As time goes by .中文是什么意思?

作者&投稿:哀飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有谁知道商天娥唱的As Time Goes By的中文意思?~

As time goes by

You must remember this.
A kiss is still a kiss;
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
as time goes by.

And when two lovers woo,
they still say "i love you".
On that you can rely
no matter what the future brings
as time goes by

Moonlight and love songs never out of date.
Hearts full of passion,
jealousy, and hate.
Woman needs man,
and man must have his mate
that no one can deny.

It's still the same old story,
a fight for love and glory,
a case of do or die.

The world will always welcome lovers
as time goes by.

as time goes by翻译为:时间流逝
做为一个题目,无论是歌曲或者是文章,一般每个单词首字母都大写,但是某些介词如of等的首字母无需大写,如“The Story of A City”(一个城市的故事)。

有一首歌叫《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca),有许多人认为是电影《卡萨布兰卡》的主题曲,其实电影的真正主题曲是这首《随时光流逝》   1942年美国影片《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)(旧译为《北非谍影》)插曲《随时光流逝》(又译《年复一年》),由赫尔曼·赫普费尔德词曲。   You must remember this   A kiss is still a kiss   A sigh is just a sigh   The fundamental things apply as time goes by   And when two lovers woo   They still say "I love you"   O n that you can rely   No matter what the future brings   as time goes by   Moonlight and love songs never out of date   Hearts full of passion   jealousy and hate   Woman needs man   and man must have his mate   That no one can deny   It's still the same old story   A fight for love and glory   A case of do or die   The world will always welcome lovers   as time goes by   请君牢记   长叹虽然年复一年   甜吻永留心间   随时光流逝   爱情真谛永不变   尽管时光消逝   世事变迁   一旦情侣相恋,此心始终不变   这本是古老的故事   为爱情舍生忘死   为爱情历尽艰险   随时光流逝 朋友 你看懂了么? 中文意思就是 时光流逝 的意思

随着时间的流逝的意思 感情反面大致就是说 那份爱随着时间的流逝也慢慢淡去 也许从中明白了什么 领悟了什么 总之时间淡化了一切

富平县18831189135: as time goes by - 搜狗百科
赖宋乳宁:[答案] as time goes by随着时间的流逝 as time goes by+一般现在时 As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse.随著时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差. as time goes by+现在进行时 As time goes by, his hair is ...

富平县18831189135: As time goes by什么意思(求翻译 -
赖宋乳宁: as time went/goes by 随着时间的流逝. as是连词,引导时间状语从句. 另有一种说法: As the years go by. 也可以用一个短语形式来表达: With time going by,作独立主格结构.

富平县18831189135: As time goes by还是 as time went by -
赖宋乳宁:[答案] 看你说的事情是什么时候的啦.如果是讲故事,说的是以前的事,那就用:As time went by,(he grew up.等) 如果是一般的说法,还是 As time goes by.比如:As time goes by,we all get older but smarter

富平县18831189135: as time goes by 的用法 -
赖宋乳宁: 这个结构一般都是放在句首的,是一个时间状语从句,意为:随着时间流逝 As time goes by, I will learn how to be strong. As time went by, he goe used to the life there.

富平县18831189135: as time goes by是什么意思 -
赖宋乳宁: as time goes by 随着时间的推移 双语对照词典结果: As Time Goes By 时光流逝(歌曲名);以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1. Otherwise, major communication gaps or errors would result in having more challenges astime goes by. 否则主要交流代沟或错误将随着时间的流逝导致他们面临更多的挑战.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

富平县18831189135: as time goes by的用法? -
赖宋乳宁: As time goes by. 随时光流逝 The risk does diminish as time goes by. 这种风险,会随着时间的推移而淡化. As time goes by my memory seems to get worse. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力越来越差. Engrid Bergman, she will always be remembered as time goes by. 英格利·褒曼将永远活在人们心里,无论到何时. 依照情况而定,看看例句.

富平县18831189135: as time goes by 是什麽意思?
赖宋乳宁: as time goes by时光飞逝

富平县18831189135: as time goes by造句例句例句翻译 -
赖宋乳宁:[答案] As time goes by..时光飞逝 As time goes by,everything will be better. 随着时间的推移,一切都会变好的.

富平县18831189135: as time goes by的翻译是什么 -
赖宋乳宁: 随着时间的流逝、、 谢谢我,望采纳

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