
作者&投稿:播虏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear John:

How are you?It's my great pleasure to make friends with you,although it is only the pen-friendship.I think we can share our different experience with each other so that we can learn something about different cultures.I am a junior middle school student of 13 years old.At school,I am a top student who love all the subjects very much.But my favourite subjects are English and Chinese.Perhaps,I will be a writer in the future after my graduation.I have lots of hobbies,but mainly some sports,such as basketball,swimming and skating.And I do well in the other sports,too.Meanwhile,I am interested in all the social activities,for example,long-running, English competition,all kinds of parties,sports meet and so on.To be a writer needs wide horizen and different abilities.Am I right?Do you agree with me?Well,say something about yourself and your life at school.I will be looking forward to your reply.

Best Wishes!
Sincerely Yours,Zhaoling

Hi David
I want to tell you about my school day.Every morning,I get up early and go to school by bike.At8:00,we do morning exercises and the classes starts at 8:25.We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.At lunchtime,we always chat with each other or go to play games in the playground.The school finishes at 4:00 and we have lots of after-school activities and clubs. On Friday afternoons,I paly basketball with friends and I go to the Science Club every Tuesday . I usually spend one and a haif hours doing my homework.Sometimes I read books or watch basketball matches on tv after finishing the study.I really enjoy my life here.
Hope to hear from you soon.


Dear Tom:

let me tell you something about my daily life in China.I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother's car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there. We have four hours classes in the morning. I have luch at my grandparents', because their house is nearer to my school. After two classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom. I get home at about half past five. We have dinner at seven. After dinner I do my homework. If I finish my homework early, I can watch TV for half an hour. I go to bed at half past nine or ten.

Hope you write back soon.
Yours sincerely,Xiao Wang



一、称呼:开头顶格写联系单位或个人的称呼;二、正文:另起一行,空两格写介绍信的内容, 包括持介绍信人的姓名、年龄、职务、政治面貌,要接洽的事项和对对方的希望、要求;三、结尾:写“此致敬礼”一类的敬词;④署名:签署单位名称、日期,并盖上公章,有时还要 注明有效期限。印刷好的...

介绍信格式 一、介绍信的概念 介绍信是用来介绍被派遣人员的姓名、年龄、身份、政治面貌、接洽事项等情况的一种专用书信。 介绍信在古代叫“信牌”,信使在传递信件时,官府都给他拿上信牌。信牌上写着到达每个驿站的时,.以便驿站官员稽核、督促,使信件及时送到。 现在的介绍信是各机关...

2. 普通介绍信一般不带存根,正中写上“介绍信”三字,内容包括:称呼、正文、结尾、署名、日期,并注上有效日期。专用介绍信共有两联,一联是存根,另一联是介绍信的本文;两联正中有间缝,同时编有号码。3. 范例参考:范例一:普通介绍信 普通介绍信 :兹介绍我公司 同志等 人(系我公司 ...

公司介绍信一般应包括标题、称谓、被介绍者简况、事由、署名日期和有效期等一些内容。具体到不同形式的介绍信的写法,其格式内容也略有差异。(一)手写式介绍信的写法 手写式介绍信包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、署名等五部分。1.标题 手写式介绍信的标题一般是在信纸的第一行写上“介绍信”三个字,有...

介绍信主要有两种形式,普通介绍信和专用介绍信。[格式内容]普通介绍信一般不带存根,正中写“介绍信”。内容包括:称呼、正文、结尾、署名和门期,并注上有效日期。专用介绍信共有两联,一联是存根,另一联是介绍信的本文。两联正中有间缝,同时编有号码。[范例参考]范例一普通介绍信 普通介绍信 兹...

介绍信格式如下:1.标题在第一行居中写“介绍信”三个字。2.称谓 另起一行,顶格写收信单位名称或个人姓名,姓名后加“同志”、“先生”、“女士”等称呼,再加冒号。3.正文 另起一行,开头空两格写正文,一般不分段。一般要写清楚:(1)派遣人员的姓名、人数、身份、职务、职称等。(2)说明所...

介绍信有两种形式:一种是便函式的介绍信,一种是带存根的介绍信。 四、介绍信的结构和写法 (一)便函式介绍信。 用一般的公文信纸书写。包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、单位名称和日期、附注几部分。 1.标题 在第一行居中写“介绍信”三个字。 2.称谓 另起一行,顶格写收信单位名称或个人姓名,姓名后加“同志”...

