
作者&投稿:骑雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇英语口语对话,二人对话,三分钟左右的,在线等,急,求大神帮忙。主题是mental health 心理健康~

A:hi,most poeple have mental problems now,do you know what's the main reason?
B:well,It's hard to say.there are so many reasons may cause this.such as, houses,cars,jobs and marriage.
A: so what's the result of it if someone has got the mental problem?
B: You know mental disease is more serious than any other disease. it will make people depraved and negative.even worse, it will make people commit suicide or commit a crime.
A: That's true. do you have any idea how to solve the problem?
B: I think the best way to keep mental health is to make more friends and share your bitter and happiness in life. with the families' help also very important.


- Tom, you look so down. What's bothering you ?
- Jim, I'm feeling bad becuz my proposal's just rejected by my boss. I'd been working on it for 3 months!
- And why did he reject your proposal?
- I've no idea. I'm trying to figure it out.
- I've heard your department didn't reach the target sales goal. I assume your boss is not in a good mood at the moment. Perhaps you cound give it another try later?
- Thanks for telling me. I feel better now.

A:"You do know what mental health?"
B:"Is a normal psychological ah"
A:"Right, However, incomplete"心理健康是指在德、智、体各方面得到良好发展,能在学习和社会活动过程中与人建立良好关系,能谅解他人,辨别是非,在遇到困扰时能克服困难。目前对心理健康尚无统一公认的标准。综合多数心理学家和医学家的观点看,心理健康起码应具有如下标准:

1. 身体健康,智力正常。身体健康、智力正常是衡量心理健康最重要的标准之一,是正常生活工作的基本条件。

2. 人格完整,意识良好。心理健康的青少年胸怀坦白,言行 一致,表里如一,热爱生活,兴趣广泛,具有良好的自我意识,并自尊自爱,尊重他人,善于调节自己的言行举止,使其性格、情感都能符合其年龄特点。

3. 乐于交流,善于结友。具有良好的人际关系,善于结交知心朋友,与朋友能沟通心灵,友好相处,对矛盾和分歧,能正确对待,妥善处理,并有乐于助人的愿望和行为。

4. 情绪稳定,乐观开朗。情绪是心理健康的温度计;乐观能使人心情开朗。保持相对的乐观、稳定的情绪,就能在顺境中积极向上、谦虚谨慎,在逆境中意志顽强并能战胜困难。

5. 有所追求,积极进取。能树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,有理想、有信念、有追求,敢于面对现实,勇于承 担责任。

"Mental health is defined as moral, intellectual, physical aspects to develop well, in the process of learning and social activities to establish good relations with people, to understand others, tell right from wrong, when in the face of problems to overcome difficulties."
"1. Good health and normal intelligence. Good health, normal intelligence is a measure of the most important criteria of mental health is one of the basic conditions for normal life and work。
"2. Personal integrity, good sense. Mind frankly psychological health of young people, practice what they preach, and say what, love life, wide range of interests, has a good self-awareness and self-esteem, respect for others, good at regulating their demeanor, their personality, emotional characteristics of their age can be found ."
"3. Willing to exchange, good knot friends. Have good interpersonal, good make close friends, and friends can communicate with spirit, friendly coexistence of contradictions and differences, can be treated correctly, and properly handle, and a helpful desire and behavior."
"4. Emotionally stable, optimistic, cheerful. Emotions are mental health thermometer; optimism can make people feel cheerful. Remain relatively optimistic, emotional stability, positive in good times can be modest and prudent, tenacious in the face of adversity and the will to overcome difficulties."
"5. Is seeking something positive. To establish a correct outlook on life, values, ideals, beliefs, the pursuit, the courage to face reality and take responsibility."
B:"Oh I see, thank you. I learned a lot"


心理健康的小知识和小常识 一、保持积极乐观的心态 心理健康是每个人都应该关注的重要领域。在日常生活中,我们应保持积极乐观的心态,这是维护心理健康的基础。遇到困难和挑战时,学会从正面看待问题,不轻易放弃,保持希望。二、了解自己的情绪 情绪管理对心理健康至关重要。我们要学会认识并了解自己的情绪...

要树立良好的 心理 健康知识 ,以下是由我整理关于中小学心理健康知识的内容,提供给大家参考和了解,希望大家喜欢! 中小学心理健康知识——注重心理辅导 中小学生正处于青春发育期,是人生发展的重要年龄阶段。要从未成熟 儿童 期向逐渐成熟化的青春期交替转换过程中,会产生种种矛盾的心理,因此,很需要心理辅导老师,...

心理健康知识对提升中小学教师教学能力的作用如下:1、组织作用 教师心理健康教育可以引导学生有目的去阅读有关资料,组织开展讲座、交流、演讲等心理健康活动。2、指导作用 教师心理健康教育可以针对学生个体或群体出现的特征和问题,提出解决方案,采取相应措施,对学生不良行为习惯进行纠正。3、示范作用 教师...

1.课程的必要性 1.1现代社会,人们发生心理问题的可能性上升 1.2心理健康是幸福和成功的前提 2.心理健康的标准 2.1智力正常 2.2了解自我、接纳自我,能体验自我存在的价值 2.3能协调、控制情绪,心境良好 2.4能与他人建立和谐的人际关系 2.5独立、自主、有责任心 2.6有良好的环境适应能力 心理...



心理健康教育小知识 心理健康教育已成为学校教育的一个新课题,是帮助学生正确处理学习,生活,择业和人际关系,培养健全人格的手段和有效途径。下面是我收集整理的心理健康教育小知识,希望对您有所帮助! 一、心理健康的标准 ①正确的人生态度。 正确的人生态度来源于正确的认识,正确的世界观。抱有正确人生态度的人,对...

心理健康小知识简短 心理健康小知识简短,有益于心理健康的事情我们都要重视,心理健康现在有很多人都是非常关注的。结合青少年的心理发育特点,看看他们的心理什么样?现在分享的是心理健康小知识简短。心理健康小知识简短1 心理健康小知识:要求 1、不对自己过分苛求。为了避免挫折感,应当把目标定在自己...

关于心理健康的知识关于心理健康的知识:一般来说,心理健康的人都能够善待自己,善待他人,适应环境,情绪正常,人格和谐。心理健康的人并非没有痛苦和烦恼,而是他们能适时地从痛苦和烦恼中解脱出来,积极地寻求改变不利现状的新途径。关于心理健康的知识 心理学家认为,人的心理健康包括以下七个方面:智力...

7.小学生心理健康小知识 日常生活中,小学生因为年龄较小,其心理健康往往被人群所忽视。 其实,小学生心理健康对于小学生的学习和成长都有很重要的作用。知识如下:(1).智力发展水平虽然智力发展优秀者并不一定拥有健康的心理,但如果智力发展水平低下,那将毫无心理健康可言。 因此,一个心理健康的小学生,其智力发展...

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隐航美息: Medical: Something wrong Patient:Heart uncomfortable Medical:you is chinese ? Patient: yes i do 呀,太好了,我也是,你心里不舒服吗?我来帮你吧,我是中国的心里医生!就用中文吧,何必见外呢!呵呵!

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