
作者&投稿:令叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jay Chou Chieh-lun is a huge musical phenomenon in his home country of Taiwan and across China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. For those who don’t know, he is responsible for defining a new style of music called Chinese R ‘n’ B - an Asian version of American Rhythm and Blues. He has been hailed a ‘small, heavenly King’ by music critics, and the Hong Kong media love him. ‘Chou is definitely setting musical trends,’ declared the Ming Pao Weekly. At just twenty-four years of age, Chou’s achievements have been incredible. His first three albums sold millions. In 2003, he was voted Favourite Artist (Taiwan) at MTV’s Asian Music Awards. The same year, he also performed in Las Vegas before an audience of 10,000 people. His image is now being used in all sorts of advertisements for major companies, including Pepsi and PCCW. However, the road to success has been long and hard for Chou. As a boy, no one ever thought he would be famous. He was always painfully shy at high school. ‘I thought he was dumb,’ says his former teacher, Ellen Hsu, who assumed he had a learning disability. Chou didn’t bother to study hard and often avoided school, but he played the piano constantly. ‘Chou was sensitive to music before he could walk,’ remembers his mother, Yeh Hui-meh. Chou’s lucky break came after playing the piano on the Taiwanese TV show, Super New Talent King. ‘I really wasn’t impressed,’ says celebrity host, Jacky Wu. ‘He was so shy, so quiet. I thought he was retarded.’ The friend singing with him was ‘lousy’ too. Yet when Wu looked at the musical score, he was amazed. ‘It was complex and very well done,’ he says. Wu employed Chou as the resident composer at his Alfa Music studio in Taipei. For two years, Chou seldom left the seventh floor apartment. He spent all his time learning to write songs for other music acts, fuelled by fried chicken and noodles. During this time, Chou wrote hit songs for the likes of PowerStation and Valen Hsu. Then, in 2000, the new manager of Alfa Music decided to launch Chou as a singer in his own fight. His debut album, Jay, was an overnight success. At first, Wu was doubtful of the decision to turn Jay into a pop star. ‘I didn’t think Chou could make it as an entertainer, because he’s not so handsome,’ he says. With his long, thin nose and weak chin, Chou looks unlike the handsome boy wonders in the Asian music industry. However, although these other stars may be good-looking, most of them have little musical talent compared with Chou. This is something that the singer is aware of. ‘Even when my female fans approach me, they don’t tell me that I’m handsome. They tell me they like my music,’ says Chou. ‘It’s my music that has charmed them.’ Quite simply, Chou’s music makes him stand right out from the pack. Critics praise his songs as original and heartfelt. ‘It is my magic,’ says Chou. He believes that music should always be changing. Like a sponge, he absorbs different styles, experimenting with Western and Eastern melodies and instruments. As a result, Chou has become an inspiration for many other artists in Asia. Now Mandarin rappers like Chou are springing up everywhere. Despite his success, Chou has kept his feet firmly on the ground. He is most comfortable in jeans and a sweatshirt, and prefers living in his family home to any luxury downtown apartment. He is still shy and feels uncomfortable with his heartthrob role. He has even grown his fringe over his eyes, so that he cannot see his army of fans staring at him.


Hello everybody.I’m very glad to be here to make the presentation today and I believe most of you have already guessed the topic of my presentation.Yes, it's Jay Chou.
As you all know,Jay is my favourite singer.He has been famous since he released his first album in 2000,and I was deeply attracted by his catching music when I heard his ,The style of his music is various,and the "Chinese style" he created enjoys a high reputation in the world.He also sets a good example for us fans.He has written many songs conveying positive energy to the society.Then I will show you one of his new song,which encourages us to realise our dream——

上次应该回答过你……你给的还是太简单了点 让你写个中文稿就是怕写的不合适 你好像才初一……这个是不是有点难 T T

Jay Chou is a Chinese Taiwan mandarin pop singer, famous musicians, music creators, composer, lyrics, producer, jewell music company boss, one director. In recent years dabbling in the film industry. Jay Chou is 2000 years Asian pop the most revolutionary and indexes of creation, "Asian pop singer lalitasana," said. He break through original Asian music theme, form, the integration of multiple music material, create various songs style, especially in the fusion of western eastern hip hop or r&b, is the most famous Chinese pop music pioneered the prophet of "Chinese wind". Jay Chou's in breaking Asian pop perennial stagnant situation, for the Asian pop turns over a new page!

