the ghost ship mystery

作者&投稿:虫转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The Ghost Ship Mystery主要内容~

While in an old New England town, the Aldens learn of a ship which was lost at sea years ago.
翻译过来大意是:当Aldens(人名) 在英格兰的一个古老小镇上的时候,他听到了已经在海上消失多年的一艘神秘船只的事情... ...
出版社: Albert Whitman & Company (1994年1月1日)
平装: 128页
正文语种: 英语
ISBN: 0807528552
条形码: 9780807528556
商品尺寸: 19.4 x 13.5 x 0.9 cm
商品重量: 95 g
ASIN: 0807528552

While in an old New England town, the Aldens learn of a ship which was lost at sea years ago.
翻译过来大意是:当Aldens(人名) 在英格兰的一个古老小镇上的时候,他听到了已经在海上消失多年的一艘神秘船只的事情... ...
出版社: Albert Whitman & Company (1994年1月1日)
平装: 128页
正文语种: 英语
ISBN: 0807528552
条形码: 9780807528556
商品尺寸: 19.4 x 13.5 x 0.9 cm
商品重量: 95 g
ASIN: 0807528552


The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)整故事概况:
Alden一家人准确去Ragged Cove,一个以捕猎鲸鱼为主的海边小镇去做生意,他们住进了爷爷好朋友 Peases 经营的小旅馆。无意间他们发现了一个叫鬼船的故事并分享了故事,这个故事有一个谜团,他们想知道到底那艘船发生了什么事情,最后孩子们解开了谜团。
The Alden went to ragged cove to do business. They checked into Peases’ inn. At night the storm had cut off power supply .An old man held up a green book: Watery Grave-the Wreck of the Flying Cloud. They didn’t know what had happened to the ghost ship,. Finally the kids tried the best to solve the mystery.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第1章章总结
Alden一家人准确去Ragged Cove,一个以捕猎鲸鱼为主的海边小镇去做生意,他们住进了爷爷好朋友 Peases 经营的小旅馆。一位住客拿出了一本关于Flying Cloud 传说的书准备和大家分享Flying Cloud 的故事,在大家的推荐下,Jessie开始为大家读故事。
The Alden went to ragged cove to do business. They checked into Peases’ inn. At night the storm had cut off power supply .An old man held up a green book: Watery Grave-the Wreck of the Flying Cloud. The old man’s eyes weren’t the best in that dim light and he noticed Jessie had a nice clear voice and sharp eyes. Finally Jessie read the story for everyone.

The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第2章章总结
故事发生在1869年的11月6日。Coffin 船长的妻子Emily 眼看着自己的丈夫的船在火光和暴风雨中沉没,一位奄奄一息的年轻水手在临终前说出了这个悲剧可能又一名Eli Hull的大副组织的哗变所引起。唯一能说明真相的漂流瓶的Coffin船长的航海日志也被Emily看过后烧掉了。
The story happened in 1869 November 6th. Captain Coffin's wife Emily saw his husband's ship sank in the firelight and the storm, a young seaman said the tragedy caused by Eli Hull。 He made a mutiny. Emily found the truth in the bottle. After reading,she burned the paper。
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第3章章总结

第二天早晨,暴风雨过后,供电也恢复了正常。可是人们并不愿意补觉,都想出去看看暴风雨给小镇带来的破坏。Aldens 作为志愿者参加了清理小镇的工作,他们遇到了Eli Hull 的后人Bob Hull。他们要求Captain Bob 带他们去看鲸鱼,但是遭到了拒绝。于是孩子们决定去公墓看看那场海难里遇难者的坟墓。
The next morning after the storm, the power supply was restored to normal. But people didn’t like to sleep, they wanted to go out and see the damage of the storm. Aldens volunteered to help with the cleaning ,they met Bob Hull. They asked Captain Bob to take them to see the whales, but he refused them. So the children decided to go to the cemetery to see the grave of the lost sailor from the Flying Could.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第4章章总结
又过了一天,孩子们决定再去找Captain Bob,但是又被拒绝了,然后他们看到他的船去了海难的发生地Howling Cliffs。后来孩子们决定去参观水手博物馆,但又担心Miss Coffin不让他们进。
And the day after that, the children decided to go to Captain Bob, but it was rejected, and they saw his boat went to the Howling Cliffs. Later, the children decided to visit the sailor‘s Museum, but they were afraid Miss Coffin didn’t let them in 。
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第5章章总结
到了博物馆,聪明的Alden用自己的智慧说服了Miss Coffin,进入了博物馆,Miss Coffin向他们展示了许多漂亮的贝壳鱼雕刻,并讲到了他的曾祖父Captain Coffin的事迹和她家族的恩怨。孩子们发现一个鹦鹉的牙雕,这只鹦鹉曾是Captain Coffin的宠物,这只鹦鹉曾经逃过了那场暂按,但是鹦鹉后来经常说的一个字让Coffin一家很迷惑。
To the museum, Alden convinced Miss Coffin with their own wisdom, they had entered the museum, Miss Coffin shows many beautiful shell fish carving to them, and spoke of his great grandfather Captain Coffin‘s story and her family feud. The children found a parrot carving, the parrot was Captain Coffin pet, the parrot that had escaped the storm, the parrot often said a word to make Coffin a very confused.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第6章章总结

