
作者&投稿:卓峰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #英语资源# 导语】定语从句作为英语语法,在学习过程中属于中较难理解与掌握的部分,也正是由于其复杂程度较高、逻辑性较强、理解难度很大,屡屡让同学们在考试中丢分数、失信心、丧斗志!以下内容由 !






He has passed the driving test, whichsurprises all of us. (which替代前面所叙述的事情) 先行词








②关系代词:在从句中做 主,宾,表,定(that/which/who/whom/whose/as)





He is a teacher whoworks at our school.


Beijing, whichis the capital of China, is a beautiful city with a long history.


He has two sons, who work in the same company.

(He has only two sons.)

He has two sons who work in the same company.

(Perhaps he has two more sons)




She is the girl (whom / that) I loved before. (可以省略whom/that)


He is no longer the boy (that) he used to be. (可以省略that)


Housing price is a problem (that/which) people are interested in.


Housing price is a problem in whichpeople are interested.(此时只能用which且不能省略)




Who is the man thatis shouting there?


She is not the girl thatshe used to be.

③先行词被the very, the right, the only修饰

This is the very person thatwe are looking for.


①先行词是one, ones, anybody, all, none, those 等

Those whowant to go to the cinemawill have to wait at the gate of the school.


Who is the boy thatwon the gold medal?

③在there be 结构中

There are many young men whoare against him.


Tom, whois my best friend,has gone abroad to study.

3.先行词是物(that / which的区别)



She lost the game, whichdepressed her greatly.


The pen with whichyou writeis Jack’s.


Let me show you the novel thatI borrowed from the librarywhichis newly open to us.


①先行词是不定代词如all, little, few, much,anything, everything, nothing, none, no one等

She did all thatshe couldto help us.

②先行词被all, every, no, some, little, much, the only, he very, the right,the last等所修饰时

This is the very book thatI want.


She described in her compositions the people and he places thatimpressed her most.


This is the best book thatI have ever read.

This is the first film thatI’ve seensince I came here.

⑤定语从句中套定语从句,其中一个关系词以用which, 另外一个用that

He built a factory whichproduced thingsthathad never been seen before.


Who is the person thatis standing at the gate?


(1)As 既可以引导限制性定语从句也可以用于非限定性定句中充当主语,宾语,表语等。

常用于以下句型当中:Such/so….. as…. 像…..一样 the same …. as… 和…...同样的

A computer is souseful a machine aswe can use everyday.

He is not the sameman ashe was.

(2)引导非限制性定语从句,此时译为“正如,像”等。 可以放在句首,句中或句末。

As I remember, there were a net bar here.

Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, as is known to all.

the same as...和the same that...引导定语从句的区别

This is the samebike thatI lost yesterday.(同一事物)

This is the samebike asI lost yesterday. (同类事物)


(1)When 在定语从句中做时间状语,先行词为表示时间的time, day等

I still remember the day whenI first came to Beijing. (when=on which)

(2)Where 在定语从句中做地点状语,先行词为表地点的place, spot等

Can you tell me the office wherehe works?

(where = in which)

(3)Why 在定语从句中做原因状语,先行词只有reason.

I don’t want to listen to any reason whyyou were absent.

(why = for which)

关系副词 = 相应的介词 + 关系代词

Where引导的定语从句还可以修饰抽象空间的名词如case(情形),situation, position(位置),stage (阶段),point(地步)等

What are the situations wherebody languageis the only form of communication?

在哪些情况下身体语言是的沟通方式。(此时where = in which)


(1)way在定语从句中做状语时的三种引导方式 that / in which / 不填

The way in which / that / 不填he explains the sentence to us is quite simple.

比较:The way which /that/不填 he told to us was quite simple.




This is the first time thatthe president has visited the country.

time作“一段时间” 讲时,应用关系副词when

This was the time whenthere were no radios, no telephones or no TV sets

此时when = during which 在..期间

(3)先行词reason当在定语从句中作状语时,定语从句的4种引导方式 why/for which/that/不填

This is the reason why/for which/that/不填he can not come here.

比较:Is this the reason that/which/不填he explained to us for his absence from the conference.

reason 在定语从句中做explain的宾语


该结构的关系代词只有两种即 介词+which(指物) 介词+whom(指人)



This is the book on whichI spent $ 8.

This is the book for whichI paid $ 8.


I remember the days during whichI lived there.

I remember the day on whichI graduated from university.


The colorless gas without whichwe can’t live is called oxygen.