Jay Chou 2009, infiltrate into international Hollywood films, start filming QingFengXia > CNN totted up 25 Asia's most influential people with "particularly artists, CNN" (entertainer extraordinaire) call jay!
The famous American movie website. "screencrave" selection out of the top 10 most worth expecting rookie actor. Will QingFengXia "with The overseas forays jay, become The western media in eyes of potential shares" famous American Business magazine Fast pig magazine bazaar project "The Most Creative 100 People" (The 100 People in a friend) will Creative, he and are publ.geol.surv.kwangtung Gaga, jay - z become "only three" into The list singer and I was The only Asian artist. 2010 July 7th in Peking University undergraduate course graduation ceremony held at the headmaster ZhouJiFeng quoted jay's "a thousand miles away" lyrics express themselves to the "bird's nest generation" of graduates want to stay. 2010 shortlisted exemption nets cup "Chinese literary network award (China network represents the highest honor) best singer candidate.

2010 to promote Taiwan city beauty of song "long time no see" won third download music global mobile phone after are Lady GAGA and Michael Jackson.

亲~~ 你好 ! 伦宝的生日是 1979年1月18日!不是1970年的哦~~
今天我要向大家介绍我的偶像 周杰伦 周杰伦1979年1月18日出生于台湾省 在他小的时候,父母离异,从此他就跟随母亲和外婆生活,因此他与母亲、外婆的关系很好,成名后曾以母亲的名字命名自己的新专辑。他的爱好很广泛,如打篮球,弹钢琴,弹吉他等。周杰伦对自己的要求很高,每件事都追求完美,他有很多身份,如歌手、演员等。作为歌手,周杰伦给我们带来了很多好听的歌曲,如:晴天 外婆等等。我很喜欢听他的歌,也很佩服他的才华 。


Today, I want to introduce my idol jay Chou January 1979 was born in Taiwan in 18 when he was a young boy, his parents divorced, he followed his mother and grandmother lives, so he and his mother and grandmother has a very good relationship with her mother, fame after the name of his new album. His hobby is widespread, such as basketball, piano, guitar, etc. Jay Chou to own request high, everything in pursuit of perfect. He has a lot of identity, such as singer, actress, etc. As a singer, jay brings us a lot of good songs, such as: sunny grandmother, etc. I enjoy listening to his songs, also admired his talent.

(有不对我地方请亲原谅下~ )

Today I want to introduce my idle Jay Chou to you . Jay was born in Taiwan province in 1970.His parents divorced when he was young and he lived with his mother and grandmother since then ,which leads to his good relationship with his mother and grandmother.He named his album after his mother's name after he became famous.He has many hobbies,such as playing basketball,playing the piano and playing the guitar.Jay has exact demands on himself and pursues perfect for everything.He has a lot of identities,such as a singer,an actor and so on.As a singer ,Jay brought us lots of pleasant songs, like Fine day,My grandmother .I like listening to his music very much and admire his talent.

Today I would like to introduce my idol Jay Chou was born in Taiwan in 1970, he was young, her parents divorced, since he followed his mother and grandmother live, so he and his mother, and grandmother of a very good relationship, fame Zengyi mother named her new album. His hobby is very broad, such as playing basketball, playing the piano, playing the guitar. Jay demanding their own, striving for perfection in everything, he has a lot of identity, such as singers, actors. As a singer, Jay Chou gives us a lot of good songs, such as: sunny grandmother and so on. I like to listen to his songs, but also admired his talent


The concert of Chou JAY(一个关于周杰伦的演唱会,强调这个演唱会是关于周杰伦的,是周的性质的,这里“个人”可以不用专门翻译出来,当然加上也可以。应该是“独一无二”,不过哨显牵强。)值得注意的是The concert of CHOU JAY’s意思是周杰伦的演唱会,这里不强调所属关系故不加’S 谢谢给个佳 ...

a story about Jay Chou

蒲公英的约定 Dandelion's Promise 小学篱芭旁的蒲公英 Dandelions beside the school fence 是记忆里有味道的风景 Lie in the diary giving off tasty sense 午睡操场传来蝉的声音 Cicada's song flowed into my napping ear 多少年后也还是很好听 Still remaining pleasure year after year 将愿望折纸...

你的嘴角 微微上e翘 性感的无o可救药 想像不z到 如此心8跳 你的一f切3都想要 软性的饮料 上c升5的气7泡 我将对你的喜好 一m瓶装全喝掉 这里最不d缺就是热闹 你煽情给拥抱 烛火6在燃烧 有某种情调 眼神失焦了r几p秒 关于t你的舞蹈 你慵懒的扭动著腰 受不q了d 你随风5飘扬的笑 有...

Magic 魔术先生 06.Jay Chou - So Good That Happiness 说好的幸福呢 07.Jay Chou - Lan Ting Xu 兰亭序 08.Jay Chou - Wander Poet 流浪诗人 09.Jay Chou - Time Machine 时光机 10.Jay Chou - Uncle Joker 乔克叔叔 11.Jay Chou - Rice Aroma 稻香 魔杰座 最新专辑 官方英语翻译!