又是一个早晨,孩子们没有放弃看鲸鱼的计划,再次来到Bob的船前,这次Bob终于答应了他们,但不是去看鲸鱼,而是去海难的发生地Howling Cliffs去找残骸。在去的路上,他们终于看到了鲸鱼,在靠近Howling Cliffs时,再次听到了那传说中的哭喊声,在海滩附近的岩石上,Benny发现了一个旧邮箱藏在岩石里。
It was a morning, the children did not give up the whale watching plan, once again they came to the Bob, the Bob finally agreed to them, but not to see a whale, they were going to the Howling Cliffs to find the wreck ,when they came to the howling Cliffs,they heard the cry。At the beach,Benny found the mailbox。

The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第7章章总结
孩子们从Pease 夫人那里了解到Coffin 和Hull两家结下了世仇。在去博物馆的路上,孩子们对一家鲸鱼牙雕店很感兴趣,但是这家店的店主Spooner Cooke更对这个箱子感兴趣。聪明的孩子们又一次进入了博物馆。Miss Coffin看到这个箱子非常惊喜。她轻易打开了那个Bob船长说很难打开的炮管,这时的孩子们产生了不解。
The children learned from Mrs. Pease Coffin and Hull had a feud. On the way to the museum, the children were very interested in a whale carving shop, but the shop owner Spooner Cooke was interested about mailbox. Smart kids once again entered the museum. Miss Coffin saw the box,he was very surprised. She easily opened the barrel that captain Bob said it was difficult to open , then the children had puzzled.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第8章章总结
博物馆被盗的消息上了第二天报纸的头条,孩子们赶到时,只看到警察.Miss Coffin不见了。孩子们向警察提供了一些线索,这时又看到一个带着蓝色水手帽的人从一个废弃的建筑里窥探他们,孩子们怀疑他是Bob,但是警察说不可能,因为Bob在准备一次出海观鲸鱼的活动。这时孩子们又怀疑到一个人,Mr. Cooke,于是他们决定去探虚实。
Scrimshaw theft at the sailor‘s Museum , the children arrived, only saw the police. Miss Coffin disappeared. The children provided some clues to the police, then saw the man with the blue sailor hat from building, children suspected he was Bob, but the police said impossible, because the Bob was for a whale watching. The children also suspect that a man, Mr. Cooke, so they decided to explore the truth.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第9章章总结
Alden先生得到了机会去和孩子们乘坐Bob的船一起去看鲸鱼,但是又遇到了麻烦,几经这周终于上了船。在海上,Bob为了躲避一头冲向海面的鲸鱼,让Jonab做了一个急转弯,好多物品从船舱里掉了出来,在孩子们的帮着整理的时候,Jessie发现了一本Captain Coffin 的航海日志,Bob很快把这个日志锁了起来。
Mr. Alden got a chance to go ,and the children went to see a whale, but was in trouble again, after this week, finally got on the ship. In the sea, Bob in order to avoid the whale, he let Jonab do a sharp turn, a lot of things fell out from the cabin. With the children's help, Jessie found a Captain Coffin log, Bob quickly send it lock up.
The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)第10章章总结
爷爷的行程推迟了,这使得孩子还能有机会见到Miss Coffin。他们决定到博物馆去看Miss Coffin,在路上经过Cooke 的商店时,他们看到有灯光在店里闪动,但这不能是Mr. Cooke。到达博物馆时, 博物馆已经被作为犯罪现场封了起来。于是他们决定再次去找Cooke和Bob要查出究竟。一切终于真相大白,两家化解了矛盾。Alden的孩子们结束了一个充满神秘河冒险的旅程。
Grandpa's trip was delayed,which made the child have a chance to meet Miss Coffin. They decided to go to the museum to see the Miss Coffin, on the way to the Cooke store, they saw a light flashing in the store, but this was not Mr. Cooke. ,the museum has been sealed up as the scene of the crime. So they decided to once again go to Cooke and Bob to find out the truth。The truth finally came out,. Alden children ended up the mysteries 。

延安市13699183274: The Ghost Ship Mystery主要内容 -
毛码贝感: The Ghost Ship Mystery(鬼船之谜)整故事概况: Alden一家人准确去Ragged Cove,一个以捕猎鲸鱼为主的海边小镇去做生意,他们住进了爷爷好朋友 Peases 经营的小旅馆.无意间他们发现了一个叫鬼船的故事并分享了故事,这个故事有一...

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毛码贝感: 楼下的是抄我的!!!卑鄙!!!! 再说你不是要英文的嘛,这活儿确实很累,但是你不能反悔啊,750分!! 第十二本 Omar and Kerry are eager to win a treasure-hunting competition. At first they found a cornflake coin and everyone laughed....

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毛码贝感: 书的名字叫幽灵船,也拍了电影. 今天正好和朋友讨论恐怖片,发现许多第一遍看时没有发现的细节和感悟. 主题仍然是围绕着人类欲望所带来的灾难.从载满黄金的巨轮到为了得到钱财不惜冒险的打捞队员,这些都只是最浅层的对财富的欲...

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毛码贝感: 第十三本 6_13_The Ghost_Ship Ernie感到很震惊,因为他发现了一艘幽灵船在学校的操场上行驶,但是班里只有他和Jade能看见它.他们一起帮Pegleg船长找到了他的宝藏,最后幽灵船开始渐渐消退,消失了. 1 幽灵船 一天,厄尼上学晚了...

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