; red victory of the revolution.

  】 【Windmill
  Rotterdam, the Dutch windmill as the first group of original windmills, water use and adapt to the needs of the mill industry. Today, although it is still the Netherlands, "national brand", but rare on the practical application.
  People often called the Dutch "windmill of the country"
  The Netherlands is located in the Earth's prevailing westerly, westerly winds blow throughout the year Sheng. It borders the Atlantic Ocean at the same time, it is a typical oceanic climate countries, endless sea breeze year round. This is a lack of water and power resources of the Netherlands, to provide generous compensation for the use of wind power.
  Dutch windmill, first imported from Germany. Initially, the windmill is only used for milling and the like. To 16, the seventh century, a windmill on the Dutch economy has a special significance. Are: the role of paper making, known as "windmills of the country." The Netherlands has always been known to windmill. And save the windmill more places, is "child dike Square."
  A child, you read the story, right? A little boy saw cracks on the embankment Square, water infiltration, he worried that the village would be submerged, then plug the dike with a finger Square, saved the whole village ...
  Now, in this place still retains the 19 wind turbines, and also to see women dressed in traditional Dutch costumes.

  Tulip】 【
  Why famous tulip tulip? One very large factor because the Netherlands. Tulip is the national flower of the Netherlands, the Dutch also love tulips, tulips in their lives is essential to have something, every market, flower show, he seems to always act as a protagonist.

  】 【Cheese
  Dutch cheese trading as high as city center, if someone asked what delicious Netherlands, ten people are considered to be cheese. The Dutch have a variety of cheese, more than enough to make you can not imagine. Cheese is also the same as the separate levels of red wine, the most expensive makes your breath away. Do you accept this food, then buy some might buy, can have the first taste, slightly acid and sweet with a perfect combination, a very mellow flavor.

  】 【Sabot
  Dutch clogs windmill, wooden shoes, cheese, known as the Dutch tulip four treasures, and wooden shoes then in the first four treasures, and its position is evident. Dutch wooden shoes into the specialty, and light and short, low-lying about. Less than 70 days of fine weather throughout the year, which makes the Dutch love their love of the sun as described by the painter Van Gogh "Sunflowers" and also that they have to wear chunky wooden shoes against the damp ground, worked in the fields , garden crafts and even indoor wear clean shoes with different styles of poplar. Later, the shrewd Dutch wooden shoes made to develop into a semi-mechanical operation of the craft, wooden shoes became characteristic products and tourism monuments. Dutch wooden shoes, but a craft, in fact, wooden shoes for the Dutch it has important practical value, at least in the history of the case. Yin Helan land is too wet, wooden shoes best anti-moisture, and durable is not bad, it became the favorite of the Dutch.

  Dutch herring is one of the famous snack is also a sign of the Netherlands colonial plunder. Far away in the fourth century, in 1384, a Dutch invention called Bockel way pickled herring, so the fishing industry flourished. The Netherlands occupied by military force of the Baltic Sea coast in southern Sweden, rich herring Staghorne Island, became the first colony of the Netherlands. So was the Dutch called "construction in the herring bone on the country."

The Netherlands is located in Western Europe, is a multi-cultural nation, the Dutch love travelling. The Netherlands is called the kingdom of windmills, flowers, the flowers and the kingdom of windmills strings of beauty, people bring countless dreamy and imagination.

Holland located at Europe west, is the cultural country, the Dutch deeply loves the traveling. Holland is called country of the windmill, country of the flowers and plants, becomes the beautiful scene by the flowers and plants and the windmill string, takes to the people the innumerable illusions and the imagination.

INDEPENDANTE 独立 LIEGE (地名,比利时)CUREGHEM (地名,比利时)CENTRE 中心 NARBONNE (地名,法国)OUDE 老 LOS \/ TE-LACHES 释放时间 NR\/ NO 号码 NAAM\/ NOM 名字 GEMEENTE \/ LOCALITE 县城 AD \/ EN 鸽子总数?IG \/ MQ 登记排号?AFSTAND \/ DISTANC 距离 (米)RING \/...

为什么荷兰在日语里翻译成オランダ 知乎
【オランダ】日语发音:【orannda】【名词】 缘自语言【葡】Olanda ;荷兰。详细释义 名词 1. 【葡】Olanda ;荷兰。(和兰 ・阿兰陀 ・和兰陀;ヨーロッパ西部にある立宪君主国)。オランダ王国(首都アムステルダム)荷兰王国(首都阿姆斯特丹荷兰)...

ti vogliobene 拉丁语:Te amo,Vos amo 拉托维亚:Es tevi Milu 里斯本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha 立陶宛:Tave Myliu 马其顿:Te sakam 马耳他:Inhobbok 波兰语:Kocham Cie,Ja cie kocham 葡萄牙:Eu amo-te 罗马尼亚:Te iu besc,Te Ador 荷兰:IK hou van jou 英语:I love you ...

意大利语:ti amo,ti vogliobene 拉丁语:Te amo,Vos amo 拉托维亚:Es tevi Milu 里斯本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha 立陶宛:Tave Myliu 马其顿:Te sakam 马耳他:Inhobbok 波兰语:Kocham Cie,Ja cie kocham 葡萄牙:Eu amo-te 罗马尼亚:Te iu besc,Te Ador 荷兰:IK hou van jou 英...

好的,我会按照您的要求,直接给出荷兰语的翻译,并进行解释。荷兰语翻译:你今天过得怎么样?解释:今天你过得如何,是日常问候语中常见的问题。荷兰语中同样也有这样的表达方式。此句话的意思是询问对方今天的生活状况,可能涉及工作、学习、休闲活动等各个方面。下面简单解释这句话的含义和语境:1. ...