周杰伦 甜甜的 歌词翻译成英文~~
专辑Album:《我很忙》(I'm So Busy)歌手Singer:周杰伦(Jay Chou)曲目Title:甜甜的(Sweety)编辑Editor:genius198665 我轻轻的尝一口你说的爱我I have a little taste of what you said I love 还在回味你给过的温柔Aftertaste you still have to tender 我轻轻的尝一口这香浓的诱惑I have a...

The string broken, no matter how even the 断了的弦再怎么连 I have the feeling you can not hear 我的感觉你已听不见 As you change the string broken 你的转变像断掉的弦 Then no matter how the sound is not right to do 再怎么接音都不对 Can you tell me the changes 你的改变...

他喜欢爱听音乐、善良、孝顺的女孩,喜欢长发的温柔女孩。稀奇古怪是他的爱好,通常他喜欢去一些没有人的地方,东跑西跑,他去加拿大,喜欢去旧货市场,是卖一些古董,这样可以刺激自己写歌的想法。He likes to hear music, kind, dutiful girl, gentle girl like long hair.Strange is his hobby, he...

曲周杰伦歌词提供再兴 怎么了你累了 说好的幸福呢 我懂了不说了 爱淡了梦远了 我都还记得 为什么幸福时忍心离去☆ That the well-being of this good Messy with the painting you At this moment Reminds me of the fountain next to the pigeon Sweet scattered the Nameless emotional pull I ...

Rain all night, my love overflows just like rainwater. Leaves the courtyard, with a thick pile of my thoughts 支持杰伦,就是不给分也要帮你翻译

南票区17247877226: 关于周杰伦的英语演讲稿.(有材料·串一下就行) -
苏婷六君: JayBirthday: January 18, 1979Sideline: the host (Mr.J channels), owner, director, actor, producerFirst song: cute woman (Lovely Lady); published on November 6, 2000First album: published in 2000The first director of the film: The Secret --- ...

南票区17247877226: 急需一篇关于周杰伦的英语文章!介绍周杰伦的故事,在3分钟左右!!急!!题目为My super idol -
苏婷六君: Jay Chou's work office only 1 Square meter when he has begun to work.But he didn't complain about it.He still wrote songs.Before that,he had ever been waiter and postman.He worked hard,and he made it at last.I love him more than to love myself. ...

南票区17247877226: 在线等,关于周杰伦的英语演讲稿 -
苏婷六君: Jay Chou was born onJanuary 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quite and shy kid. He didn't do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life. As a small child, Jay took a great interest in ...

南票区17247877226: 跪求关于周杰伦的英语小短文 -
苏婷六君: I'm one of Jay's fans.I really enjoy his R&B music.And his birthday is 18th Jan.. He likes playing basketball.In fact, I like it,too.He is medium high--he is 173cm and he is 60kg.It's good for him to play basketball well,so he good at playing basketball.He...

南票区17247877226: 急需一篇有关“周杰伦”的英语演讲稿~!要3 - 5分钟~!高一文化水平~!每段之后要汉语翻译.高悬赏分
苏婷六君: JAY is very good!

南票区17247877226: 求关于周杰伦的英语短文.
苏婷六君: Jay Chou Chieh-lun is a huge musical phenomenon in his home country of Taiwan and across China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. For those who don't know, he is responsible for defining a new style of music called Chinese R 'n' B ...

南票区17247877226: 谁能帮我写一篇关于周杰伦的英语小文?
苏婷六君: Jay Chou (Zhou Jie Lun) was born in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. At the tender age of three, he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom, Jay practiced piano diligently and eventually developed a love for the instrument and ...

南票区17247877226: 关于周杰伦英语演讲〈初一〉 -
苏婷六君: 我这里有一本英语演讲书里正好有一篇讲周杰伦的,还有声音的哦. 书是CE的"优游人间",新华书店可以买~~ 文叫:Jay Chou--Small King of R&B He may still be young,but look out world,he may surprise you! If you ask around,many would say ...

南票区17247877226: 以The person I admire most为题,求一篇写周杰伦的英语作文,60词左右 -
苏婷六君: 应该是我觉得是 The person I admire the most,因为是最羡慕的.你可以以周杰伦的才华,例如他不光会唱歌,而且还是个导演等来入手写一些关于他的经历和他独一无二的唱法,其在整个亚洲的影响力等.因为要求字数不是很多,60个字.把我所说的和例举的这些翻译成英文就可以了

南票区17247877226: 喜欢周杰伦的英语高手请进求1篇描写周杰伦的短文,字数严格的控制,最多120! -
苏婷六君:[答案] DO you know JAY CHOU(英文就要这么念他的名字).He is my favorite singer.He is of mediume height and has short black hair.I think he is very very cool! So I love him! He sings very well!Most studen...

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