介绍信怎么写 一、第一行正中写“介绍信”三个字,用大号字。 二、第二行顶格\/写联系单位的名称或个人姓名,姓名后要加“同志”“先生”等称呼,下加冒号。 三、第三行空两格起写正文。正文中要如实填写受派遣人员的姓名和基本情况,并用简明扼要的语言写明要接洽的事项和对接洽单位的...

介绍信有两种形式:一种是便函式的介绍信,一种是带存根的介绍信。四、介绍信的结构和写法 (一)便函式介绍信。用一般的'公文信纸书写。包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、单位名称和日期、附注几部分。1.标题 在第一行居中写“介绍信”三个字。2.称谓 另起一行,顶格写收信单位名称或个人姓名,姓名后...

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谯姿解通: Dear Tom: let me tell you something about my daily life in China.I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school in my mother's car. It takes us more than half an hour to get there. We have ...

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谯姿解通: Dear John: How are you?It's my great pleasure to make friends with you,although it is only the pen-friendship.I think we can share our different experience with each other so that we can learn something about different cultures.I am a junior middle ...

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谯姿解通: 自我介绍 我姓李名汶,长着淡眉小眼,大大的耳朵,一头寸发,活像一只小刺猬.我一笑起来,眼睛就眯成了一条缝,像月牙一样可爱极了! 我不高不矮,不胖不瘦,标准体形.我全身是宝,身穿耐克,脚踏乔丹,连裤子都是名牌的.我走起...

信宜市13522784830: 以信的形式写一篇介绍自己的生活习性的英语作文?最好有翻译 -
谯姿解通:[答案] Dear John:How are you?It's my great pleasure to make friends with you,although it is only the pen-friendship.I think we can share our different experience with each other so that we can learn somethin...

信宜市13522784830: 以信的形式写一篇向笔友介绍自己生活习性的英语作文. -
谯姿解通: Hi David I want to tell you about my school day.Every morning,I get up early and go to school by bike.At8:00,we do morning exercises and the classes starts at 8:25.We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.At lunchtime,we ...

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谯姿解通: 我的生活方式(My Lifestyle) Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their ...

信宜市13522784830: 英语作文假如你是bob著名影星成龙是你的笔友 请给他写一封介绍你自己的生活习惯 80词左右 书信格式 -
谯姿解通: Dear Jack Chen,My name is Bob,a student in ***school.I'm am 14 years old. I want to be a actor when I grow up. It is important for a actor to be healthy,because it is premise of my dream.Before, I seldom ate vegetables. Because I disliked ...

信宜市13522784830: 写封信给你的笔友介绍下你自己的情况(要求:科学,运动,喜爱吃的食物) -
谯姿解通: Thank you for your last letter, in your letter you asked me to introduce myself. I'm XX, my favorate food is tomato, in spare time I'd like to go do some sport ,such as football , basketball and so on, I'm working very hard, in the future I want to be a scientist.

信宜市13522784830: 给朋友写一封信作文 介绍你的生活方式.词数60开头已给出:I have ahealthy lifes i -
谯姿解通: 《晕,是英语作文啊,我都写好,有能力的人翻译一下吧.》每个人都有每个人不同的生活方式.我是一个独立的个体,我的生活方式可以由我决定.在我上学的时候,我,每天起床,吃饭,上学,放学,睡觉.这就是学校里我的生活方式,当我放假了,我也会吃饭,睡觉.不过我有了更多和别人玩的时间.不过我也会做些家务,做饭,洗衣了!我想等我踏入社会我一样还要每天吃饭睡觉.不过那时每天会为了我的工作忙碌的.那就是我的生活方式!我想每个人的生活方式也都差不多吧.吃饭,忙碌,睡觉,只是吃的不同,忙的不同,睡的不同而已!

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谯姿解通: 大家在楼下玩游戏,个个都玩得满头大汗、面红耳赤. 天气真热,奶奶见了,为了让大家消暑解渴.忙捧出一个大西瓜,这西瓜又圆又大,青青的,条纹呈碧绿色.镶着嫩黄色的一块.圆圆的西瓜就像一个俊美的小姑娘,扎着一条马辫儿,球型...


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