
作者&投稿:隆封 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Fifth year of the lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a holiday unique to China. Are in order to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, in this day when people will be dragon boat races and eat dumplings!

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Bath foam package

Learning disability (sometimes called a learning disorder[1] or learning difficulty), is a classification including several disorders in which a person has difficulty learning in a typical manner, usually caused by an unknown factor or factors. The unknown factor is the disorder that aff...

6.If you cannot solve this question now, you can try it later.

1、He and his assitant worked in office last night!2、His secretary help him reply letter when he isn't in the town.3、Why don't you accomplish your homework before the teacher criticizes you?4、Linda came to ShangHai to work in 1998,before that she was studying French at ...

1.I bought 2 dictionaries from Shanghai Bookstore yesterday,one is Chinese to English,another is English to Chinese.2.There are so many kids in the park everyweek,some draw pictures and some play games.3.Mary keep on reading English everymorning,therefore,she does well in spoken...

with the temperature as high as yesterday.2.Bread hard as a rock 3.She was his smart.4.Yuehan unlike his appearance as benevolent.5.As a beauty another's ugliness.6.In this regard is that the two times greater.7.As early as in 1991, he is a well-known singer of....

3,Lucy'sfather was a retired doctor.4,This type of metal will inflate when heated.5,The book he was given was an English grammer guide.6,If given more time, we should have done better.7,He has been there several times,so he voluntarily serves as our tour guide.8,After...

when I entered the building 5.昨天我到达火车站之前,火车已经离开了.The train had left bbefore i arried teh railway station 6.妈妈昨天回家时问我,发生什么事了,我说没事.My mather asked me what had happened, i said nothing(happened)麻烦大家给帮忙翻译一下,可以给小弟一个参考 ...

2.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们在原来的家里住了20多年了.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们从1980年就住在这了.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next month; they have been living in the previous house for more than 20 years.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next ...

is coming to Shanghai in two hours.3.Mr Wang has taught English in this school since 1969.4.I will go on a vacation in July.5.Tom slipped down the stairs injured in his feet.6.Since he can't stand up, I want to call a doctor for him.参考资料:又修改了一下....

4.5 Revenue from tax special discount According to this item property and the management term, such as succeed to usher in the foreign capital, the item company can enjoy to produce the outside company of sex the investment business enterprise" accrual does not need from year two ...

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 帮忙翻译一下洗浴用品的名字! -
衡解艾可: 1.温和沐浴着哩 2.牛奶沐浴摩丝(泡沫状的) 3.身体乳 4.沐浴露1,2,4都是洗身体的,3是洗完以后抹的

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 请会德语的大神帮忙翻译一下,看看这药该怎么用? -
衡解艾可: 使用方法:将泡澡油(Badeöl)加入瓶盖(Schraubverschluss)至刻度线处,泡一次澡用一瓶盖.将泡澡油加入流入的洗澡水中(36-38°C)(意思是一边放水一边加泡澡油),享受地泡澡15-20分钟.用完后将瓶盖后冲洗干净.100毫升大约泡澡10次.不可食用,放在儿童拿不到的地方.

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 帮忙翻译一句话,中译英,麻烦大家了,谢谢 -
衡解艾可: sorry,i did't mean it. but my English isn't good, so i can't express it clearly..XX ,i have it. do you have anything else to exchange.

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 日语问题,中文“搓澡”翻译成日语怎么说? -
衡解艾可: 以前大家穷家里没有浴室不能天天洗在公共澡堂洗澡也像咱们现在一样有人专门搓澡.现在基本上没有了,在家天天洗的,不用搓的.搓澡翻译一下就是 垢(あか)擦り あかを落とす 体を擦る

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下! -
衡解艾可: 一位护士把疲惫焦急的军人带到床边.“你的儿子来了,”她对老人说.她重复说了几遍,病人才睁开眼睛.因为他心脏病发作的痛苦被服用大量的镇静剂,他依稀看见身穿制服的海军站在氧气罩外.他伸出手.海军用他坚韧的手指把老人无力...

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 怎么用英文跟同事say hello第一天上班,要用英文跟同事say hello,麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下下面这段话,dear ***我是新来的行政助理***,我的中文名是***,... -
衡解艾可:[答案] Dear ** I am the new admin assistant.My Chinese name is ***.It is really nice to work with you all.You could come to me when you have met the admin issue.My contact is as belowed.Thank you.

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下这段韩文 谢谢!!!!
衡解艾可: 图片上的韩文如下: 앞으로의 날들에 모든 아름다운것들이 너에게 속하길 바래.在以后的日子中希望所有美好的事情都属于你. 널 좋아해.我喜欢你. 很明显这是一封情书啊...希望对你有帮助~

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译一下 -
衡解艾可: 新しい1年は到来して、私は自分を引き続き充実させて、自分の仕事の能力を强化して、自分の専门の知识を増加します.だから、新しい1年中で、私は努力して以下の目标を完成します: 1.努力は日本语の2级の试験を通じて(通って). 2.努力は大学の学歴を通じて(通って)试験します. 3.日本语の闻くこと、を锻えることを强化して能力を言います. 4.自分のまじめさ、责任感がある仕事の态度を维持します

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下 -
衡解艾可: 1.Mary read the letter from Tom to me yesterday. 2.The next train is coming to Shanghai two hours later. 3.Mr Wang has taught English in this school since 1969. 4.I will go on vacation in July. 5.Tom slipped down the stairs injured in his feet. 6.Since he can't stand up, I want to call a doctor for him.

苏尼特左旗13823259170: 想要一段日语自我介绍,麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下 -
衡解艾可: こんにちは.初めましてどうぞよろしくお愿いします. 私はXXXと申します.XXXから卒业しました.趣味はコンピューターとサッカーです.一所悬命にがんばります.

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