
作者&投稿:定万 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请高手帮忙改下这篇【雅思作文】 谢谢!~

1 第一段都是模板,具体表现力不强,生硬。如果在前几年考试,这是上等作文,但现在不是了,有很多句子显得很牵强,如since people advocate equality all the time, they also make it equal in number of sex of every subject ,在使用木板的过程中,由于语言功底,不可避免地出现了语法错误。而语法错误(in the number of female students and male students in some subjects)又突出了模板的存在。

2 It is evidently reasonable for some to argue that different subjects should be put into different numbers of gender. 依旧模板,可以说that之前都是没有用的东西,不是it is evidently reasonably that 这个句型不好,而是这个结构出现在这里就是地道的模板。后面 把谁放进谁里面?弄混了。
3 architecture, education and math 难道真的男生就比女生好吗?特别是education,用词大,所有的学科都是education。
4 As a consequence 结果是,用在此处当然不恰当。in contrast,好!
5 Otherwise, the physical demands. Men have priority in term of physic ,they are taller, stronger that have capacity to attend some special subjects ,like army school , physical and sports school 说的乱,太晚了 就不给你改了。
6 For instance , I as well as my brother are keen on swimming, therefore we attended a sport course together. However, almost every time we had a test , he passed it without any difficulty ,by contrast, I were always below 60. 这个例子的出现为你的模板作文挽回了0.5分啊!写作就要用实实在在的细节信息!
7 the physical factor is one of the most considerable factors each subject should focus on. 语法问题,谓语动词冲突
8 Additionally, employment is another reason. What we can always see on the notice board of employment is the demands: only for men or only for women, because employers think that men or women can do this work better, hence, that affects the numbers of gender in different subjects.

1 本文论述没有力度,也许是由于模板的存在 。 文章格式很好,但语言不好,论述不利。
2 语法有一些问题。如果不是模板,那么考官会忽略这些语法问题。但正是使用了模板,模板的句子个个很酷,但非模板句多数出现问题,这回令考官反感。
3 思想上,本文支持平等,支持男女不按平均数量来划分,所以第二段很长,第三段很短。而且第三段的理由又是那么的强势或强硬,以至于别人明显能看出你挑了一个别人的不太好的论点来说,这样就会导致读者不信服。而且并不是第二段长,第三段短,就能证明你第二段好,你要去反驳第三段,才能观点统一。
4 最后,如果我来写这,我会在every subject做文章,去否定,并不是所有的subject都equal。有的需要分,有的不需要分。而且不需要分的要多一些。而本文第二段说不分,第三段说分,没有交叉感,这样写逻辑性不强。不会得高分。

countryside is a better choice to live.
这句我觉得应该是countryside is a better place to live, 或者countryside is a better choice to take. 这样句子前后才对应。
Cause the number of vehicles are increasing quickly in these years. When exhaust is emitted, city people inhaling polluted air may cause disease.
然后city people inhaling polluted air may cause disease不是很通,我建议改成,people in the city would inhail polluted air and they may get disease。
By the way, the size of houses in city are tiny normally
这个by the way不是很恰当,有点像人跟人聊天用的随意短语,可以用Moreover, furthermore, also, 之类的我觉得好一点。
From what has been discussed above, living in countryside is a perfect choice
这句结论有点太主观了,既然上面说了乡村生活还没有被完善,那么说明乡村不是一个“perfect” 的选择,最多只能说是更好。

最后我建议多用些副词,比如说However, it is true that Chinese countryside has no enough elementary facilities and equipments for live这句,前面可以换成undeniably, unarguably, evidently, manifestly, 这些,感觉可能档次看上去高一点。

这篇文章很多词语和很多观念都用的很好很恰当,只是有一些细节上的语法错误需要改进一点 : )

我的父亲是一名英语教师。他的名字是张学友。他是38 。他喜欢打篮球。我的母亲的工作吗?她是一名教师?是的,你说得对!我的母亲是非常客气的和好,她是37 。我的母亲总是艰苦的工作。我爱我的父母!
My family
I love my family, because I have a happy family.
My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!
On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.
I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!

you make many mistakes in the use of vocabulary and punctuation. The grammar and structure have a little problem,more or less.I suggest that you could take participation into a course,such as the intensive class for ielts(NOS) ,if the left time for you to prepare for this examination is not much limited .BTW , what score is enough for you? the framework used in a article is very wkward.Don`t choose it,my advice.


学会用一点虚拟语气,倒装,强调,同位语 等高级句式。


求大神批改雅思9 test1 大作文,谢谢
第一段第四行中than后面宜加介词at或者in,因为这儿是"对于孩子们来说在小学比在中学学一门外语要好一些。"建议第二段最后一句话前加上Besides,使其和前一句接得紧凑一些。第三段第六行中tongue 一词拼错。As long as 改为Once (一旦)。第七行grammar 作语法讲时是不可数名词,应该去掉s。n...

谁能帮我改正一下雅思作文语法错误,谢谢! (这是我的雅思大作文第三段...
no matter what 改成whatever

但当学习后才发现,雅思远没有想象中的简单,听力更需要一个积累消化的过程,于是整日备受折磨忧心忡忡,考试结果可想而之. 而如果真正希望考场上可以胸有成竹的话,至少需要两三个月的全心投入与刘德华所提 “唱”的《练习》。误区三:新东方有技巧,不需要提高实力 当问到很多学生为何选...

