
作者&投稿:权妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)














And she stops and tries to dig a well in the sand with her toe. (exaggeration)----P58, L4。

I feel my whole face warming from the heat waves it throws out .(exaggeration)。

After I tripped over it two or three times he told me to just call him Hakim-a-barber.(metaphor)-------P60,L4。

“Maggie’e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333262383637s brain is like an elephant’s”.Wangero said ,laughing .(ironic)—P62, L4。

扶沟县17721285515: everyday use for your grandmama说的是什么故事 -
刀尤加味:[答案] Everyday Use指日用品、日常用品 grandmama外祖母、奶奶 这句活是说为奶奶/外祖母准备的日用品

扶沟县17721285515: everyday use for your grandmama 译文 -
刀尤加味: 祖母的家当 Alice Walken 的文章

扶沟县17721285515: Everyday Use for your grandmama的分析 -
刀尤加味: On the Conflict of the Short Story“Everyday use for your grandmama” is a story about an Africa-American family's daily life and their spiritual world, reflecting their embarrassed condition and cultural plight.There are three primary characters in ...

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刀尤加味: 学语法,只要遵循其中的一些应变规律,做个学习英语的有心人,把复杂多变的初中英语语法逐渐变的简单化,并且要再学习过程中掌握一些属于自己的技巧搭配,下面介绍下初中英语语法的一些小规律; ...

扶沟县17721285515: 怎么写英语值日报告?
刀尤加味: hello,everyone. today,I am on duty,it's sunny and everyone is here .I want to tell you something about inventions. We study everyday,.when we study at night,we need use light .everybody knows that the light was invented by Edison.but do you know ...

扶沟县17721285515: 歌舞青春第二部最后男女主人公唱的歌什么名? -
刀尤加味: 歌曲everyday(每一天)出现在歌舞青春2(High school musical 2)片尾的音乐会上,由Troy(Zac Efron饰)和Gabriella(Vanessa Hudgens饰)所演唱,使电影达到了高潮.是《Everyday》 歌词: once in a lifetime means there's no second chance...

扶沟县17721285515: 英语值日报告 -
刀尤加味: hello,everyone. today,I am on duty.I want to tell you something about inventions. We study everyday,.when we study at night,we need use light .everybody knows that the light was invented by Edison.but do you know when was it invented?It was ...

扶沟县17721285515: 有没有什么适合朗诵的英文小诗? -
刀尤加味: 推荐这首,后面有中文意思:)~ There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty Spring,when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span:he has his Summer,when luxuriously Spring's honeyed cud of youthful thought he loves to ...

扶沟县17721285515: 初一英语单项选择题上册的60个 答案也要 各位大哥大姐帮帮忙 急急急急急急 -
刀尤加味: A卷1.What ______the women _______over there?A is , do B are ,doing C is , doing D. are do( )2.--Are you playing basketb...

扶沟县17721285515: ( ) you( )tomorow afternoon? -
刀尤加味: (Are) you (free) tomorrow afternoon?(Will) you (come) tomorrow afternoon?…… 很多填法

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