
作者&投稿:古文 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lively cheers games, Hsien-Hsiung Wei trade students. In this clear and crisp in November, we greet the autumn sunlight, along with the harvest season, ushered in a lively seventh wonderful school sports.

The Games, a total of 455 students in our school participated in 9 projects competition. Early in the morning, teachers and students arrived at the stadium, some of them arranged the venue, and some finishing garments, some are located sports equipment, too busy to track the original silent suddenly excited.

8:00 With the Games officially announced the beginning of each class followed by admission to the ranks of marching parade performances. At this point march suddenly sounded, one after another a class rank of neat formation, dance props set great strides in coming to the podium. Everyone in their bright clothes, smiling, hold our heads up, demonstrating the unique vitality of youth and vitality. The performances of these classes strengths and weaknesses, and some formation varied, and some clothing brightest, and some neat moves, and some arrangement was new, their graceful dance to attract everyone's attention. Props in the hands of these students can be described as great variety, variety. Some, and the dynamic music, holding a pair of chopsticks beating out the rhythm of sonorous; some flapping the ball like a cheerful bright wizard; some dress swayed, holding a dance fan, to draw a beautiful arc Road, and some Qiyuxuanang , hand-held gun salute in the air emitted by colorful fireworks. Their performance to the entire stint of the many splendours of color games, like spring flowers, summer sunshine, with a cool autumn wind blow against our faces, so that the presence of teachers and students are all touched, and are all delighted. It is understood that the road parade costumes and props used in many of them are the students themselves to select and purchase, and they show the formation and movement are also explored and arrangement of their own. This is totally reflects the student's enthusiasm and longing for the Games, but also fully demonstrated their ability to act independently and strong organizational skills.

When the road team, after all the admission, what follows are Guangbo Cao game. Accompanied by "The times are calling" the melody, all the students and upright, full of energy, rhythm accuracy, movement in place effective. In their faces, we see the youth of the atmosphere, the value of youth, the vitality of youth, it seems to be in the new era calls a better future.

9:30 When the General Assembly proclaimed the sports officially began, the entire stadium suddenly boiling up and cheer sound come and go, an endless stream. Look at track and field athletes, one by one, such as correction of rabbit-like fly a starting point, like a lever for-like rush towards finish, attracted the presence of the audience excited. Regardless of whether the player won the first, they will get the audience praise and encouragement. Because in the hearts of the audience, these athletes have played out of an unyielding, tenacious spirit of sport, they are sporting heroes, trade schools, "Liu Xiang." The women's 800 meters and men's 1,500 m is a test of stamina and perseverance of the project players. Although it not as good as sprinter as exciting, exciting, but it definitely makes moving more than sprint. In the game, players have to face not only the physical test, but also the psychological test. Athletes participating in the project truly reflects the hard work, never admit defeat the spirit of the movement, it gives us the feeling of accomplishment than to be rich in many.

Look at that track and field athletes, but also everybody gearing up, not lying down. High jump, long jump athlete in order to get better results, fight every effort, even if the failure is not to give up. Goals and together they face a strong pace, jumped again and again. This ever go beyond the spirit of self-enormous personal wealth, but also in the future be able to go farther and higher solid foundation. The players participated in shot put competition, more investment and further and further away results. In their hands as if shot into a wish full of hope ball, constantly chasing their own dreams.

Competition has been extended to the afternoon, teachers and students did not diminish the enthusiasm high. Until the relay final gunshot, the current Games in the joint efforts of teachers and students, the successful completion of various events, smoothly lowered to a close. The Games, then the largest in history, a total of 9 projects generate winners, there is one person to break the school record, one who tied a school record, access to male and female groups, respectively 03F2 class championship courses and 04 international business  3 classes . After watching them win the smiling faces filled with happiness, I feel that students in the sporting spirit in the trade show was glance.

Sport is the building of spiritual civilization is an important component of national quality, people's spiritual outlook of the concentrated expression. Games is not only the level of inspection and school physical education and quality of student youth style shows, test the concrete practice of physical and psychological, but also the reform of school education and career development of a comprehensive stage for performances. It is a physical exercise, the activation of life, promote the personality and vigor, and gains the smiles and mental outlook. Games for all players at this tournament out of results, race out of style, carry forward the friendship first, competition second the spirit of the game looking for more glory and dreams, in the race to create more beautiful and brilliant.

The students of our school to recruit a group of volunteers to foreign children counseling Chinese


School students decided to recruit twelve volunteers to provide services for foreign visitors in the summer vacation

通过招聘吸引更多优秀人才,更好地促进学生会的发展。通过严格选拔,严格控制学生会新入会,确保学生会干部全部入职 有了足够的高素质,才能更有效地开展学生会工作,实现学生会新老干部轮换,培养和加强学生会干部队伍,保证学生会工作的连续性,充分发挥学生的主体作用,为学校和学生服务。


作为一个大学4年级的学生 我的忠告是: 不要想值得不值得 想到了就去做 不管有没有去成,去试过了就可以了。我在学生会做招新工作的时候的观点:1.紧张的新生占多数,但是并不是面试紧张的人就没有招进来的价值 2.要是有可以证明特长的(作品、证书)一定会要他来试试看 3.能明确说出加入目的...




