
作者&投稿:冷爽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/

下面是2023年10月8日雅思口语Part2机经的内容,包括了这次考试中的关于人物,事物,事件和经历等方面的话题。2023年10月8日雅思口语Part2考题结合了以往的经典考题,并进行了详细的分类,大家可以一起来参考一下。  Person
  Describe a family (Not your own family)
  How do you know your family?
  Describe the interest of the family members
  Why do like you like spend time with the family?
  What are the benefits for the extended family live together?
  What the changes of family relationship between the people today and before in your country?
  What can young people learn from their seniors?
  Why do you respect your father?
  In your family who makes the decisions?
  Big family and small family, compare their benefits and disadvantages.
  In your country, has women's social status changed in the recent years? Why?
  What do you think the women's rights will change in the future?
  Describe a teenager
  What are the differences between teenagers and children?
  How have their lives changed in the last decade?
  Until what age do you think they can qualify for being adults?
  Until what age should they get married?
  What role does the school play in the process of students turning from teenagers to adults?
  What kind of attitude is generally shared by teenagers towards adults?
  Describe a person you admire
  Describe a teacher you would like to meet again
  Describe a successful person
  Why do you think he/she is successful?
  How to succeed in your life? Please draw on your personal experience
  Do you send books to others as gifts?
  What kind did you read when you were a child?
  Is it possible to continue part-time study while working?
  Describe a visitor to your family
  Do Chinese people have the tradition of paying a visit to your relatives or friends on a regular basis?
  What gifts do people send when visiting your friends?
  Do visitors stay in the hotel or at home?
  How to improve hotel service in general?
  Describe a friend you meet at school
  Should government provide financial assistance to the elderly people?
  Describe a person who is good at his or her job
  Is it the responsibility of universities to help students to find their ideal jobs?
  What sort of jobs suit young adults and what sort of jobs suit elderly people?
  Should an age limit be imposed on certain jobs?
  Should companies have the responsibility of providing training to young people?
  How is company training carried out?
  Describe a famous person you would like to meet.
  Describe a person you have lived before.
  Describe something that you will change in your lifestyle to keep fit and healthy?
  What will you change in your lifestyle?
  Does your change have any benefit to you?
  How is that easy or difficult for you?
  Describe something that you want to achieve and be successful with
  Describe a family event
  How do you define happiness?
  Describe a recent event that has made you happy
  Do you think money is important?
  Do you think money can give you happiness?
  Can old people get happiness?
  Describe a physical activity
  What are your favorite physical activities?
  Why do you like them?
  What kind of sports do you usually engage yourself in?
  Why do you prefer to go to the gym?
  Describe a recent change in your life
  Do old people like to change their lives?
  Do young people like changes?
  What’s your opinion towards switching jobs on a regular basis?
  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child
  Describe a conversation on the telephone that made you happy
  Describe an advertisement
  What is it advertised?
  What contains in the advertisement?
  What kind of people will interested in this advertisement?
  Explain why you think this advertisement works well?
  What kind of advertisement can you see in your country?
  Describe sth you did with a computer
  Describe a TV quiz show
  Describe a tv program you dislike
  Describe a book had in your childhood
  Describe a new story you have heard
  Describe your favorite subject in school
  Describe an interesting message you have received by email or text message
  Describe a news story that made you happy
  Describe a softdrink that you liked when you were a child
  Describe a letter that you received that made you very happy
  Describe an unforgettable walk
  Describe an equipment (except computer)
  Describe a tv program that you dislike
  Describe something that you kept with your family
  Describe a book that you read when you were a child
  Describe sth that you bought but you did not often use
  Describe a magazine
  What are the differences between magazine and newspaper and other forms of mass media such as the Internet?
  Describe a piece of interesting news you read on newspaper or TV
  How often do people in your country read newspaper?
  Which one is a popular medium for obtaining information, radio or TV?
  Do you think we should have more entertainment news in the future?
  Which one is more important, local news or international news?
  Describe a photograph
  Do you like painting or taking photographs?
  Why do some people not like taking photographs?
  What sort of pictures are considered most appealing to people?
  Describe a film
  Describe a good law
  Do you think the “one-child” policy in China is considered a good law?
  Should we tell our children stories concerning robbing the rich so as to
  help the poor people?
  Should we comply with laws?
  Describe a website you have visited that is useful to you
希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 下文《2023年5月17日雅思阅读机经》由小钟老师...

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 3月8日的雅思考试已经结束,各位前辈也分享了很多自己的考试机经供后面的考生学习,下面由小钟老师雅思频道为您提供《2023年3月8日雅思口语机经分享》,供您参阅学习,欢迎您访问小钟老师浏览...

对于准备考托福的同学来说,不知道托福准备得怎么样呢?今天就和小钟老师一起来了解一下2023年4月15日的雅思听力机经。1. Conversation 1 话题分类:学生与生物学教授之间的对话 内容回忆:教授对学生的研究论文表示赞赏,并提出了一些修改意见。学生撰写的论文主题是共生关系,举例说明了蚂蚁与某种特定植物...

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 对于准备考托福的同学来说,不知道托福准备得怎么样呢?今天就和小钟老师一起来了解一下2023年4月15日雅思听力机经。Conversat ion 1话题分类:student and Biology professor内容回忆:...

