
作者&投稿:刀柳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Today,I'm planning to do some exercises on my summer vacation in order to make me stronger.If you ask what the summer vacation in my dream is ,I'll tell you traveling around the world is the only one dream I have.I'm interested in traveling,because I can meet lots of different people and can do some sightseeing in the places of interest all over the world.How interesting it is!I hope I can have two summer vacations in a year.


  Summer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon .


  This winter vacation I was enjoy myself very much .Although I have a lot of homework to do but I always play basketball with my friends after finished my homework .I was happy in spring festival because my mother took me to many interested places and I saw many things which I never seen before .I also visited my grandparents and went to the park to see some beautiful flowers .

  This winter vacation I really happy.

我的假期生活优秀作文1 转眼间,寒假已经接近尾声了,过年的气氛也渐渐的上去,迎来的将是忙碌的学习生活。在这个假期里我过得很充实,我们是元月9号放的假,开学的时间是2月28号,可我读外班的学校放的晚,开得早,真正我休息的时间还不到一个月,27天才是我的假期。别看我的假期生活很短暂,...

我的假期生活优秀作文1 难得的假期生活,我的假期我作主,我要好好安排。这是段考后的第一个假期,我要好好放松放松。对,和同学一起去看电影是个不错的选择,就这么沐浴着阳光和同学在街上逛来逛去,终于去看电影了。我们要看的是《同桌的你》,惊喜的是我可爱的同桌,孙慧标也来了,这气氛...

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我的假期生活作文500字篇1:我的假期生活 暑假是每个学生都向往的一个时段,是每个学生所特有的权利。不用面对堆积如上的作业;不用考虑考试成绩不如意该如何编造善意的谎言;不用起早贪黑;不用穿着OUT了的校服……当你真正体验到暑假生活的时候你会发现,你无所事事。你只会像只猪一样...

我的假期生活作文 篇1 夜已深了,风吹过来是一阵阵清凉,是很舒服的感觉。我走到院子里,听见很清脆的蝉鸣声。我抬头看着深蓝的天空,风吹散着过往的云烟,星星点缀着深夜的夜空。夜深人静了,一切在睡梦中度过劳累的昨天,继续着更美好的明天做准备。 清早醒来,走到小院里只见眼前白茫茫一片,原来那是雾,雾把山给...

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越莎养血: my winter vacationThis winter vacation I was enjoy myself very much .Although I have a lot of homework to do but I always play basketball with my friends after finished my homework .I was happy in spring festival because my mother took me to ...

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