荷兰儿童节)的一张小贺卡,现在荷兰正在过这个节日,上礼拜五刚刚结束。翻译如下:圣尼古拉斯的小火鸡(意为小礼物)扔点好东西到我的鞋子里 扔点好东西到我的靴子里 谢谢你圣尼古拉斯 圣尼古拉斯砰砰砰(象声词)扔点好东西到我空着的小篮子里 扔点好东西到我的靴子里 谢谢您圣尼古拉斯 ...

其实荷兰英文是说holland,但是netherland也是表示荷兰的意思,我觉得你认为的是这个吧,其实荷兰的正式名称是NETHERLAND,由于当初反抗西班牙统治时,荷兰联省里最大的是HOLLAND,所以就把尼德兰联省称为荷兰了,仅在中文里 还有一个解释为:荷兰语:Nederland 读音:尼德兰 唉,很多历史遗留问题,一时之间也很难...

这个词你打错了,是“Groetjes”,是一个用在信末的问候语。用Groetjes比较不正规,是熟人或者朋友之间使用的,正规可写“Met vriendelijke groeten”,意思同英文的“Best regard”Simon 这是一个很常见的男名。(西蒙?)nederland (the nerher lands)这就不用说了吧?英文翻译在后面括号中。。。

go dutch的由来
godutch这个词的由来与荷兰人的饮食习惯有关。荷兰人最早实行了一种各自付账的传统,这种习惯在英语中被称为"let's go Dutch",直接翻译为“让我们做荷兰人吧”,后来演变为各自支付自己的费用,即AA制。一、发音:英 [ɡəʊ dʌtʃ];美 [ɡoʊ dʌtʃ...

Ik ben al bijna drie maanden hier.Het meest verrassende voor mijn is dat binnen een week heb ik al alle verscilld weeromstandigheden ervaren,zware wind,hard regen,zware sneeuw,ijsregen,hagel...lang heb ik geen zonnige dag gezien.ik mis het veel.Ja...参考资料:自己翻译的 ...

永修县17315913598: 用英语简要介绍一下荷兰这个国家 -
产史磷酸: 荷兰的正式名称是The Kingdom of the Netherlands,简介如下:The Kingdom of the Netherlands, commonly known as the Netherlands. It is a sovereign state and constitutional monarchy with territory in western Europe and in the Caribbean.The ...

永修县17315913598: 英语翻译,介绍荷兰 -
产史磷酸: Holland located at Europe west, is the cultural country, the Dutch deeply loves the traveling. Holland is called country of the windmill, country of the flowers and plants, becomes the beautiful scene by the flowers and plants and the windmill string, takes to the people the innumerable illusions and the imagination.

永修县17315913598: 荷兰英文简介 -
产史磷酸: Holland is a name in common usage given to two regions in the western part of the Netherlands. The name 'Holland' is also often used to refer to the whole of the Netherlands, although this is not formally correct. From the 10th century to the 16th ...

永修县17315913598: 麻烦帮忙写一段关于荷兰的英文介绍,需要写以下内容:1.area2.population3.capital4.national flag最好再介绍一下风车 -
产史磷酸:[答案] Introduction Background: The Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815.In 1830 Belgium seceded and formed a separate kingdom.The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I,but suffered invasion and occupation by Germany in World War ...

永修县17315913598: 英语翻译在欧洲的西北部,有一个和英国隔海相望的国家.它的面积只相当于今天的两个半北京,它的名字叫做荷兰.在800年以前,这里是一片没有人烟,只有... -
产史磷酸:[答案] In Europe, a British and northwest of countries. It covers only the equivalent of two and a half in Beijing today, it's name is called the Netherlands. In 800 years ago, there was a lack of, only by tidal lakes and wetlands. From the 12th century to the 14th ...

永修县17315913598: 英语翻译1.这是荷兰的国旗 2.这是荷兰的地图 3.荷兰有许多美食 4.荷兰有世界上最大的.5.荷兰首都是..6.荷兰十分漂亮!7.你喜欢荷兰吗? -
产史磷酸:[答案] 1. This is the national flag of Holland.2. This is the map of Holland.3. Holland has lots of delicious food.4. Holland has the world's biggest. 5. The capital of Holland is..6. Holland is very beautif...

永修县17315913598: 麻烦帮忙写一段关于荷兰的英文介绍,急! -
产史磷酸: Introduction Background: The Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815. In 1830 Belgium seceded and formed a separate kingdom. The Netherlands remained neutral in World War I, but suffered invasion and occupation by Germany in ...

永修县17315913598: 求荷兰英文简介,急有关荷兰的特色,主要讲下荷兰四宝,英文的,具体的地理历史都不要了,就要一些风景人文方面的特色,说风车,奶酪,郁金香特色这... -
产史磷酸:[答案] Holland is a name in common usage given to two regions in the western part of the Netherlands. The name 'Holland' is also often used to refer to the whole of the Netherlands, although this is not form...

永修县17315913598: 荷兰有"风车之国","牧场之国","郁金香王国"的美誉.求英文翻译 -
产史磷酸:[答案] Holland has " windmills "," a country "," tulip kingdom " reputation

永修县17315913598: 英语翻译的[荷兰]为什么有两种说法,Holland and the Netherlands. -
产史磷酸:[答案] Netherlands是日德兰半岛的意思,荷兰位于日德兰半岛上.

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