作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 机经的主要意义并不仅是押中原题,还在于直接告诉考生考题的难度和考试趋势,给考生提供更有价值的备考资源。和小钟老师一起来看看2023年5月12日雅思听力机经。Section One场景:咨询题型:...

选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 2023年5月19日的雅思考试已经过去,小钟老师整理...

在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 2023年5月24日的雅思听力考试已经结束,参加此次考试的考生们总结出一些备考机经,同学们要认真借鉴...

下文《2023年5月15日雅思口语机经》,由小钟老师为您提供,希望对您有帮助,为您方便您的使用,请您收藏本站。 雅思栏目推荐访问 雅思口语优秀范文汇总 雅思口语话题汇总 提高雅思口语的窍门及练习步骤: 窍门一:凡事尽量说好的一面在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的...

点击进入:2023年6月9日雅思口语权威预测及答案 《雅思材料:2023年6月9日雅思口语机经权威预测(含答案)》内容来源于:www.liuxue86.com 延伸阅读:雅思考试技巧汇总。听力:我准备雅思听力使用的就是剑3~剑7这20套真题,还有有再买其他的复习材料,也没有看过机经。因为雅思真题的数量非常有效,所以...

修水县17092264939: 10月8日考的雅思成绩什么时候出 -
鄂甄丽邦: 大概成绩公布时间,在结束后九、十天. 不同地区,因为时间不同,所以公布时间也不同.但相同的是:都是在结束九、十天后公布. 因为一般阅卷需要三天,还有一、二天,用于合成成绩.

修水县17092264939: 雅思考试10月8日笔试的口语可能安排在前一个周吗 -
鄂甄丽邦: 是这样子的,以我的经验来看,要看你报名的早晚,我一般都是提前一个月,一般都很早的,再考试的那个周六的前一个周,如果晚一些的话,那就考完试的后面的一个周,你回想一下自己什么时候报考的.

修水县17092264939: 雅思机考看机经有用吗? -
鄂甄丽邦: 雅思口语在雅思备考中是重要的一部分.在备考雅思口语的同学,可以借鉴一下雅思口语机经,希望大家可以学习学习. 对于备考的考生来说,除雅思机构公开发行的系列之外,考生是无法通过其他渠道获取雅思考的,此时,雅思机经是考生对...

修水县17092264939: 报了10月8日的雅思,请问口语大概会排在什么时间,我的姓是y开头的,谢谢 -
鄂甄丽邦: 是以名开头的吗?我怎么记得我是字开头的.我的字是Y开头的,排在第二天的下午,是我们教师的最后一个,但是全考场的倒数第二批吧……我是4:15考的

修水县17092264939: 今年雅思考试的时间是十月多少号
鄂甄丽邦: 每个月都有两场. 这个月的口试已经结束了. 笔试这个月在8号和十号各有一场.考一天.

修水县17092264939: 雅思听力机经有必要背吗? -
鄂甄丽邦: 同学您好:如果备考时间充足的话,可以多背一些听力机经.雅思听力机经怎么用?1. 选择权威的雅思听力机经,打印一份之后按年份装订;根据自身情况制定一份听力机经学习计划,建议以15天--20天为学习周期.避免在学习过程当中出...

修水县17092264939: 如何选择合适的雅思机经版本
鄂甄丽邦: IELTS.Keygen.for.Listening.2007.BETA2.(bbs.3gbbs.com).zip 把这个打到XUNLEI里应该可以自动下载 不行的话去这里 http://bbs.3gbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=162&ID=200466&page=1 不会在论坛下载似乎需要注册 对于目标只是5分-6.5分...

修水县17092264939: 英国留学如何备考10月份雅思阅读呢?
鄂甄丽邦: 想要出国留学的同学9月雅思考试已结束,接下来来临的就是雅思阅读考试了,那么怎样针对性的去备考雅思阅读呐?就要对九月的雅思考试的题目进行梳理,为10月份要...

修水县17092264939: 雅思机经是什么?(具体点的,基本的我知道)是每颗雅思考试都有机经的么?雅思机经多久更换一次啊?背那个就可以通过雅思? -
鄂甄丽邦: 雅思机经就是以前雅思考试以后,考过的人把他们记住的答案,试题等写出来,然后有人收集,并放到网上大家分享.不可能每科雅思都有机经的,因为这个需要许多人一起记,每个人记几道题,才能够都记下.雅思机经是不断的更新的,一年更新10次都有可能,因为雅思题目有题库,而且每年都有新题.一年中考到同样的卷子一般不可能,但是经常会有几道同样的题会碰上.一道题都不遇上的就属于点背了...想要靠背机经而及格也是不可能的.题库太广阔,每可能都背过的. 这个概率就像背去年至10年前的高考卷而希望可以通过今年高考一样.运气好的碰上一道大题,不可能更加好了.

修水县17092264939: 雅思机经 - 什么叫雅思机经啊
鄂甄丽邦: 什么是雅思机经? 机经这个词最早出现是在GRE考试的机考中,原意为机考的经验.由于GRE机考的试题重复,所以很多人*背以前考过的朋友总结的经验得了高分.我们...

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