
作者&投稿:乐雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译句子 - =不要机器翻的~

1. The ingredients of this dish are some tofu, mushrooms, ham, bamboo shoots and an egg.
2. There are also some seasonings, such as: cooking oil, MSG, soy sauce, vinegar, white pepper, salt.
3. Wash the raw material and cut them into slices. Beat an egg and set it aside.
4. Put four tablespoons of water into the pot, after the water is boiling, put the ham into the soup and stir till it is boiling.Then put the salt , MSG, soy sauce into the soup, boil it with big fire,turn down the fire and add the beaten eggs , stir with a large spoon, spread it.
5 Put the pepper, vinegar and a little cooking oil into the soup. When boiling,it is finished.


Do we(主语) need to go to(谓语) school(宾语) today? (疑问句)
Is(谓语) this weekend(主语) free(形容词)?


Today school? This weekend holiday?



(2)By the time I put cream in the coffee , the coffee had become cold.中文翻译:当我把奶油 放入咖啡中的时候,咖啡已经变冷了.The coffee had become cold before I put cream in the coffee.中文翻译:在我把奶油 放入咖啡之前,咖啡已经变冷了.(3)By the time I got to school ...

1, there are many homework are waiting for me. such as exercises in mathematics, English reading comprehension and dictation poem, they like tremendous floods streamed toward me endlessly, and you can not avoid them.2, the watermelon is always sweet , and very thirst-quenching....

1. My home in the southern city X, from the city centre about 15 kilometres.2. 2,000 3. Reduce the area of arable land, nearly half of overseas workers, more people at home for the elderly. Children Or invalidity are.4. People's standard of living has increased. For the...

no,they are not sweeping the floor but closing the door.14 你的猫正在干什么?它在爬树吗?what is your cat doing? is it climbing the tree?15 没有,它没有在爬树,它在跑过草地.no, it isn't climbing the tree but running across the lawn 不会的问我啦,我英语很棒的哦!~~~...

I'm very grateful to be given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are not satisfactory.Time is precious

我上午有4节课,下午有2节课。I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.我在学校吃午饭,午后看小说。I have lunch at school and read novels after lunch.我课后喜欢踢足球或打篮球,因为运动对身体有益处。I like playing football or basketball after school,...

The ¥100 is the quoted price without sand, therefore, there is no reflective rate within it. The main purpose of this product is for building national or provincial roads.If we mixed 20% sand into the flour, the price need to be recalculated, and it must be much higher ...

翻译句子翻译成英语: 1.我家离学校很近,只有一千米。 2.他家距离学校...
我家离学校很近,只有一千米。My home is near school, only one kilometers.2.他家距离学校大约三千米。His home is about three kilometers away from school.3.他到达学校需要二十分钟。It takes him twenty minutes to get to school.\/ He needs twenty minutes to get to school....

你这是作业吧?我觉得自己写对你比较有帮助。。。:)1.对我而言,这本字典太贵了,我买不起。For me, this dictionary is too expensive, I can not afford it.This dictionary is too expensive for me, I can not afford it 2.他们每人有一本新字典 Each of them has a new dictionary....

托里县13353891294: 翻译4个英文句子、不要网站和机器那种直接翻译的 -
赫秀抗腮: 1. Her leg was troubling her badly, and she sat down with satisfaction. 她的那条腿疼得不行, 她如释重负地坐下来.2. Once she had been of some importance in the world. 她也曾有过显赫的时候.3. The back of a policeman's coat is a dull view...

托里县13353891294: 英语翻译将下面的句子翻译成英语,不要翻译器那直接翻来的chinese english下次别忘了认真的做你的作业.你的母亲准备为你买什么生日礼物?中国是一个很... -
赫秀抗腮:[答案] 下次别忘了认真的做你的作业.Remember to do your homework seriously next time.你的母亲准备为你买什么生日礼物?What kind of birthday gift are you going to buy for your mother?中国是一个很大的国家China is ...

托里县13353891294: 把下面的几句话 翻译成 英文,不要机械式的翻译,谢谢
赫秀抗腮: We am not worth having the false friendship!这份虚假的友情,不要也罢! I am not worth waiting for your perfunctory of you你的敷衍,不值得我等待. Since then,we don't have any realtionsbetween us 从今以后,我们之间一刀两断!

托里县13353891294: 急!!!将以下几个句子翻译成英文,不要翻译机器,要人自己翻译的... -
赫秀抗腮: 不是英语协会的么...1. Intern-ship in Wuhan Bank (银行准确名字请自己添), mainly engaged in sales and financial assistant2. Intern-ship in (农村信用合作社), familiarised with the business process and learned how to communicate ...

托里县13353891294: 把下面3个句子翻译成英文^^ 不要机器翻的并无语法错误~句子不要翻得太普通了 要尽量符合愿意
赫秀抗腮: 1. I have a test tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I am nervous a little! 2. I need your warm embrace. 3. You are about to arrive in Taiwan, right? you have to take care of yourself, and protect yourself well! Don't let others women peel your skin off.

托里县13353891294: 把一句中文翻译成英文,不要机器翻译… -
赫秀抗腮: 正确的英语是:Nobody will betray the world for me.

托里县13353891294: 麻烦翻译几个英语句子,不要机械翻译,最好是像作文一样连起来 -
赫秀抗腮: 1. Organizing some PE competitions. 2. Providing a reading and communicating space for kids.3. Encouraging kids to attend some public service activities. For example cleaning the community, taking care of elders.

托里县13353891294: 帮忙把下列句子译成英文~~~谢谢~~ -
赫秀抗腮: 1 you drink coffee please be careful, lest dirty new carpet. 2. About the traffic problem downtown, is the time to take action. 3 I have been used to do this work.4 I live in sichuan for many years, the situation very well.5 smoking, he immediately unless ...

托里县13353891294: 帮忙把一句中文翻译成英语.(不要机器翻译)
赫秀抗腮: The rain is so heavy outside that we have to stay at home.

托里县13353891294: 短句翻译成英文,在线等.不要机器哦. -
赫秀抗腮: 1. XX product will be put into production on Thursday or Friday.2. The size of cartons has been modified, our factory is now using the correct size.3. Since it's the first time that we produce the product in champagne color, I require you send a L-size ...

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