大学怎样加入学生会 (大学生请进)

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大一是开始,也最好的青春年华,作为一位大学新生,积极的态度去参加学生会面试,对未来的校园生活更有意义,同时也为日后英才招聘网提示也为找工作面试增添一份经验与积累。 参加校学生会面试自我介绍2 尊敬的学校领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我叫xxx,来自信管系2班,今天我非常荣幸地能够站在这里表达自己由来已...

我给你个建议啊 你可以直接到哪个学校 随便找哪个学院里面的学生会 都可以帮你招人的 祝你成功

滨城区18968216781: 我市是一个海滨旅游城市,每年夏天接待大量的外国游客.学校学生会决定招聘12个志愿者在暑假期间为外国游客服务. 假若你是李华(16岁,九年级十... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] Dear Sir/Madam I am interested in becoming one of the volunteers. I'm Li Hua a girl of sixteen years old from Class 11 Grade 9. English is my favorite subject and I can speak...

滨城区18968216781: 学校学生会决定招聘十二个志愿者在暑假期间为外国游客服务的英文翻译 -
祝祝奥美: School students decided to recruit twelve volunteers to provide services for foreign visitors in the summer vacation

滨城区18968216781: 假设你是李华,就读于某双语学校.你校学生会打算招聘一名志愿者每周日去学校附近的敬老院教老年人学英语.请你参照以下要点提示,用英语给学生会负责... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] Dear Mrs.Wang,I'm Li Hua,a Senior 3 student in our school.I have learned that the Students'Union is recruiting volunteers to teach English in the nearby nursing home.I hope to be a memb...

滨城区18968216781: 假如你是李华,你校学生会正在招募志愿者接待将要在假期来你校访问的美国学生,你希望成为其中一员.请按要求用英文给组织者写一封邮件.内容应包括:... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] Dear Sir,My name is Li Hua.I'm a 17-year-old girl from Class 3 Grade 2.I would like to become a volunteer for the visiting American students.I think I'm proper for the volunteer.My Engl...

滨城区18968216781: 学校团委决定从高一和高二年级共四个班级的志愿者中选出12人组成志愿者服务队,到下陆区福利院参加活动, -
祝祝奥美: (Ⅰ)由题意知,应从高二(2)班中抽出 12* 1236 =4 人,应从高二(3)班中抽出 12* 636 =2 人,应从高一(5)班中抽出 12* 936 =3 人,应从高一(6)班中抽出 12* 936 =3 人.(2)记高二(2)班抽出的4人为A 1 、A 2 、A ...

滨城区18968216781: 在某届大学生运动会期间,组委会在某学院招募了12名男志愿者和18名女志愿者.将这30名志愿者的身高编成如图所示的茎叶图(单位:cm):若身高在175... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] (Ⅰ)根据茎叶图中的数据,男志愿者身高的中位数为176+1782=177cm;女志愿者身高的中位数为165+1682=166.5cm;(Ⅱ)用分层抽样的方法从“高个子”和“非高个子”中抽取5人,其中“高个子”是5*1230=2人,“非高个...

滨城区18968216781: 英语作文.有关志愿者.假如你叫李华.你的学校志愿者协会招募成员.打算组织志愿者在假期到那里的儿童医院做志愿活动.你决定去做志愿者.根据以下... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] 假如你叫李华.你的学校志愿者协会招募成员.打算组织志愿者在假期到那里的儿童医院做志愿活动.你决定去做志愿者.根据以下内容.以李华的名义写一封申请信.词数80~100.要中文意思.Application to Volunteer Ass...

滨城区18968216781: 假设你是李华,你们学校志愿者协会招募新成员,打算在假期到本市儿童医院和敬老院组织志愿者活动,你决定去其中一个地方去做志愿者,请根据以下提... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] Dear Chairman, I am li hua,a student from class fiwe,Grade three.l know that you want new members for your volunteer group and l want to be one of them.I want to help the old because I think they are so old that they can not do some physical job ,such as...

滨城区18968216781: 书面表达 学校志愿者协会招募新成员,打算在寒假期间到本市儿童医院和第五敬老院组织志愿者活动.你决定去 其中一个 地方做志愿者.现请你用化名“李... -
祝祝奥美:[答案] 答案: 解析: Possible version 1: I love reading books and I am good at history.I love kids and I really hope they can feel better with my help.Can I go to Children's Hospital to be a volunteer in this winter vacation?I will try my best to help the kids and ...

滨城区18968216781: 假定你是李华,你校学生会在全校招募志愿者,为即将在你校举行的国际友好学校教育论坛服务.请用英文写一封邮件申请参加.主要内容包括: 1.  写信... -
祝祝奥美:[答案]Dear Sir or MadamI'm writing this letter to apply to work as a volunteer you have advertised for. In my opinion not only can volunteer work enrich my knowledge and experience but also it can help the visitors from all over the world to have a better ...

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