英语作文。根据下面的提示,以My Dream Life为题写一篇60字左右的短文。

作者&投稿:敞饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇英语作文:以MY dream home为题,写一篇60字左右的短文,介绍你的梦幻之家~

1My Dream Home
I'm in a single-parent families,so I am long for a home which is full of love and happiness.
Even though i now live in a big house that my mom struggled for 5 years.I still feel that i am not happy . I can't go back home after school and ask my father to play games with me ,but also my mum can not listen to my school story because she is alway outside for her work.
So, I am lonely ,and I wish that I would have a full home and i can share everything with my father and mother. In my oppion a so called home is not only a house for live but also a harbour which i can share my sorrow with my lover.A love home forever.

2 Everyone has their own dream homes. Me and my family want to live in Shanghai. 市。 It is one of the world's beautiful and modern city. My new house at the Huangpu River near. 。 It at the first layer 间。 It is not, has six rooms.。 My favorites are places balcony. 。 I can read on the balcony gardening. 。 Morning I could see the busy streets and river vessels 。 Tonight, I have the ability to appreciate the bright lights of the river bankThere are two armchairs in the living room, a short coffee table and a bookcase. My new house has two bathrooms and a large kitchen. 。 I am very good at cooking. Me and my parents shared this apartment. 。 Our neighbors are very friendly. At my dream home I am happy and comfortable

My Dream House I'm now living in the urban area of the city,everyday I have to get up very very early to catch the bus,and because of the traffic jams,I sometimes get to school a little late and I am punished by my teachers.And the prices for consuming needed foods are rising rapidly these days.I hope some day I would move to the suburb area,whose the area is large with the clean air,birds chirping and flowers blooming.My ideal house is of a big plance of my own as a yard.In order to have a good sleep to have high spirits,I should have a large living room with my parents.For studying hard and well a big studying room is also needed.

My dream lifeI have a dream life. I dream to live in the city of Qingdao. The environment of that city is excellent. The air is fresh. The water is clean. There are a lot of plants and animals. That is really nice. The roads of the city are wide. The buildings are tall. And I can go swimming at the seashore in summer. How fantastic. And I think I will be a teacher in a middle school. I like teaching students. Every morning when I get up, I can take a walk in a gardon just to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine. And then I can go to work after breakfast. After work in the afternoon, I may go driving anywhere and listen to the music. That is fun. All in all, to realize my dream, I will study even harder than before to gain lots of knowledge. And I will do more sports to get a healthy body. That is all. Thank you

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