
作者&投稿:季备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ they是主语,放在主语的位置-动词前面。them是宾语,放在动词或者介词的后面。they 是主格,them 是宾格。they与them都表示“他们”,而they做主语,放在句子开头,能够引起整个句子;而them只能作宾语,跟在谓语之后,常放在句子末尾。


  1、比如they are happy宾格就是宾语格式,动宾结构:help them介宾结构:for them.

  2、如果这个“他们”是事件的执行者,也就是说他主动发出动作,引起事件,那么就是句子的.主语,用they;如:They are reading books.

  3、如果这个“他们”不是事件的执行者,也就是说他不主动引起事件,或者是事件的接受者,那么就是句子的宾语,用them,如:He borrowed some books from them.

和别的老鼠一样,他们喜欢的是那种适合啃咬的、硬一点的奶酪。 The o little people Hem and Haw used their brains filled with many beliefs and emotions to search for a very different kind of Cheese -- with a capital C -- which they believed would make them feel ...

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(So priketh hem nature in hir corages);Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,To ferne halwes, kowthe in sundry londes;And specially from every shires endeOf Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,The hooly blissful martir for to seke,That ...


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Jiuzhaigou's colorful waters come thanks to the conic karst landforms. The calcium, magnesium and carbonate ions abundant in the lake water are good at reflecting blue and green light. They also contain more than 200 types of algae in a variety of colors.The lakes at Jiuzhaigou ...

〃Well.gosh,〃 was the reply.〃You’re not coming empty-hangded.are you?〃吝啬鬼请客 一个出了名的吝啬鬼在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“你上到五楼,找中间那个门,然后用你的胳膊肘按门铃。门开了之后,再用你的脚把门推开。”“为什么要用我的肘和脚呢?”“你的双手得拿礼物...

8.I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock hem up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty ...

Sniff would *** ell out the general direction of the cheese, using his great nose, and Scurry would race ahead. They got lost, as you might expect, went off 21 in the wrong direction and often bumped 22 into walls.However, the two littlepeople, Hem and Haw, used a ...

翻译一个短篇英文文章 翻译的时候注意对应 不算太难 翻译好直接给分_百...

I like animals best,like pandas,dogs,cats birds,colas,lions.But my favorite animals are lions.I think they are good-looking,they are also scary...The cuffs and hem are ribbed, which helps to keep the sweater in shape and prevents it from stretching out over time.I love the way the ...

麦盖提县13348587663: 英语方面:什么时候要用到Them?什么时候要用到They? -
布肤万舒:[答案] 简单的来说,放在句子前面用they.句子后面用them. 专业的来说: 一般句子是主谓宾句型 they是主格,them 是宾格

麦盖提县13348587663: they和them都有 他们,它们的意思,请问什么时候用they 什么时候用them -
布肤万舒: 英文与中文其中的大差别是英文有Subject(主格)与Object(宾格)之分. 可以这样的说,句子中的subject是做'动作'(take the verb)之部分,而object是接受'动作'. 例如父母是指2人,所以在英文上可以用they(subject)或them(object)来代表. 基於以上的界定 可以用以下的句子来解说英文中they及them的概念: 例句: 他们爱女儿.(爱这动作由父母做) 所以英文是 They love the daughter. (避用their,以免混淆) 如果原意改为 女儿爱他们.(他们接受爱这动作) 所以英文是 The daughter loves them.

麦盖提县13348587663: 英语方面:什么时候要用到Them?什么时候要用到They?初一英语,请大家多帮忙! -
布肤万舒:[答案] 简单的来说,放在句子前面用they. 句子后面用them. 专业的来说: 一般句子是主谓宾句型 they是主格, them 是宾格 希望帮到你

麦盖提县13348587663: them在什么时候用? -
布肤万舒: them是人称代词的宾格形式. 1、人称代词的主格作主语,宾格作动词的宾语和介词的宾语.例: The teacher asked them to stay in the classroom. 老师叫他们呆在教室里. 2、人称代词作表语时,一般用宾格,特别是在日常会话中.例: “...

麦盖提县13348587663: they与them有什么不同?怎么用? -
布肤万舒:[答案] them 是代词they(他们)的宾格,也就是在句子里当宾语用; 例如:Please show them the book.请把书给他们看. they 的意思是“他们”,在句子当主语用;例如:They give me a gift.他们给了我一件礼物.

麦盖提县13348587663: They用于句子最前面和Them用于句子中间或末尾吗? -
布肤万舒:[答案] they不一定用于句子最前面,them是they的宾格.人称代词的主格作主语,宾格作动词的宾语和介词的宾语.They have English lessons on Saturday.他们星期六上英语课.The teacher asked them to stay in the classroom.老...

麦盖提县13348587663: 英语them与they的用法 -
布肤万舒:[答案] them作宾语 I like them they做主语 They speak Chinese

麦盖提县13348587663: they 和 them 要怎么运用? -
布肤万舒: 1.they(作主语) 2.them(作宾语) 陈述句中动词后面的一般是宾语. We know them.( them 作宾语) 而动词前面的就作主语(we 作了主语)说白了,they在通常在句首,them通常在句中或句末

麦盖提县13348587663: 英语问题……英语中their they them他们各是在什么时候用?举出例子~ -
布肤万舒:[答案] their表示的是他们的, 比如their waches 他们的手表; 而they them都是他们, they 一般用于句首,them 多用在动词后,做宾语,顾名思义是宾格, They are watching TV. I like them.

麦盖提县13348587663: they什么时候变成them举两个例子 -
布肤万舒:[答案] they = 主语 (位於动词前面) them = 宾语 (位於动词后面) They go to school 他们去上学 I call them 我叫他们 在否定句里也是一样,肯定句或否定句对它们没有影响. They don't go to school 他们不去上学 I don't call them 我没有叫他们

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