雅思考试 作文写的就是普通中学水平 能给几分?
如果是按高考的写作方式的话,那么顶多5分,因为高考写的都是已经过时的英语写作模式 其实雅思的写作模式很简单,不用花哨,但一定要条理清晰,我来多伦多以后发现下作最重要的是要有自己的思想,文字不空洞,这样的作文才能拿6.5+ 有时候可以用一些插入语,比如,...,for example,...,不要写for e...

然后呢,还是报一个ielts的培训班上上吧。但不要指望倚赖培训班能让你有质的飞跃。也不要依赖和指望什么机经。。。 实力最重要。。但也不意味着拿着题傻练。重要是动脑筋思考。做错的地方要仔细揣摩。为什么正确的答案你没有想到,你没有听到,你没有找对地方。技巧还是要的。但总来的来说。实力是...

1、 不重视雅思听力 很多考生对雅思听力备考存在很大的误区,认为雅思考的四个单项中听力简单,因此不需要系统的复习,只要平时偶尔听一听录音、做几套题可以提高。其实这中想法是不对的,雅思听力作为雅思考四个单项之一,与其他单项一样,需要大针对听力考的特点进行系统的复习,才能有针对性的提高。所以...

一∶ 注重技巧不提高实力 雅思听力绝对有方法有技巧,很多参加过培训的人可以在听不懂的情况下作对答案,而没有参加过培训的人可以在听懂的情况下作不出答案。但之后没有一个英文实力的跟踪加强,却经常发现可以找出答案,却不能正确听出那个词是什么而丢掉分数的情况或者连作十几套题也没有什么大的...

GMAT注册考试费为250美元;更改费为50美元。 有效期5年 所以,从中可以看出GMAT考试是一种选拔性的考试,它是要选出最适合去商学院学习的人才!所以,GMAT考试主要考的是思维,而不是英语水平!很多在国外念大学的国人都要回来经过培训才能拿高分的。你可以好好的去权衡一下是自己复习还是去上一个辅导班?目前来说,...

和A分手分了好久分不了 她一直闹 闹到我学校了 我们不合适 现在我也有...

孟津县19731729659: 请高人帮帮修改雅思作文!顺便帮忙看看能得多少分! 悬赏20,全部家底! 多谢各位啦!急啊!题目:Tourism is seen as a major i ndustry for many ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] 前面有人改和评过了,老实说不敢苟同,可能是因为他们自己的水平还不如你吧?我有点忙,就帮你改第一段吧,因为感觉问题比较多.NOWADAYS (DELETE In this day and age),tourism SEEMS (DELETE tends) to be a growing luc...

孟津县19731729659: 雅思作文帮忙修改及评一下分谢谢!请帮忙修改 最后评一下大概多少分 谢谢了!Government should invest more in teaching science than other subjects ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] 第二段最后一句Personally,I strongly support this standpoint.可以去掉最后一个词Personally,I strongly support this.更简洁. We can across the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans in an matter of hours which had to take several weeks in the past 改为 We can cross ...

孟津县19731729659: 请高人帮我改下雅思作文.最高能打个分Some people think computer and Internet are important in children's study,but others think students can learn more ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] 最后一段是自己写的吧,I think there is no either view is ideal,你到底要表达什么意思?两种意见没有一种是理想的?如果用否定形式的话,那么可以改成 “I don't think either view is ideal,”,或者 “Neither view,...

孟津县19731729659: 写了篇雅思大作文,请高手帮忙改一下并判个分~再过两星期就要考试了 -
喻承肺力: 6分-6.5分总的讲不错了,复杂句写的也可以,可能词汇方面还有一点欠缺,可能看些雅思8分作文来不及了,不过可以再记些经典句子,套用一下.如果考...

孟津县19731729659: 麻烦高人修改下雅思作文,评评分,提提建议哈!To start with,I must admit that changes are always inevitable in life and provide challenges to life,which make ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] 7分 please pay attention to your choice of words. Some of them are not specific enough. Another problem is the unity of address. Try to avoid using "i" or "we", which indicates personal ideas.

孟津县19731729659: 求高手帮忙改这篇雅思作文并评论指导~拜托拜托~Topic: Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] 写得挺好的啊,按照雅思作文的格式来了嘛~ 就是有点chinglish还有点逻辑小问题,不影响大分数~

孟津县19731729659: 麻烦大家帮忙修改一篇雅思作文,谢谢~主要是我语法不好,麻烦帮我改语法~ -
喻承肺力: These days, the majority of people take the opinion that old people should stay at home with their family members. Contrary to generally accepted ideas, I would like to prove that nursing home is a better choice for old people to enjoy their spare life. ...

孟津县19731729659: 麻烦大家帮忙修改一篇雅思作文,主要是我语法不好,麻烦帮我改语法~topic:should old people stay at home or be placed in nursing homes?These days,most ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] These days,the majority of people take the opinion that old people should stay at home with their family members.Contrary to generally accepted ideas,I would like to prove that nursing home is a better choice for old people to enjoy their spare life.The ...

孟津县19731729659: 还有一个星期我就要考雅思了 作文方面急需提高 望雅思大神帮忙改改我的小作文 ~谢谢啦! -
喻承肺力: spent rarely is not an appropriate expression. spent little or very little spend meagerlyOther than that, this short essay deserves to be marked at 7 or above

孟津县19731729659: 请教高手帮忙修改雅思作文,最好打个分,谢谢!Topic:Somepeople think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged.Others believe that ... -
喻承肺力:[答案] However, the children should be taught to co-operate or compete is becoming a hot topic incontemporary society.语法错误If you want to obtain better education experience and findmore paid employment, y...

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