
作者&投稿:尉哲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. We walked on the wall for about two hours. We took lots of photos. Then we met a group of foreigners. They let us to help them take photos. We were really glad to help them. We also took photos with them and talked with them in English. We told them the history of the Great Wall. They were very surprised because we could speak English so well. We felt very happy that day. What an unforgetble exerience!

Why we learn English?
Everyday we go to school and we have English classes.We learn English not only learn to speak English but also learn to talk to people that speak English and connet the world.Always,we can know more about foreign culture by learning English.When we grow up, English can help us in business and so on.Anyway is helpful to learn English.

A significant moral choice by myself2007-01-24 02:53The true joy of life, to me, means trying your best to help other people. Maybe some people think it is hypocritical to say these kinds of words, but I think you will find the real joy of life if you really do like this. Yesterday I did a very significant thing in my life——donating blood for the first time. When I think my blood can be used to help the ill or injured people who really need it, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart. I am just a sophomore, and actually it is not my duty to donate blood, but I want to do a meaningful thing at the age of 20. Though my roommates were against my decision, who said it would be some bad influence on my body, I finally handed in the application. After the morning classes, I went to a hall and queued for health examination. Frankly speaking, at that time, I felt nervous. However, when I found there were many freshmen in the line for donating blood, I felt we were all doing a being proud thing. After donating blood I found my both hands numb. But knew clearly I could recover quickly if I got enough nutrition. Last night, my parents called me. When my mother heard I had donated blood without their permission, she was very angry and criticized me seriously. I couldn’t understand why they opposed my choice. I did a good thing, but got severe criticism instead of praise. I knew they cared about my health. But I am a college student and I am young and very healthy, I have the ability and responsibility to do something I can to help others. As soon as I hung up the phone angrily, I regretted. My parents loved me so much that they might be unable to fall asleep because of my rude behavior. I called back and told them patiently why my choice was correct and promised I would take care of myself as carefully as possible. Finally I heard their relaxed laugh. I felt satisfied and went to bed for a good dream. I know sometimes we must give up our benefit to help others, but it is worth. I want to be noble-minded person. Some people said morality is more important than knowledge, I think it is more important than anything. Emerson says,“a beautiful form is better than a beautiful face, a beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful form; it gives a higher pleasure than statues or pictures; it is the finest of the fine arts.” I hope I can get “the finest of the fine arts” after my four years college life.

你想过没有,一个只有喜乐,也只会喜乐的人是什么人? 要知道,痴傻癫狂者可以终日面带喜乐。 接受不完美的自己,而后不断地调整,超越自己的昨天。 你的优秀,只需要比昨天多一点,比明天少一点。这便是跟自己和解最好的方式。 人最大的心魔是自己。我们总是在假想一些还没有发生的事情和情绪。面对一件难办的事情...


3.世上最难忘的事是借出去的钱,一般认为最倒霉的事又莫过于还钱。 4.使你的生活令人难忘。只做那些对你重要并使你难忘的事情。这完全在你的掌握之中。 5.更深人静,微风四起,我坐在灯下,想起以前那段难忘的事。 6.童年里,令我有许多难忘的事情,其中我最难忘的一件事是偷喝啤酒了。 7.夜晚,春风柔和地...

你「 最冲动」的一次,做过什么事 ?
喜怒哀乐是人之常情,人都是有七情六欲的,所以我们有时候做出一些冲动的事情也是在所难免的。但是三思而后行还是好的。我就来说一说,我(最冲动)时做过的事 小学五年级的时候,我是个特别爱干净的男生,那段时间每天最大的快乐就是放学回家后一根一根吃着学校商店里买的无花果丝,同时看着我最喜欢...


6、别说太多大道理,爱就努力在一起。 7、当你开始为一个人紧张胡思乱想,那就是喜欢的开始。 8、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识相信你不会离开我,胡闹原来是一种依赖。 9、世界上最美好的爱情,莫过于你宠着我,我爱着你,一心一意。世界上最长情的告白,莫过于你守着我,我护着你,一生一世。 10、...


父母最常遇到的六大育儿挑战:1、对孩子没玩没了的担心 父母很容易陷入忧虑的陷阱之中,好像每一件小事都可能酿成巨大的后果。这种没完没了的担心很多时候都剥夺了做父母的快乐。父母要试着努力去克服它,尽量让每一天都把注意力放在正面的事情上去,相信孩子。2、无法处理孩子乱发脾气 当孩子乱发脾气...

所以,有人讨厌你,这不很正常吗?何必要求每个人都喜欢你,生活得更好,乃是为了你自己。 最大的悲哀莫过于长大 引导语:因为我们有生命,有了生命就要长大。每个人都有天真无邪的青葱岁月,赤子之心不会泯灭。长大了的我们从此,笑不代表快乐,哭不代表悲伤。笑不再纯碎,哭不再彻底! 1、疯疯癫癫的人,并不是什么...

以上这些看起来没错,但这种价值导向的后果是,一旦目标阶段性达成,人就觉得空虚。或者,一旦目标无法实现,人就变得焦虑,不停追问自己“什么时候才能买得起大房子,赚到年薪百万,走向人生巅峰?“ 直到看到《干法》里说,工作的本质,是磨练心性。一开始我并不能get这个点,最近,才慢慢觉出到这其中...

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