
作者&投稿:墨贴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“我很烦恼”用英文说“I'm very upset”.

也可以说“I'm trouble”.


He went very quiet so I knew he was upset.  


I had just lost$ 50 and I felt very upset.


But I am upset because I see a meaningless world.  

烦 内心觉得烦躁 annoyed adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 ---She was obviously annoyed that the man had happened along.---她显然对那个人的突然到来很是恼火。烦恼作为名词使用 annoyance n. 烦恼;可厌之事;打扰 ---On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance.---在航行中...

烦恼咋写,用英语呀。。。烦恼-名词trouble麻烦, 问题, 烦恼, 困难, 患难, 事worry烦恼, 忧, 顾虑, 忧心, 虑, 焦急annoyance烦恼, 烦恼的事情, 过敏性vexation烦恼, 恼怒, 过敏性irritation烦恼, 烦扰, 忾agony痛



烦恼英语:annoyance;trouble;bother;worry;fret。一、annoyance造句 It sometimes requires the reader to tolerate unpleasantness or annoyance — as, for example, when he reads of the threatening foreign situation, the mounting national debt, rising taxes, falling market, scarce housing, ...


麻烦的英语:trouble 读音:英 ['trʌbl] 美 ['trʌbəl]n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦 v. 使烦恼;麻烦;苦恼;费神 词汇搭配:1、pathetic trouble感情上的麻烦 2、personal trouble个人的烦恼 3、real trouble极大的麻烦 4、worldly trouble尘世的烦恼 相关例句:1、I'm sorry to have...

make sb. trouble, bother sb.

我有很多烦恼 英语怎么说
I have toomany bored!


合作市15178499515: 我很烦英文怎么说 -
庄点清热: 我很烦I am very annoyed.;I am bored.我很烦 I am very annoying;I am bored;I am bored to death 所以我很烦 So I bored;So I get very bored;I annoying 尽管我很烦 I will continue my learning, though I am tired of learning English

合作市15178499515: 我很心烦用英语怎么说? -
庄点清热: 英语口语——我很烦 You got me all bent out of shape. 你使我心烦. That gives me the hump. 那使我心烦. The news completely upset me. 这条消息使我极为心烦. That man really bugs me. 那个人真使我心烦. Stop whistling! You're getting on ...

合作市15178499515: 我很烦用英文怎么说 -
庄点清热: I'm rather bored I have a lot on my mind.It's getting on my nerves I'm very upset.

合作市15178499515: 我很烦用英语怎么说 -
庄点清热: I'm very annoyed.

合作市15178499515: 烦恼用英语怎么说 -
庄点清热:[答案] worry trouble bother annoy

合作市15178499515: 烦恼用英语怎么说帮 -
庄点清热:[答案] 烦恼annoyance trouble bother

合作市15178499515: 心烦的用英语怎么说 -
庄点清热: 一、心烦的英语是upset,音标英 [ʌpˈset]、美 [ʌpˈsɛt]. 二、释义: 1、vi.打翻,弄翻;打乱,打搅 Be careful not to upset the milk! 小心,别把牛奶弄翻了! 2、vt.打乱,搅乱;推翻,弄翻;使心烦意乱;使翻倒 That would upset the wage...

合作市15178499515: 我很苦恼用英语怎么说 -
庄点清热: 我很苦恼 I'm very upset 我的身体缺陷令我很苦恼. I was obsessed by my physical imperfections.

合作市15178499515: 我很烦恼.英语怎么地道的说? -
庄点清热: 一、首先听懂英语 学习语言的目的是为了交流,要交流先要听懂对方表达的意思.因此,想要开口说英语必先要听得懂英语. 观看英文电影,这是一种很值得提倡的练习英语听力方法.可以选择一些发音比较纯正的英语电影.可以不必先看中...

合作市15178499515: 我心烦用英语怎么说 -
庄点清热: 你好!我心烦 I am upset

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