
作者&投稿:毓龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ As a sophomore in college,you were lucky enough to win one million in a lottery recently ,then how will you spend the money. Ladies and gentlemen: It is my pleasure to speak here about the money I earned in my dreams many times. Supposed I had a lot of money,perhaps,earned from the lottery,I would do a lot of things which had appeared in my dreams many times.But,first of all,I would like to buy a house or an apartment of my own,only because the price of housing in China nowadays is going higher and higher.And more and more people begin to realize the importance of owning a house or an apartment.Therefore,the housing market is strongly stimulated by the people who are eager to purchase the houses or apartments in big cities,and even some of them have bought the houses by loan from the bank.What I want to say is that ,even you cannot get married with you girl-friend without a house or an apartment of your own. Perhaps,it is a tragedy for most of the young people,especially the college graduates who have nothing at present.That is why I want to buy a house or an apartment with the money.   1、作为一个在大学二年级的学生,你最近幸运地赢得一百万彩票,那么你将如何花这笔钱。 本人乃初三学生只可以用中文说,你翻译吧! 很幸运地,我赢得一百万彩票。作为大二学生的我有很多对未来的憧憬想要实现,但是,现在有很多有需要的人比我更需要这笔钱,所以,我会把这100万彩票的一部分捐给慈善机构。另外,我会再分一部分给我的父母,他们含辛茹苦地供我上大学,我想让他们去旅游,放松一下。最后,我会把剩下的那些钱存起来,用于以后不时之需。 100万,虽然说多不多,说少不少,但是,只要我们合理善用,这笔钱就会变得很有意义! 好了~大概就这样了!你翻译后,应该也不少了,希望可以帮到你吧!   stoppingbywoodsonsnowyevening 《雪夜林边小驻》,美国诗人robertfrost的作品,美国人必修的一首诗,有点类似我们的白日依山尽…… whosewoodstheseareithinkiknow. hishouseisinthevillagethough; hewillnotseemestoppinghere towatchhiswoodsfillupwithsnow. mylittlehorsemustthinkitqueer tostopwithoutafarmhousenear beeenthewoodsandfrozenlake thedarkesteveningoftheyear. hegiveshisharnes *** ellsashake toaskifthereissomemistake. theonlyothersound'sthesweep ofeasywindanddownyflake. thewoodsarelovely,darkanddeep, butihavepromisestokeep, andmilestogobeforeisleep, andmilestogobeforeisleep. 译文: 这是谁家的树林其实我知道, 虽然他的家远在村里头。 他可不知道我在此流连停步, 观望着满林的雪花飘飘。 我的小马一定觉得奇怪, 我竟会驻足在荒凉野外。 在这静静的雪林与冰湖之地, 抒发起对寒冬夜色的无限感慨。 马儿轻轻把颈铃摇晃, 问我何以途中徜徉。 风儿扬起鹅毛似的雪片, 应和着马儿阵阵 *** 。 黑黝黝的树林深邃迷人, 可惜我此时有约在身。 还须连夜兼程朝前赶路, 直到目的地方能安寝。 希望可以帮到你:)

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漳州市13232124652: 大学的英语2分钟演讲稿,100分悬赏As a sophomore in college,you were lucky enough to win one million in a lottery recently ,then how will you spend the ... -
朝肤盐酸:[答案] As a sophomore in college,you were lucky enough to win one million in a lottery recently ,then how will you spend the money.Ladies and gentlemen:It is my pleasure to speak here about the money I earn...

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漳州市13232124652: 大学的英语2分钟演讲稿,100分悬赏
朝肤盐酸: As a sophomore in college,you were lucky enough to win one million in a lottery recently ,then how will you spend the money.Ladies and gentlemen:It is my pleasure to speak here about the money I earned in my dreams many times. Supposed I had ...

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朝肤盐酸: Ladies and gentlemen: The earth is suffering, and we, the human beings, are suffering with it,too.The rivers on the earth are dry...

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