
作者&投稿:邢柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The same wind is caressing you and me,
The same cloud drifts past us
The same blood runs in our veins
And when the night falls, we shall meet again,
In the same dream
These will never change, O my dear mother,
No matter how old time shall grow



Mother (母亲)------by Susan Polis Schutz

When you have a mother 当你有个母亲 who cares so much for you 她是如此地疼爱你
that anything you want 你的任何心愿
comes before her desires 她都考虑在她自己的渴求之前

When you have a mother 当你有个母亲
who is so understanding that 她是如此地理解你
no matter what is bothering you 不管你遭受何种烦恼
she can make you smile 她都能让你露出微笑

When you have a mother 当你有个母亲
who is so strong that 她是如此的坚强
no matter what obstacles she faces 不管她面临怎样的困境
she is always confident in front of you 在你面前她总是自信镇静

When you have a mother 当你有个母亲
who actively pursues her goals in life 她积极追求她的生活目标
but includes you in all her goals 但同时把你纳入她所有的目标中
you are very lucky indeed 你的确非常幸运
having a mother like this 有这样一个母亲
makes it easy to grow up 让你顺利地长大成人
into a loving,strong adult 成为一个仁慈而坚强的人

Thank you for being 感谢你
this kind of 是这样一个
wonderful mother 好母亲


母亲,好久以来。就想为你写一首诗, 但写了好多次, 还是没有写好。母亲,为你写的这首诗, 我不知道该怎样开头, 不知道该怎样结尾。

也不知道该写些什么, 就像儿时面对你严厉的巴掌, 我不知道是该勇敢接受,还是该选择逃避, 母亲,今夜我又想起了你, 我决定还是要为你写一首诗

哪怕写得不好, 哪怕远在老家的你, 永远也读不到……母亲,倘若你梦中看见一只很小的白船儿,, 不要惊讶他无端入梦。, 这是你至爱的女儿含著泪叠的,万水千山,求他载著她的爱和悲哀归去。


Mother,for a long time。I wanted to write a poem for you,but I wrote it many times,or I didn't write it well。Mother,the poem I wrote for you,I don't know how to start,I don't know how to end it。

Also do not know what to write,like childhood face your stern slap,I do not know whether it should be brave to accept,or should choose to escape,mother,tonight I think of you again,I decided to write a poem for you Even if you don't write well,even if 

you are far away from home,you will never be able to read ... Mother,if you see a very small white boat in your dream,don't be surprised that he dreams for no reason,this is 

your beloved daughter with tears folded,mountains,begging him to carry her love and sorrow to return。

希望可以帮到你 望采纳谢谢

Boat - Bing Xin
I never willing to waste a piece of paper,
Always keep -- keep,
A folded into a very small boat,
Thrown from the boat on the sea.
Some days the wind was in the boat to roll the window,
Some of the waves were wet, get in on the bow.
I still don't lose heart every day,
I always wanted a place to go where I wanted him to be
Mother, if you dream to see a small boat,
Don't be surprised if there was no reason for him to fall asleep,
This is your favorite daughter with tears in her eyes,
He took her for the trials of a long journey, love and sad.


1、《慈乌夜啼》唐·白居易 慈乌失其母,哑哑吐哀音。昼夜不飞去,经年守故林。夜夜夜半啼,闻者为沾襟。声中如告诉,未尽反哺心。百鸟岂无母,尔独哀怨深。应是母慈重,使尔悲不任。昔有吴起者,母殁丧不临。嗟哉斯徒辈,其心不如禽。慈乌复慈乌,鸟中之曾参。2、《送母回乡》唐·李商...

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1、《啊,母亲》舒婷 你苍白的指尖理着我的双鬓,我禁不住像儿时一样 紧紧拉住你的衣襟。啊,母亲,为了留住你渐渐隐去的身影,虽然晨曦已把梦剪成烟缕,我还是久久不敢睁开眼睛。我依旧珍藏着那鲜红的围巾,生怕浣洗会使它 失去你特有的温馨。啊,母亲,岁月的流水不也同样无情?生怕记忆也一样...

1、《游子吟》【唐】孟郊 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。2、《别老母》【清】黄仲则 搴帷拜母河梁去,白发愁看泪眼枯。惨惨柴门风雪夜,此时有子不如无。3、《十五》【宋】王安石 将母邗沟上,留家白邗阴。月明闻杜宇,南北总关心。4、《岁末到家...

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德黛达力: 希望可以帮到你 望采纳谢谢Boat - Bing XinI never willing to waste a piece of paper,Always keep -- keep,A folded into a very small boat,Thrown from the boat on the sea.Some days the wind was in the boat to roll the window,Some of the waves were...

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德黛达力: Mother Machree [英文美文]慈母颂There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There's a depth in my soul never sounded or known; There's a place in my memory my life that you fill; No other can take it no one ever will; Every sorrow or ...

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德黛达力: 同一阵风吹拂着你和我,The same wind is caressing you and me,同一片云从你我头顶上飘过,The same cloud drifts past us同一种血液在我们的体内奔流,The same blood runs in ou...

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