Here is the money with which to buy the piano.

She is the right person on whom to depend



The person (whom/who/that) you will write to is Todd.

②有些含有介词的动词短语介词不能提前如look for/after; take care of; send for; hear from/of/about deal with等

This is the baby that you will look after.


(1)当先行词是 one of + 复数名词,定语从句的位于动词要用复数形式

The Great Wall is one of the world-famous buildings thatdraw lots of visitor every year.

(2)当先行词是 the only + one of +复数名词,从句谓语用单数形式

The Great Wall is the only one of the buildings on the earth thatis seen from the moon.


Great changes have taken place in China, asis known to all.

He has passed the driving test, whichsurprises all of us.


定语从句可以转换为 –ing或-ed形式

The girl (who is) dancing nowjust returned from Taiwan.

I love the stories (which were) written by Hemingway.

The man (who stands) standing thereis my friend.


(1)判断从句是否为定语从句 (先行词,关系词,定语从句)




当先行词是人: whose = the + 名词 + of whom

当先行词是物:whose = the + 名词 + of which

Do you know the boy whose parents / the parents of whom are on holiday?

I’d like a room whose window / the window of which faces the sea.

②That引导定语从句,名词性从句 和 强调句型的区别:

定语从句中的that: 关系代词,在后面的定语从句中做句子成分。


强调句中的that, 运用于it is/was…that..结构;判断标准:去掉强调句型结构,成分仍然完整。


This is the book that I am looking for.

(that 引导定语从句)

It is at Bashu middle school that I have studied for three years.

(that和前面的it is构成强调句型)

The fact that he stole the money surprised all of us.

(that 引导名词性从句--同位语从句)

That he will come to the conference has excited all of us.


We all expect that they win, for members of their team are stronger.


The reason for your failure is that you lack confidence in yourself.

(that 引导名词性从句--表语从句)



1.The fan is on the desk. You want it.

2. The man is in the next room. He brought our textbooks here yesterday.

3. The magazine is mine. He has taken it away.

4.The students will not pass the exam . They don’t study hard.

5. The woman is our geography teacher. You saw her in the park.

6. The letter is from my sister. I received it yesterday.

7. The play was wonderful. We saw it last night.

8. The train was late. It was going to Nanning.

9. The boy is my brother. He was here a minute ago.

10. The tree is quite tall. He is climbing it.

11. Here is the girl. Her brother works in this shop.

12. That’s the child. We were looking at his drawing just now.

13.This is the boy. His sister is a famous singer.

14.I want to talk to the boys. Their homework haven’t been handed in.

15. Is that the woman? Her daughter is in my class.

16. He used to live in a big house. In front of it grew many banana trees.

17. They passed a factory. At the back of the factory there were rice fields.

18. The soldier ran to the building. On the top of it flew a flag.

19.In the evening they arrived at a hill. At the foot of the hill there was a temple.

20. She came into a big room. In the middle of it stood a large table.

不发证书只有成绩单还催生了一群四六级刷分族。出了大学门没有四六级成绩,还真不好意思说出口。二、专业英语考试 1、英语专业四级、专业八级(TEM4 TEM8)专四:英语专业大二本科生;修完英语专业基础阶段教学大纲规定课程的二、三年制最后一学年的英语专业大专生;重点外语类院校中以英语作为第二专业...

1、英语名词可分专有名词和普通名词两大类:1、专有名词是个别的人、地、物、团体、机构等的专用名称。专有名词中实词的第一个字母要大写。如:Beijing, Tom, the People’s Republic of China(中华人民共和国) 专有名词如果是含有普通名词的短语,则必须使用定冠词the。如:the Great Wall(长城)姓氏名如果采用...

词a和an的用法及辨析,定冠词the的用法和零冠词的用法等。其中,不定冠词与定冠词的用法区 别以及在具体语言环境中冠词的应用是历年中考试题考查的热点,也是今后的考查方向。。数词 数词是英语中必不可少的一种词汇,包括基数词和序数词两种。数词的考查在中考中 约占5%左右,考查的主要题型有单项...


7、用于被动句中,表示行为主体,常译作“被”、“由”等。 English is spoken by many people。 英语被许多人说。(即“许多人讲英语。”) 二、动名词doing 动名词相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 1、作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North。 南方与北方开战...

