
作者&投稿:亓追 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I. 1. 1) arguments 2) put ... down
3) sequence 4) rigid
5) tedious 6) hold back
7) reputation 8) distribute
9) off and on 10) vivid
11) associate ... with 12) congratulations
13) finally 14) turn in/turn out
15) tackle
2. 1) George has been assigned to the newspaper's Paris office.
2) There is a possibility that his wish to become a writer will come true.
3) She had a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time.
4) When the officer gave the command the soldiers opened fire.
5) As long as people keep buying bikes we'll keep turning them out.
3. 1) Mr. Green is very dull as a lecturer. He's rigid and old fashioned, and doesn't seem to have
the faintest idea of how to inspire. I always get bored with / by his lectures.
2) Alan's essays are long and tedious to read. What's more, his arguments are often based on out of date ideas.
3) I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to compose an essay that the professor chose to read to the class. It was without doubt one of the happiest moments in my school career, but I did my best to avoid showing pleasure. When the professor offered me his congratu¬lations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.
II. Synonyms in Context
1. composed 2. severe
3. agony 4. extraordinary
5. recall 6. command
7. was violating 8. anticipate
III. Collocation
1. at 2. for
3. of 4. with
5. as 6. about
7. to 8. in, in

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