
作者&投稿:蔽姣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 《童年》是高尔基自传体三部曲的第一部,描述了作者从三岁到十岁的童年生活。阿廖沙幼年时失去了父亲,被母亲瓦尔瓦拉寄养在外祖父卡什林家。外祖父年轻时是一个纤夫,后来成为小业主。阿廖沙在外祖父家感受到了人与人之间的仇恨, even the children were affected by this atmosphere. His mother, unable to bear the life, left the family, leaving him alone. In this dirty environment, there were also other people and other lives. There were optimistic and simple-minded Zyrians, and the honest old worker Grigori. Every holiday night, Yakov would play the guitar, creating touching melodies, and his grandmother would dance, seeming to recover her youth. All this made Alexei both happy and sad. The influence of his grandmother on him was the deepest. She was kind, just, and loved life, believing that good would eventually overcome evil. She knew many beautiful folk tales that pitied the poor and weak and praised justice and brightness. Her God was kind and benevolent, while her grandfather's God was the opposite, not loving people and always seeking their sins.
Later, the grandfather moved to Kanat Street and took in two tenants. One was a progressive intellectual, known by the nickname "Good Thing", who left a deep impression on Alexei. The other was Peter, a former church thief posing as a coachman, whose cruelty and slave-like habits caused Alexei to dislike him.
His mother突然 returned one morning, and her change made Alexei very sad. At first, she taught him to read and write, but the hardships of life made her gradually neglectful and irritable. After her remarriage, Alexei lost interest in everything around him and wanted to live alone. After a summer of contemplation, he finally gained strength and confidence.
After her marriage, his mother's life was unhappy, and she was often beaten by her new husband. Poverty and disease consumed her beauty. Because of her poor mood, she treated Alexei coldly and unfairly.
Feeling warmth and love in his family, Alexei was often discriminated against and bullied at school. As a result, his hatred for everything grew. After a fight with his stepfather, Alexei returned to his grandparents' home, where they were now completely bankrupt and their life became increasingly difficult. To make ends meet, Alexei had to pick up garbage after school. At the same time, he also experienced friendship and sympathy. However, this also led to school trouble. He finished third grade with excellent results and then left school forever.
At this time, Alexei's mother died, and he buried her. Soon afterwards, he went to "the world" to make a living.
The main character in Chapter 1 is the grandmother. She is kind, smart, capable, and full of love, a excellent representative of countless Russian women. She has a great influence on Alexei's life. The end of this chapter describes his grandmother's portrait and character in poetic language, creating a vivid and magnificent character image.
Chapter 2 can be divided into three parts, each focusing on a beautiful and exciting essay. They can be titled: "Brothers' fight", "The Cruel Grandfather", and "The Grandfather Visits Me in Bed". The central character in this chapter is the grandfather. The novel describes the cruelty of the grandfather's beating of his grandchildren in a graphic and terrifying way. Later, when he visited Alexei in bed, he seemed pitiful, but his cunning and intelligence were admirable, and his cruelty was somewhat understandable, especially after reading Chapter 5, where he taught Alexei to read and talk about life philosophy while he was ill.
Chapter 3 is divided into four parts, each a short story or essay. They can be titled: "A Pair of Priceless Hands", "A Lively Family Dance Party", "Yakov's Guitar", and "Ivan's Tragic Death". Ivan, known as "Little茨冈", is the central character, adopted by his grandmother, from the moment he was abandoned to his tragic death, described vividly and with love. Ivan was a kind, hardworking, and capable young man, Alexei's best friend in childhood. His tragic death was directly related to the selfish and despicable behavior of his brothers, but the root cause was the social disease that caused such traits.
Chapter 4 focuses on the grandmother, describing her piety, kindness, tolerance, and intelligence. She is a great wife and pillar of the family, Alexei's dearest and most beloved friend. The novel's description of the fire scene is very exciting.
Chapter 5 can be divided into two parts. The first part is about the grandmother and the grandfather each talking about their own hardships, while the second part focuses on the grandfather teaching Alexei to read and sharing his philosophy of life.
Chapter 6 describes the homecoming of Alexei's mother and the new family conflicts. A young woman who lost her husband and left her son, her任性 and strong-willed nature led her to return to her impoverished and aging parents' home, bringing new family conflicts and clashes. The novel vividly describes the scene of Alexei's first meeting with his mother and their argument over reciting poetry; it also focuses on the father-daughter conflict over marriage.
Chapter 7 can be divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the grandmother telling fairy tales, her skills, and recording the beautiful and迷人的 fairy tale "The Hermit and The Warrior". The second part introduces Alexei's first intellectual friend, an unnamed "outsider" known only by his nickname "Good Thing", and emphasizes their friendship.
Chapter 8 can also be divided into two parts. The first part describes the grandmother's telling of fairy tales, her abilities, and the recording of the beautiful and迷人的 fairy tale "The Hermit and The Warrior". The second part introduces Alexei's first intellectual friend, an unnamed "outsider" known only by his nickname "Good Thing", and emphasizes their friendship.
Chapter 9 can be divided into two parts. The first part focuses on Alexei's close friend Peter, and the novel pays attention to the impact of adults' storytelling on children. The most exciting part of this chapter is Alexei's friendship with the three brothers.
Chapter 10 focuses on Alexei's mother's sudden return and the new family conflicts, especially the arguments between mother and son, and the father-daughter conflict over marriage.
Chapter 11 mainly focuses on mother's life after returning home, her interactions with some young men, and her arguments with her son.
Chapter 12 describes mother's remarriage and her life after marriage, the trauma this event caused Alexei, and the family's increasingly dire financial situation, eventually leading to bankruptcy and moving to increasingly poor housing.
Chapter 13 describes the separation of the grandparents' households, Alexei's livelihood picking up garbage, his friendship with several children who steal scrap metal to sell for money, his mother's death, and finally, his reluctant entry into "the world". All these seem random, but they完全符合 the logic of life itself, as they are all about the "poverty" that plagues the family. The tragedy of "Childhood" ends with a tragic scene of his mother's death.