展开全部 60个句型中包含词汇、短语、固定搭配和语法等全方位的知识点,因此,它们的重要性是不言而喻...be、助动词或情态动词的选择视前面陈述句中谓语动词的时态形式而定。例: He likes football and so ...用英语说! Don’t be afraid! 别怕! Don’t look out of the window! 不要朝窗外看! 60. ...

陕西省最近几年中职单招考试英语所有考点内容 一、词汇和语法 词汇和语法部分主要考察我们对常用词汇和短语的掌握,此外,还会检验我们对语法规则和句型的理解,如时态、语态、虚拟语气、定语从句、状语从句等。 二、阅读理解 阅读理解部分主要考察我们对于不同题材文章的理解能力,包括日常生活、文化、新闻报道、科普知识等。

初中英语最基础的语法 中考前一定要掌握!
英语最基础的语法 1)主语(subject)它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体。如I study English(我学习英语)中的I。2)谓语动词(predicate verb)它是说明主语的动作或状态的,如I study English中的study。3)表语(predicative)它是放在连系动词之后表示主语的身分或特征的,如I am a student(我是...

英语的名词考点主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 单复数:需要注意第三人称单数名词变复数的规则,以及不可数名词只有单数形式等。2. 冠词:不定冠词a\/an,定冠词the的使用。3. 名词所有格:’s和of的区别使用。4. 名词后缀:Different的后缀表示不同意思,如-er,-or等。5. 可数和不可数名词:两个概念的区分...

不妨先将介词的用法背下来,一定对你有帮助:固定词组 英语中介词的固定词组是英语语言不断发展过程中慢慢演变而成的,是难以更改的。充其量可更改其中的宾语。因而,介词的固定词组就成了英语学习中必背的诸多内容之一,也是英语考试中考核的重点内容之一。莱曼英语建议大家本着一学,二记,三运用的原则去...

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向莉补脑: 考点分为以下几点:1. 定语从句的引导词,包括关系代词that,which,who,whom,whose.可以在定语从句中充当主语,宾语和表语成分,whose则充当定语.代人的有:who,whom,whose,that;代物的有:that,which,whose.另外还有关系副词,包...

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西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 2021年高考英语定语从句专题知识总复习
向莉补脑: 其实英语非常有意思,随着经济和社会的发展,英语慢慢融入我们的生活和工作.下面是小偏整理的2021年高考英语定语从句专题知识总复习,感谢您的每一次阅读....

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 高一英语定语从句的重点讲解 -
向莉补脑:[答案] 定语从句概要: (这是有关定语从句的精要介绍,涵盖了有关定语从句的各个方面,供参考:) 引导定语从句的关联词包括关系代词和关系副词.关系代词有that, which, whose, who, whom, as;关系副词有when, where, why....

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 定语从句 的用法和考点
向莉补脑: 1.定语从句:定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,相当于形容词,所以又称为形容词性从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面. 2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有...

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 高中英语的主要语法知识点有哪些? -
向莉补脑: 楼主,您好高中英语有十五个语法点一:名词和冠词,考点有名词的可数与不可数,名词的格,名词作定语,冠词的考点是,定冠词与不定冠词,零冠词.二:代词和it的用法,一般常考的是other,another,the other,others的区别,both,either,...

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 英语中的定语从句的知识点有哪些
向莉补脑: 感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情. what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种: 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点. How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How+形容词或副词+ 陈...

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 高中英语应该掌握的语法和哪些知识? -
向莉补脑: 高中英语有十五个语法点一:名词和冠词,考点有名词的可数与不可数,名词的格,名词作定语,冠词的考点是,定冠词与不定冠词,零冠词.二:代词和it的用法,一般常考的是other,another,the other,others的区别,both,either,neither,all,every,...

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 高中 英语必背 语法 点. -
向莉补脑: 定语从句:定语是用来修饰名词代词的,有单个的形容词做定语比如a red apple "red" 就是定语,第二定语从句做定语,比如I like the girl who is beautiful.从who到beautiful就是定语从句,girl是先行词who是关系代词,关系词分为关系代词和关系副词,注意考的都是关系词,关系在从句中做成份,连接主从句,关系词就是先行词!

西乌珠穆沁旗19522612278: 高中英语定语重句知识要点? -
向莉补脑: 定语从句是用来修饰、描述或提供有关名词、代词或整个主句信息的从句.它在整个句子中起形容词的作用.被修饰的名词,语法上称作先行词.从句由关系代词或关系副词引导.关系代词和关系副词不仅起引导定语从句、连接先行词的作用,...

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