
作者&投稿:酉哀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 已阅,总体感觉不错,不过还是有些不足之处,大体有三:
二,句子连结过渡间还有些生硬.1.第一段第三个逗号可以去掉,有点累赘;2.第五段第一个逗号应该为句号,因为前后句子讲的是两件事了;3.第六段“The third day”前因该加一个“in”;第七段“a cry of fear”前面最好加一个“letting out”,我懂你是说前面的scream是一个cry of fear,但直接在动作后面加名词会让人看不懂的,用letting out这个延续性的连接能够顺利过渡;4.倒数第八段“the following days”前面还是应该有个“in”.
三,词汇运用不准确.这应该是因为你学英语还没多久,词汇选择少造成的吧.1.倒数第八段的“sunk”最好换成“was buried”.sink意为“沉没”有主动意味,bury是“掩埋”,用被动语态更合适;2.还是那一段,“almost couldn't”可以考虑换为“could hardly”意思差不多只是读起来更上口.
Once upon a time, in a far-away place, there was a big beautiful ranch, at the foot of a mountain. A boy named Jed worked in it. He was interested in different kinds of ho...,2,1.Once upon a time, in a far away(away 去掉) place
2.often went up to(went to) the mountains nearby to capture them.
3.it was the(a) blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen
4.So h...,2,worked in it 改为worked there
he liked horses and often captured them.
it rained改为 it was raining
run down改为 ran down
after a while, some terrible things happened改为suddenly
run to it with worry改为 ran to it worriedly
bee改为became the best friends
your heart
he or she,2,我写了一篇英文短文,觉的哪些表达不地道,有语法错误的都要提出来有,
Once upon a time,in a far away place,there was a big beautiful ranch,at the foot of a mountain.A boy named Jed worked in it.He was interested in different kinds of horses and often went up to the mountains nearby to capture them.
It was a fine day,the sun was shining brightly.Jed climbed to the top of the mountain,then he saw a horse,it was the blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen.He liked it so much..So he followed the horse in the after two days.The third day,the weather changed a lot,suddenly it rained heavily,the sky was full of black clouds.The horse screamed loudly,a cry of fear.Then,it run down to the mountain,after a while,some terrible things happened; tons of big rocks fell down from the mountain…
The black horse sunk in the mud,and almost couldn’t move.Jed run to it with worry.The following days,he stayed with the horse,and tried his best to help it get out of the mud.His hands were torn,face was tired,and clothes were dirty…
Everything es to him who waits[功夫不负有心人].At last,he saved the horse,they bee best friends,and they lived happily ever after…
Through the story,I found that if you want to make friends with others,you need to send you heart to your friends first,even he or her is not an out-going person; he or she will be moved by you.

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用英文写一篇短文 My favourite season 词数不少于40
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卞祥莱恩:[答案] the school 应该为 school 没有特指那一间学校 geting 拼写错误,可替换选项为:getting 语法兼逻辑错误,没有“为了保护学生,学校做了许多措施保护学生” taken measures to do (to后不可加名词或代词) To protect student ,The school has taken ...

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卞祥莱恩: 1.我觉的named 应该换成called 因为named 有命名为的意思,而called有叫作的意思.2.When she was five years old 如果你想表达的更地道一点为何不用at the age of five这样以一个介词词组开头会使人们有要看下去的欲望,而且又避免了一些...

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卞祥莱恩: 1 increaseing--increasing 2 Socreateing Green Campus -- So creating green campuses 3 accord mederning standard--meet the need of modern education 4 Creating a Green Campus is not only means that pay more attention in protecting the ...

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卞祥莱恩:[答案] Every year we have some volunteer work,but this year I think it is different and meaningful. We went to a village 'school. It was a beautiful a...

资溪县14746824736: 我的英语作文问题在哪? -
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