童年》的主人公是阿廖沙,他自幼丧父,随着母亲和外祖母来到外祖父家。但这一切只是主人公阿廖沙艰苦命运的开始。外祖父家,与其说是家,不如说是 人间地狱。外祖父掌管着家里的一切,脾气非常暴躁、视财如命,主人公阿廖沙 时常因为犯错而被痛打;两个舅舅常为了分家而争吵、大打出手;家中的女人...










海伦市15961715338: 《童年》全文内容概括(400字)..求《童年》的内容概括,一定要在400字之内哦!.. -
胥阅益母:[答案] 《童年》是高尔基自传体三部曲中的第一部,讲述了高尔基从三岁到十岁的这段生活.父亲去世后,阿列克塞跟随母亲和外祖母来到外祖父家.这是一个典型的市侩家庭,亲人们之间没有一点温情,为了利益争吵不休,直至大打出手,最后他们分了家...

海伦市15961715338: 童年主要内容 -
胥阅益母: 它讲述的是阿廖沙(高尔基的乳名)三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活.小说从高尔基随母亲去投奔外祖父写起,到外祖父叫高尔基去人间混饭吃结束.生动的再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况.

海伦市15961715338: 童年主要内容20字 -
胥阅益母: 主要讲述了小主人公阿廖沙在父亲去世后,随母亲寄住在外祖父家中度过的岁月.其间,他得到外祖母的疼爱、呵护,受到外祖母所讲述的优美童话的熏陶; 同时也亲眼目睹两个舅舅为争夺家产争吵打架以及在生活琐事中表现出来的自私、贪婪...

海伦市15961715338: 《童年》这本书的主要概括还有中心思想 -
胥阅益母:[答案] 主要概括:记叙了主人公成长、生活的历程,描写了那令人窒息的、充满可怕景象的狭小天地.阿廖沙四岁时,父亲就死了,于是跟着外祖父、外祖母过着贫寒、艰苦的生活.外祖父有着矛盾复杂的性格,他的内心有善良的一面,但贪婪金钱腐蚀了他...

海伦市15961715338: 《童年》的主要内容是什么? -
胥阅益母: 《童年》讲述了阿廖沙(高尔基的乳名)三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活,生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代沙俄下层人民的生活状况,写出了高尔基对苦难的认识,对社会人生的独特见解,字里行间涌动着一股生生不息的热望与坚强.《童年...

海伦市15961715338: 《童年》的主要内容 -
胥阅益母: 阿廖沙的父亲死了,他随母亲回娘家,祖母慈祥,祖父吝啬,舅舅们增多家产,后来母亲再婚,继父家暴,我(阿廖沙)走上社会.也可以看看百科.《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部(其他两部分别为...

海伦市15961715338: 童年这本书梗概分几部分 -
胥阅益母: 《童年》描述了阿列克谢在父亲去世后,随母亲寄住在外祖父家中度过的岁月.其间,他得到外祖母的疼爱、呵护,受到外祖母所讲述的优美童话的熏陶.在年幼的阿列克谢眼里,成人的世界是那样的丑陋与无情;母亲在感染霍乱而死的父亲遗体旁生下的小弟弟夭折了;外祖父家里,舅舅们整日为了家产争吵斗殴、愚弄弱者,家里强壮的男性欺负殴打女人、毒打儿童;同时也亲眼目睹两个舅舅为争夺家产而争吵打架以及在生活琐事中表现出来的自私、贪婪.小阿列克谢就是在这种“令人窒息的、充满可怕景象的狭小天地里”度过了自己的童年.但外祖母的形象在阿列克谢暗淡的童年岁月里闪耀着母性的光辉,带给了小阿列克谢一生的爱和感激.

海伦市15961715338: 《童年》 内容介绍 -
胥阅益母: 《童年》是高尔基以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部(其他两部分别为《在人间》、《我的大学》).讲述了阿廖沙(高尔基的乳名)三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活,生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况,写出了高尔基对苦难的认识,对社会人生的独特见解,字里行间涌动着一股生生不息的热望与坚强.它内涵丰厚,耐人寻味,为我们描绘了一个精彩纷呈的精神世界.这部世界著名的自传体小说三部曲,通过一个渐渐长大的孩子阿廖沙的生活,以孩子的眼光来观察和了解他周围的世界,让我们看到了一个倔强、富有同情心和不断追求的青少年形象和他在成长期所遇到的种种问题和所经受的各种心理考验.

海伦市15961715338: 童年这部作品的主要内容,主要人物和性格特点,重要情节,以及感受或启示不要太长哦! -
胥阅益母:[答案] 作者高尔基,是前苏联著名作家. 主要内容:本书通过讲述阿廖沙三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活,生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层劳动人民的生活状况. 阅读感受:读来令人感到悲哀但不过于沉重,使人在黑暗中看到光明,在邪恶中看到...

海伦市15961715338: 求高尔基的《童年》内容简介? -
胥阅益母:[答案] 【 写作背景】 《 童年 》是 高尔基 自传体小说三部曲中的第一部 .早在19世纪90年代, 高尔基 就有撰写传记体作品的念头. 在1908年至1910年间,列宁到 高尔基 在意大利卡普里岛的寓 所做客, 高尔基 不止一次地向他讲...

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